Bagikan melalui

Differences between MCF in MOM 2005 and SCOM 2007

I wanted to go through and outline some of the changes we made for MCF since our last release. The things I really wanted to accomplish in redesigning MCF was to make it more integrated with SCOM 2007 than it was in MOM 2005, to make necessary performance improvements and maintain at least the same level of functionality as we had before, while keeping with the model-based approach of SCOM 2007.

Integration with SCOM 2007

With the significant changes that took place between these releases, we had an opportunity to integrate MCF more closely with the product than it was before. The first step here, was getting rid of resolution state as the mechanism to mark alerts for forwarding. Instead, the alert object has a special nullable field (ConnectorId) that represents the identifier of the connector that currently "owns" this alert.

There are a few ways to mark alerts for forwarding. In the UI, you can right-click on an alert and there will be a fly-out menu with available connectors so you can explicitly mark an alert for forwarding. Programmatically, the ConnectorId field on a MonitoringAlert object is settable and once set can be applied by calling the Update() method on the alert. Lastly, we have introduced a concept of connector subscriptions that are exposed via the UI and programmatically (MonitoringConnectorSubscription) that allow users to "subscribe" to a particular set of alerts by using criteria that should be marked for a particular connector.

Another aspect of more tight-knit integration is the fact that 100% of MCF functionality is available via the managed SDK. While we still ship with a web-service (using WCF) and a proxy to communicate with it, the recommendation is to use the SDK to do MCF functionality unless you are not running on windows; this provides a richer object model and a better programming experience. The namespace in the SDK that servers MCF functionality is Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework and the main object the provides the root of much of the functionality is ConnectorFrameworkAdministration which can be retrieved off a ManagementGroup object via GetConnectorFrameworkAdministration().

The last aspect of integration is the fact that a connector is modeled in SCOM 2007. While we aren't planning on shipping anything that provides health information for a connector out of the box (time constraints), there is an ability for customers and partners who write connectors to develop a health model for their connector. In a nutshell, creating a connector creates a new instance of Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector. In order to develop a health model around a new connector, a user should extend this class with their own and develop a health model targeted at the new class. Once this is complete, the built-in setup process will need to be augmented by the connector author to discover their connector as an instance of their new class. Assuming the model is developed and working correctly, the connector object will now have state like anything else SCOM is managing.

Performance Improvements

In 2005 we have many performance issues at scale due to the fact that a lot of data is copied from place to place. In the MOM to MOM Connector scenario in particular, we physically moved alerts from bottom tiers to the top tier, replicating the data and keeping it in sync.

The first change for performance was with respect to tiering. We no longer copy alerts from bottom tiers to the top tier, but instead make available alerts from multiple tiers on the top tier. A SCOM administrator can setup tiers in the UI and make them available to connectors. Once available, MCF provides special "tiered" versions of various methods that aggregate data across these tiers the administrator setup. For instance, calling GetMonitoringAlertsForTiers() will loop through all available tiers and aggregate the results, returning alerts from each. The recommended approach for tiering, however, is to manage the calls to each tier from within the connector code itself as this allows more robustness in terms of error handling and allows for parallel processing for multiple tiers. There is much more to talk about with respect to tiering and how to accomplish this, but it is not in the scope of this article. If there is interest, I will put together a more detailed post on tiering.

The next improvement for performance has to do with how we process alerts and alert changes. In MOM 2005, we distinguished between "New" and "Updated" alerts and actually kept a cached copy of each change to an alert in a pending list for each connector. If an alert changed 3 times, we would have three independently acknowledgeable changes and three copies of the alert in the cache. This caused performance problems when dealing with large scale deployments. In order to remedy this problem, in SCOM we manage alerts for connectors in place. The alerts in the alert table have a timestamp associated with non-connector related changes (so you don't get an update to an alert you changed as a connector) and that timestamp is checked against the current bookmark of a connector when retrieving alerts. Acknowledging data is now a function of moving a connectors bookmark. In other words, when a connector retrieves 10 alerts, when they are done processing these alerts, they should acknowledge receipt and processing by calling AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts() with the maximum time of the alerts in the batch that was retrieved. This will ensure no data is lost.

Important Note: - Since SQL datetime is not particularly granular, it is possible that two alerts with the same datetime timestamp get split between two SELECT calls. Even worse, when acknowledging across tiers, the system times on the machines will not be the same which might cause data loss by acknowledging with a time from one alert on one tier to another tier that has a time slightly in the past. In order to remedy this we actually have a built-in "delay" when retrieving alerts so that we don't get the newest alert but instead get alerts older than 30 seconds. This actually causes some "weird" behavior in that if you mark an alert for forwarding and immediately call GetMonitoringAlerts() you won't get anything, even though the alert is marked. This value is configurable in the database. This query should do it, pending any changes to the property name at RTM: (The SettingValue is the number of seconds of "buffer" you want in GetMonitoringAlerts calls. It needs to be at least 1)

