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jebarson's blog

In a multi-tenant data insert scenario, GUID is a great data type for primary key. Since it is...

Date: 01/16/2018

Check If Your Processor Has AVX Instruction Support

If you are