UPDATE GlobalSettings SET SettingValue = 1 WHERE ManagedTypePropertyId in
(SELECT ManagedTypePropertyId FROM ManagedTypeProperty WHERE ManagedTypePropertyName = 'TierTimeDifferenceThreshold')

Other Random Things

  1. We no longer support discovery data insertion via the web-service. This can be done as described in my earlier post.
  2. We support batching (and in fact enforce it with a maximum size of 1000), however the batch size is an "approximation" as ties in the alert timestamp might require more than the requested number of alerts to be returned. Also, batch size for tiered methods is the total across all tiers, not per tier.
  3. The MonitoringConnector object in the SDK has an Initialized property and a Bookmark property available for reading. The web-service has GetConnectorState() and GetConnectorBookmark() for the same purpose.
  4. Alert insertion is not supported. Please see this post and this one.
  5. Alert history retrieval is not done as part of the alert retrieval. Via the SDK there is a GetMonitoringAlertHistory() method on the alert. Via the web-service we have GetMonitoringAlertHistoryByAlertIds() for the same purpose.
  6. We added a way to generically get alerts via the web-service: GetMonitoringAlertsByIds(). This is available in the SDK in a variety of methods.
  7. When updating alerts via the web-service, the connector is implicit. When updating alerts via the SDK on behalf of a connector, it is important to use the overload that accepts a MonitoringConnector object to indicate it is the connector that is changing the alert.


  • Anonymous
    November 26, 2006
    Hi. Can you tell us more about the connector you were talking about? BTW - Nice blog!

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2006
    Which connector?

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2006
    This connector: Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector. You wrote: "there is an ability for customers and partners who write connectors to develop a health model for their connector" I want to make an integration between MOM and another third party application, should i use the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector class for that purpose?

  • Anonymous
    November 27, 2006
    This is simply the class that we instantiate when you call Setup. If you want a health model, you will need to derive from this class and develop a health model against your new class. When you call setup, we will instantiate a Microsoft.SystemCenter.Connector instance at which time you will need to use the discovery data API to discovery this same instance as your class as well. You can look at my previous post on discovery data insertion to help explain that process. In terms of making a connector, the health model is not required. If you called Setup on ConnectorFrameworkAdministration, we already create everything in SCOM you need; the next step will be to actually write the connector.

  • Anonymous
    November 29, 2006
    OK, thanks. I would like to test the OMCF Webervice where can i get it?

  • Anonymous
    November 30, 2006
    It is hosted within the SDK service. The default address of the service is http://<SDK Server>:51905/ConnectorFramework The binding, address and other settings are configurable via the Microsoft.Mom.Sdk.ServiceHost.exe.config file in the same directory as the service. This service is a Windows Communication Foundation (Indigo) service. We ship a user-friendly proxy in the SDK client dll in the Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework namespace. The proxy class is called ConnectorFrameworkProxy.

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2006
    OK thanks. I have another question. I want to create from the SDK a new custom alert. I know how to insert a new custom event, but how can i insert a new custom alert?

  • Anonymous
    December 03, 2006
    Inserting alerts directly is not supported in SCOM 2007. Please see my other post on creating alerts from inserted events.

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    I have read your previous posts and tried to insert an alert with the InsertCustomMonitoringPerfomanceData function but i can't see any alert in SCOM 2007... This is my function: private void DriveSystemConnectorLibraryTestManagementPack()        {            // Connect to the sdk service on the local machine            MonitoringClass computerClass = mg.GetMonitoringClass(SystemMonitoringClass.Agent);            // Use the class to retrieve partial monitoring objects            ReadOnlyCollection<PartialMonitoringObject> computerObjects =                mg.GetPartialMonitoringObjects(computerClass);            // Loop through each computer            foreach (PartialMonitoringObject computer in computerObjects)            {                CustomMonitoringPerformanceData perfData =                    new CustomMonitoringPerformanceData("Processor", "% Processor Time", 40);                // Allows you to set the instance name of the item.                perfData.InstanceName = computer.DisplayName;                // Allows you to specify a time that data was sampled.                perfData.TimeSampled = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1);                computer.InsertCustomMonitoringPerformanceData(perfData);            }

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    This is my ManagementPack:  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>

  • <ManagementPack ContentReadable="false" RevisionId="2afe9dcc-a3b0-430c-b940-84632d990190">
  • <Manifest>
  • <Identity>  <ID>shanik</ID>  <Version></Version>  </Identity>  <Name>shanik</Name>
  • <References>
  • <Reference Alias="MicrosoftWindowsLibrary6046550">  <ID>Microsoft.Windows.Library</ID>  <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version>  <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>  </Reference>
  • <Reference Alias="Performance">  <ID>System.Performance.Library</ID>  <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version>  <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>  </Reference>
  • <Reference Alias="MicrosoftSystemCenterInstanceGroupLibrary6046550">  <ID>Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup.Library</ID>  <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version>  <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>  </Reference>
  • <Reference Alias="System">  <ID>System.Library</ID>  <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version>  <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>  </Reference>
  • <Reference Alias="SystemCenter">  <ID>Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library</ID>  <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version>  <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>  </Reference>
  • <Reference Alias="Health">  <ID>System.Health.Library</ID>  <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version>  <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>  </Reference>  </References>  </Manifest>
  • <TypeDefinitions>
  • <EntityTypes>
  • <ClassTypes>  <ClassType ID="UINameSpace968ade72e9394363832c283a5ebf9d9b.Group" Accessibility="Public" Abstract="false" Base="MicrosoftSystemCenterInstanceGroupLibrary6046550!Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroup" Hosted="false" Singleton="true" />  </ClassTypes>  </EntityTypes>  </TypeDefinitions>
  • <Monitoring>
  • <Discoveries>
  • <Discovery ID="UINameSpace968ade72e9394363832c283a5ebf9d9b.Group.DiscoveryRule" Enabled="true" Target="UINameSpace968ade72e9394363832c283a5ebf9d9b.Group" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal">  <Category>Discovery</Category>
  • <DiscoveryTypes>  <DiscoveryRelationship TypeID="MicrosoftSystemCenterInstanceGroupLibrary6046550!Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroupContainsEntities" />  </DiscoveryTypes>
  • <DataSource ID="GroupPopulationDataSource" TypeID="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.GroupPopulator">  <RuleId>$MPElement$</RuleId>  <GroupInstanceId>$MPElement[Name="UINameSpace968ade72e9394363832c283a5ebf9d9b.Group"]$</GroupInstanceId>
  • <MembershipRules>
  • <MembershipRule>  <MonitoringClass>$MPElement[Name="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent"]$</MonitoringClass>  <RelationshipClass>$MPElement[Name="MicrosoftSystemCenterInstanceGroupLibrary6046550!Microsoft.SystemCenter.InstanceGroupContainsEntities"]$</RelationshipClass>
  • <IncludeList>  <MonitoringObjectId>fc418498-36ed-7a83-2121-d86a6b20dbfd</MonitoringObjectId>  <MonitoringObjectId>f32dfd6c-c624-9e2f-318c-91c739b87bf8</MonitoringObjectId>  </IncludeList>  </MembershipRule>  </MembershipRules>  </DataSource>  </Discovery>  </Discoveries>
  • <Monitors>
  • <UnitMonitor ID="UIGeneratedMonitor1de5fc76bfc94dd290d9758ae0aa00c8" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Performance!System.Performance.ThresholdMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">  <Category>Custom</Category>
  • <AlertSettings AlertMessage="UIGeneratedMonitor1de5fc76bfc94dd290d9758ae0aa00c8_AlertMessageResourceID">  <AlertOnState>Error</AlertOnState>  <AutoResolve>true</AutoResolve>  <AlertPriority>Normal</AlertPriority>  <AlertSeverity>Error</AlertSeverity>  </AlertSettings>
  • <OperationalStates>  <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateIde9161751f17b4b7898574e947740f3d3" MonitorTypeStateID="UnderThreshold" HealthState="Success" />  <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateId248db74fc00e48ae9801a45a3698f829" MonitorTypeStateID="OverThreshold" HealthState="Error" />  </OperationalStates>
  • <Configuration>  <ComputerName>$Target/Host/Property[Type="MicrosoftWindowsLibrary6046550!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/NetworkName$</ComputerName>  <CounterName>% Free Space</CounterName>  <ObjectName>LogicalDisk</ObjectName>  <InstanceName>C:</InstanceName>  <AllInstances>false</AllInstances>  <Frequency>300</Frequency>  <Threshold>0</Threshold>  </Configuration>  </UnitMonitor>
  • <UnitMonitor ID="UIGeneratedMonitor05aa8e4c90f54b2ba619a6468d5e56eb" Accessibility="Public" Enabled="true" Target="SystemCenter!Microsoft.SystemCenter.Agent" ParentMonitorID="Health!System.Health.PerformanceState" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" TypeID="Performance!System.Performance.ThresholdMonitorType" ConfirmDelivery="false">  <Category>Custom</Category>
  • <AlertSettings AlertMessage="UIGeneratedMonitor05aa8e4c90f54b2ba619a6468d5e56eb_AlertMessageResourceID">  <AlertOnState>Error</AlertOnState>  <AutoResolve>true</AutoResolve>  <AlertPriority>Normal</AlertPriority>  <AlertSeverity>Error</AlertSeverity>  </AlertSettings>
  • <OperationalStates>  <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateIdbb0a89695ea841c5873b1fb08ac6e095" MonitorTypeStateID="UnderThreshold" HealthState="Success" />  <OperationalState ID="UIGeneratedOpStateIdd670c570eda34c1d9416a45469fd14cd" MonitorTypeStateID="OverThreshold" HealthState="Error" />  </OperationalStates>
  • <Configuration>  <ComputerName>$Target/Host/Property[Type="MicrosoftWindowsLibrary6046550!Microsoft.Windows.Computer"]/NetworkName$</ComputerName>  <CounterName>% Processor Time</CounterName>  <ObjectName>Processor</ObjectName>  <InstanceName>_Total</InstanceName>  <AllInstances>false</AllInstances>  <Frequency>900</Frequency>  <Threshold>0</Threshold>  </Configuration>  </UnitMonitor>  </Monitors>  </Monitoring>  </ManagementPack>
  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    Please see the management pack I attached to the post about inserting data via the SDK. You need to author a management pack that uses the SDK data source; this management pack does not and is looking for data from the perfomance log.

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    I Tried to import your management pack but i got an error that i have to import 3 more mp's but when i try to import it i keep getting error messages.... Can u show me how can i define all what i need with the GUI?

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    You can't define what you need with the UI. It is a more advanced scenario that is not supported by the UI directly. The MP I have up there just a bit old and needs to be updated. The Version and PublicKeyToken of each MP in the References section needs to be replaced with whatever version you have imported. So in your case, they should be replaced with: <Version>6.0.4655.0</Version> <PublicKeyToken>31bf3856ad364e35</PublicKeyToken>

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    Ok It work :) thanks!!! InsertCustomMonitoringPerformanceData only to raise events. I have some more questions:

  1. I want to use the InsertCustomMonitoringPerformanceData function to raise my events. How can I make warning alerts and error alerts? (depending on the value)?
  2. When I see my alert the path (agent name) is empty.... what am i doing wrong?
  3. Is this management pack good for everyday use? or it is good just for the learning?
  4. How did you create this management pack? I guess you did it through the SDK... but how? Thanks a lot!! BogN
  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
  1. The write actions I used in my MP are configurable to set different level alerts, but you will need different rules for each alert level you want.
  2. Nothing. The alerts are about a computer that has no path.
  3. I take no responsibility for this management pack, but you are free to use it any way you like :-)
  4. I created it by hand in Visual Studio.
  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    About my first question: Do you mean that i need to copy this node:Rule Rule ID="System.Connectors.Test.AlertOnThreshold" and give each value the right sevirity? If i'm wrong can you give me an example?

  • Anonymous
    December 04, 2006
    Yes, and set the priority and severity accordingly.

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006

  1. This should work: http://localhost:51908/default.aspx?DisplayMode=Pivot&AlertID=<Guid Alert Id>
  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    Many many thanks :)!

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    About the url you gave me. Are you sure this is the port ? I guess the port is 51905. But it still not available. 1)When you will release the final version of SCOM 2007 you will change the SDK with new features? 2)I mean like add a property to MonitorAlert that will give me the URL to the web console?

  1. In the final release there will be a Management Pack that will be "listening" to the SDK performace data? (Like the mp you uploaded in your previous post?)
  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    Hi another question: I want to change my alert Source field... How is it possible? My MonitoringObject class has no such property.

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 05, 2006
    Last but not least :) When I'm inserting my new alert using InsertCustomPermormanceData() How can I set the Custom1-10 fields of the created alert? In other words, how can I get the new alert ID the was just created using the InsertCustomPerformanceData function?

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 06, 2006
    Hi Jakub, Do you want to keep correspond here? Or do you prefer us to correspond in email?

  1. Do you know how to configure the web console to view my alerts?
  2. About the source alert field, I didn't explained myself correctly. I want that when my new alert is created (By the InsertCustomPerformaceData) the source field will be "BogN" for example. Is there a way for doing that?
  3. About my question for inserting data to the custom fields when a new alert is created: Is it possible to insert dynamic data to the custom fields when a new alert is created (All my question is about creating new alerts with the InsertCustomPerformanceData function). Is so can you give me an example of a rule that does it?
  4. Do you have documentation of how to query through custom fields? I would like to have it
  5. I have a general question: I want to insert alerts coming from an external monitoring tool. I will do it with the management pack you gave us using the InsertCustomPerformanceData function. In that way I will be able to create alerts in SCOM 2007. So far so good…  I saw that there is a class called "MonitoringConnector" and it has a method called GetMonitoringAlerts(), this should return me all the alerts that has been created after the timestamp in the bookmark property, am I right? And when I'm done handling my new alerts, I should use the AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts to change the timestamp in the bookmark. Am I right? I'm asking it because no matter what my GetMonitoringAlerts of the MonitoringConnecter instance is always empty. And when I use the GetMonitoringAlerts of the ManagementGroup instance I get all my alerts… Maybe I'm doing something wrong with the MonitoringConnector class? Thanks for all you help!!! BogN
  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
    Hi, me again :) About question 5. I solved the problem. I've inserted a new Subscription to my connector and it works!!! =) But i want to be able to create a new connector with a subscription by code if it doesn't yet. I know how to create a new connector, but i has problems in inserting a new subscription. There is no documentation about it at all... Do you have some documentation about inserting a new subscription? Where the connector are saved? In my management pack?  

  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
    Hi... I forgot to ask you. In Mom 2005 i had a property for the Alert class called ruleID, where is this property in SCOM 2007?

  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
    Well - if we do it here and others have the same questions, at least they might be answered that way.

  1. Unfortunately I don't know much about the web console; you might try the beta newsgroups for that.
  2. The source field is a function of what monitoring object the alert is about. In the rule, when you set the id of the managed entity either explicitly or implicitely to the target of the rule, the alert will be about that instance, and the name shown in the UI will be the display name of that instance. Does this make sense? The field is not a string in the alert and is not settable in this fashion.
  3. Yes, you can. You can reference data from the data item for instance. Take a look at the System.Connectors.Test.AlertOnEventForComputer in the sample MP I have posted. You can reference the incoming data like this: $Data/<PropertyName>$.
  4. Use MonitoringAlertCriteria and the string would look something like this "CustomField1 = 'Test'".
  5. Yeah, documentation is lacking here. The trick is to get the criteria right. The easiest way to do this is via the UI. Programmatically, you would have to understand the schema of the datasource. It can be found in the Microsoft.SystemCenter.Library.xml MP and it's called AlertCriteriaType. You can export the MP and look at the xsd for the criteria. If you want to see what the criteria the UI generates looks like, you can query the DB for the rule that the UI created in the Rules table, then look in the Module table for all modules about that rule. The module that is the data source, will have xml configuration of which part will be the alert criteria.
  6. MonitoringRuleId if its a rule generated alert. ProblemId is the monitor id if IsMonitorAlert is true.
  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
  1. About the source field... There is no way to create a new alert with a source that doesn't really exists? I want that all my alerts created from the SDK will have the name of the external monitoring tool... Please tell me that i will be able doing that... 2)About the inserting dynamic data to my alert. I know that i can use $Data/<PropertyName>$ but, in the CustomPerformanceData i have only 3 or 4 properties and i need them all... Is there any other way doing that? I can extend this class and add it my own custom properties? or the data will be lost?
  2. Can i change the MonitoringRuleID when i create my alert? or it isn't possible?
  3. About my last question in the previous comment (no 5)  I'll explain myself again: I want to add to the MonitoringConnector a new subscription... that's all... How can i do it via the SDk? Or another option is to save it in a new ManagementPack and then import it where necessary...
  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
    I forgot the question in my last comment.
  1. About my last question in the previous comment (no 5)  I'll explain myself again: I want to add to the MonitoringConnector a new subscription... that's all... How can i do it via the SDk? Or another option is to save it in a new ManagementPack and then import it where necessary... Is it possible to save all my connector subscription in a MP?
  • Anonymous
    December 07, 2006
  1. You can't do this in SCOM 2007. The source must be an object that exists in the system. What are you really trying to accomplish here? All the custom fields are accessible to you for storing data.
  2. I don't follow your question. Extend what class? There are only a few properties on the CustomPerformanceData object and you can persist all of them in custom fields on an alert since their are 10 of them. You could also persist them in a single custom field using some schema you define.
  3. It will be the rule id of the rule that generated it. Again, what are you trying to accomplish?
  4. Look at MonitoringConnectorSubscription in the Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework namespace. My previos answer refers to the Criteria property of the Configuration property of this class.
  • Anonymous
    December 09, 2006
    Thanks for your answers... But i still need an example to create a subscription... Can you give me a piece of code for inserting new subscription? I don't mind what will be the criteria property... I just want to see how to do it...

  • Anonymous
    December 09, 2006
    Hi, I want to connect to SCOM 2007 from another computer... How can i, connect through a remote machine? Do i need to connect to the web service?

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2006
    The API is remoted using WCF. Please see this post:

  • Anonymous
    December 10, 2006
    I have the RC1. I did steps 1 and 3. But i keep getting this exception: The type initializer for 'Bid' threw an exception. You don't have any example of creating a subscription through code...?

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2006
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2006
    Inserting a subscription (assumes you already have a ManagementGroup instance):                ConnectorFrameworkAdministration connectorFrameworkAdministration = null;                connectorFrameworkAdministration = this.managementGroup.GetConnectorFrameworkAdministration();                AlertNotChangedSubscriptionConfiguration config = new AlertNotChangedSubscriptionConfiguration(AlertSubscriptionConfigurationType.Any);                config.IdleMinutes = 37;                config.Criteria = "<SimpleExpression> <ValueExpression><Property>ResolutionState</Property></ValueExpression> <Operator>Equal</Operator> <ValueExpression><Value>255</Value></ValueExpression> </SimpleExpression>";                config.ExpirationStartTime = DateTime.Now;                config.PollingIntervalMinutes = 1;                MonitoringConnectorSubscription alertChangeSubscription = new MonitoringConnectorSubscription("ConnectorNewAlertChangeSubscription", this.connectorIdForTest, config);                alertChangeSubscription.DisplayName = "My Subscription";                alertChangeSubscription.Description = "My Subscription Description";                this.connectorFrameworkAdministration.InsertConnectorSubscription(alertChangeSubscription);

  • Anonymous
    December 11, 2006
    Thanks :) It works!!! Another question... :) I'm an using the MP you wrote to trigger my alerts. So far so good... The problem is when I want to generate an alert (using the CustomPerformanceData) on an agent that to not exists in the SCOM server... Can I generate the performance data on this "fictive" agent? Did you understand what i mean...?

  • Anonymous
    December 12, 2006
    How did you discover this agent? Can you elaborate more on what you are trying to accompish?

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2006
    Yes I can... I want to insert alerts from an external monitoring application. There is a possibility that i will insert an alert on a agent or a network device for example that don't exists in the mom server... Can i add an agent that hasn't been discovered yet using only the SDK? I want to give the SDK a name of an agent, or a network device and insert this agent network device and then make a CustomPerformanceData on the Agent / Network device...

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2006
    Take a look at my earlier post on inserting discovery data:

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2006
    Ok, I'll try it tomorrow (It's 22:00 here...) Well as you know the way for me to insert new alerts to SCOM 2007 programmically is using your MP and the InsertCustomPerformanceData. This will be seen in the HealthExplore as performace alerts... But how can I create a new alert that will impact the availability (In the health explore) of my agent for example...?

  • Anonymous
    December 13, 2006
    Please see the following two posts: Alerts don't create state changes, state changes create alerts. You need to create a monitor and place it in the monitor hierarchy somewhere under the Availability monitor to affect availablity state.

  • Anonymous
    December 16, 2006
    OK this I uderstand. (About the state...) I want to have 4 generic monitors. One for performance, one for availability , one for security and one for configuration. My question is where and how to define those monitors so I will be able to generate alerts from the SDK on each category.

  • Anonymous
    December 17, 2006
    I don't understand your question. Did you look at those posts I referenced? You need to define monitors in a management pack and make the appropriate monitor a parent of your monitor.

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2007
    .code { font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: green; } .pbody { font-family: verdana; font-size:

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2007
    Hi, Jakub Could you give me a hand, since I just start with SCOM 2007? What I am going to do is to integrate SCOM 2007 with HP Openview. We want to develop code in Java and communicate with SCOM 2007  via web seervice to collect alart and performance data from SCOM 2007  to HP Openview. So that we can have a single view in HP Openview. But there is mot much documentation on SCOM 2007 SDK. What I can find is some web page on MS MSDN site. Could you let me know what is the endpoint for the WSDL? Is SCOM 2007 SDK service compatible with Axis 2?  ( In the other word, could I develop Java code with Axis and to access data in SCOM 2007 via SDK service ) Thanks a lot for your help!

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2007
    SCOM 2007 only has one web service interface which is only for MCF (to synchronize alerts). If you want to do more than that, you need to use our managed code client-side API. More on MCF: And the endpoint by default is: http://localhost:51905/ConnectorFramework

  • Anonymous
    December 18, 2007
    Hi, Jakub Do you mean that we can not get performance data ( like MSTV performance counter) from SCOM 2007 via web service? From operations Manager 2007 SDK Architecture Overview, MCF communicates with SDK service. We do not familar with C# ( .NET ). Is there a way to use Java to get performance counter data. Our developed code is run on windows. By the way, when will the SDK doc will be ready. thanks a lot!

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2007
    Hi, Jakub Can we monitor a windows standalone system ( member of a workgroup, not belong to any domain)with SCOM 2007? I have tried, but still not suceess. What I did is manually installed agent on that system. and try connect it to a GW server. is it the right way? thanks!

  • Anonymous
    December 19, 2007
    First - no, you cannot get performance data via a web-service interface - yes, MCF comminucates with the SDK service, however, it does not expose all the funcationality thereof.. The only way to use the full functionality of the SDK is with managed code. What doc are you referring to? Second - Yes, you can monitor such a computer, but you will either need to use a gateway server, and have the agent communicate with that OR use certificate based authetication directly with a management server. This guide should help:

  • Anonymous
    December 20, 2007
    Hi Jakub: One question about MOM. There are 6 types of views in the MOM Management Pack, like Alerts,State, Events, Performance and so on. Performance counter information, for an example: Total ChangeDefaultChannelMap Category: IPTV User Store Category Description: Counters used in the User Store Web Service Type: NumberOfItems64 Summary: Number of times web method ChangeDefaultChannelMap has been called. Total GetChannelMap Category: IPTV User Store Category Description: Counters used in the User Store Web Service Type: NumberOfItems64 Summary: Number of times web method GetChannelMap has been called. Is this performance data which we can not get via a web-service interface? Thx for your time. Warm regards.

  • Anonymous
    December 22, 2007
    Correct. Only alert data is available via a web-service interface. Everything else you need to use the managed API.

  • Anonymous
    January 03, 2008
    Hi Jakub: New year new question: ManagementGroupConnectionSettings mgSettings = new ManagementGroupConnectionSettings(serverName); ReadOnlyCollection<MonitoringPerformanceData> performanceDataCollection; performanceDataCollection = managementGroup.GetMonitoringPerformanceData(); I want to get performance data by GetMonitoringPerformanceData(GUID) method.  But i donot know how can  i know the GUID of each monitor. Where can i get the GUID of each monitoring performance data?

  • Anonymous
    January 04, 2008
    You would already have to have it to begin with. The method that takes a GUID is designed for retrieval if you already have the id from somewhere else (perhaps a cache of some kind). You wouldn't be able to get the Id otherwise.

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2008
    Hi Jakub, Happy new year! As it  describe in "MSTV Troubleshooting_Reference_Performance_Counters.doc", Microsoft® TV IPTV Edition (IPTV Edition) performance counters counters are a mechanism to monitor performance of critical operations on IPTV Edition server machines. Can we get all the defined performance counters to SCOM 2007 if we deploy Management_Pack_for_IPTV_Edition in SCOM 2007? I have load the Management_Pack_for_IPTV_Edition to SCOM 2007, but I can not find these counters on operation console. Do I miss any configration in SCOM? Thanks a lot!

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2008
    I am not familiar with that management pack, but perhaps it does not include a performance counter view for the performance counters it collects? Where can I get this MP to take a look at it?

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2008
    Hi, Jackub, Acutally, I convert the MP from MOM 2005 version to SCOM 2007 XML version. It is about 9M. could I have your email and I can send it to you?  Or you can get it from your MSTV colleague. Thanks!

  • Anonymous
    January 10, 2008
    Very useful Blog. Thanks for your hard work, Jackub.  I love the team blogs.

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
    We want to develop code in Java and communicate with SCOM 2007  via web seervice to send the alart and performance data to SCOM 2007 But there is not much documentation on SCOM 2007 SDK. What I can find is some web page on MS MSDN site. can you please guide me how to proceed? give me the links if you have any thing.

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
    You can’t insert alert and performance data to SCOM via the web-service. Only retrieving and updating alerts is supported.

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
    If I was not able to pass the alerts through web services, what is inbound connecter?

  • Anonymous
    May 20, 2008
    is there any other way to post the event to SCOM?

  • Anonymous
    May 21, 2008
    Inbound connector can insert events and performance data (not alerts) as well as discovery data via the SDK. None of these features are supported as part of the web-service. The SDK is managed code, however. You can always wrap the SDK into your own web-service and call it that way if you like.

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2008
    Thank you very much for your response. We have our own management s/w, which will manages the fabrics, that was written in java. Now we are planning to send/post these fabric events/alerts/perforamcen data to microsoft MOM/SCOM server. If the SDK webservice was not usefull for us, can you give me is there any other third party connectors avaliable? As per your prvious post, we need to write a webservice and need to do the local SDK calls to post the events/alerts/performace data. Can you give me the SDK API link?

  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2008
    I am not sure any third party connectors would help here. You best (and easiest) bet would likely be calling the SDK some way from Java (not sure what support Java has for interacting with .Net); you might need to rather it in your own web-service. MSDN has documentation on the SDK itself: And the API is available only as part of the product.

  • Anonymous
    August 12, 2008
    I am developing connector , which will be used from our product to interact with SCOM2007. I am using java code to interact with SCOM through webservice. We have already developed a connector for MOM2005 , but it is bit different. Can you forward me to document how to create one for scom.I don't find wsdl file or list of service exposed . We want to push events from our product to SCOM2007 through webservice is it possible . -Ariram

  • Anonymous
    August 13, 2008
    Take a look at this post:

  • Anonymous
    July 07, 2009
    Hello I am new in SCOM. I have managed to add a connector in c# to SCOM. When I add a product connector subscription in SCOM there is a possibility to configure groups (i.e. Unix Computer Group). I have configured all. The alerts are coming in correctly (getMonitoringAlerts). Is there a possibility to retrieve the group which triggered the alert? Or is there a possibility to retrieve alerts for a certain group? I hope someboxy can help me out. Kind regards, Stefan Verheggen

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2009
    Yes, the alert is associated to a MonitoringObjectId, which is the instance that the alert is about. If you get that object, you can find which groups it's a part of by finding the appropriate relationships (which is harder) or you can get the group you are interested in as a MonitoringObject and call .GetMonitoringAlerts() on it with a TraversalDepth of Recursive.

  • Anonymous
    July 08, 2009
    Hello thank you for the reply. I saw your mail in the morning and I come up with another solution to retrieve alerts by group. I now use the following code: foreach (MonitoringObjectGroup mog in mogs) {                                         ReadOnlyCollection<MonitoringAlert> mals = mog.GetMonitoringAlerts(); where mogs is set as mg.GetRootMonitoringObjectGroups I don't get any alerts for any groups. I see all the groups that are in the subscription (except for the root group), but I don't get any errors. Root group is selected in the subscription. In the connector.GetMonitoringAlerts I see the correct errors. I tried then to deselect the root group and selected all the subgroups. I still don't get alerts on mog.GetMonitoringAlerts and I don't get alerts anymore on connector.GetmonitoringAlerts(). It looks like the alerts are all mapped on the root group. Does somebody have a solution for this? Thanks in advanced. Regards, Stefan Verheggen

  • Anonymous
    July 09, 2009
    You need to pass in TraversalDepth.Recursive to the GetMonitoringAlerts call. In the UI the "root group" is not a real group, it just means don't filter by group and if that is the case, perhaps you don't have a group that encapsulates the instances you are trying to get alerts for?

  • Anonymous
    July 20, 2009
    Hello Jakub, Now I can see the alert for a group. But the strange thing is that I see for the connectorid in the MonitoringObjectAlert a null value. Also I see the resolutionstate on 255. That is also not correct, because in my active alerts window it is displayed as a new alert. Do you know what the problem can be? The configuration in scom is the following: Authoring: ---Groups: A group is made test.avadev.local watcher computer group. With a explicit groupmember <computername>.Avadev.local (this I think the root) ---Management pack objects: A object is made called test.avadev.local. I don't state all of the properties. If you like I can sent these to you. Maybe you can help me out when I describe what I want to do. I want to retrieve the active alerts with a product connector. I want to identify to which group it belongs (or retrieve the active alerts by group). The code that I used so far is:               if (connector == null)                {                    ManagementGroup mg = new ManagementGroup(scomHost);                    ConnectorFrameworkAdministration cfAdmin = mg.GetConnectorFrameworkAdministration();                    connector = cfAdmin.GetMonitoringConnector(ConnectorGuid);                    scomWebConsoleUrl = mg.GetAdministration().Settings.GetDefaultValue(Settings.NotificationServer.WebAddresses.WebConsole);                    mogs = mg.GetRootMonitoringObjectGroups();                    //    MonitorCriteria monitorCriteria =                //new MonitorCriteria(                //    ReadOnlyCollection<ManagementPackMonitor> monitors =                //    mg.GetMonitors(monitorCriteria);                //    // Display information about each monitor.                //    foreach (ManagementPackMonitor monitor in monitors)                //    {                //        monitor.                //        //Console.WriteLine("Monitor name: " + monitor.Name);                //        //Console.WriteLine("Status: " + monitor.Status.ToString());                //        //Console.WriteLine("Description: " + monitor.Description +                //        //    Environment.NewLine);                //    }                }                ReadOnlyCollection<ConnectorMonitoringAlert> alerts;                foreach (MonitoringObjectGroup mog in mogs)                {                    ReadOnlyCollection<MonitoringAlert> mals = mog.GetMonitoringAlerts(TraversalDepth.Recursive);                    foreach (MonitoringAlert mal in mals)                    {                        if (mal.ConnectorId == SCOMConnectorService.ConnectorGuid)                        {                            if (mal.ResolutionState != 255)                            {                            }                        }                    }                }                // Get the alerts we subscribed to. You must setup a subscription for this                // connector before it will process any alerts.                alerts = connector.GetMonitoringAlerts();                IList<ManagementPackConfigurationGroup> configs = connector.ManagementGroup.GetConfigurationGroups();                //foreach(ManagementPackConfigurationGroup mpcg in configs)                //{                //}                //MonitoringRule mr;                //mr.                if (alerts.Count > 0)                {                    foreach (ConnectorMonitoringAlert alert in alerts)                    {                        //alert.Mo                        //It seems like SCOM has a bug in the subscription. Although the subscription is configured for                        //receiving active alerts also closed alerts are received. These should be filtered out.                        if (alert.ResolutionState != 255)                        {                            if (alert.MonitoringObjectPath.Contains(AlertSourceIDEttenLeur))                            {                                topDeskClientEttenLeur.ProcessAlert(alert, scomWebConsoleUrl);                            }                            else                            {                                topDeskClientRoosendaal.ProcessAlert(alert, scomWebConsoleUrl);                            }                        }                    }                    // Call AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts to enable the SDK to mark these alerts as processed.                    connector.AcknowledgeMonitoringAlerts(alerts);                }            } I really don't know anymore how to retrieve it and identify the group it belongs to. Can you help me out? Maybe configuration in SCOM isn't correct or the code I use isn't correct. I am able to retrieve all alerts on the connector when I select the root group in subscriptions, but I don't receive anything else (connector.GetMonitoringAlerts()). Can you help me out. Maybe with examples, hints or something else? Thanks in advanced. Kind regards, Stefan

  • Anonymous
    July 21, 2009
    I am guessing you are simply looking at an older alert. Why don't you add criteria to the alert method, something like MonitoringAlertCriteria("ResolutionState = 0").

  • Anonymous
    October 30, 2010
    hi, do you know if a SCOM to MOM connector exist and if not if it will be difficult to create one ? thanks

  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2010
    I don't. Have you tried the OM forums?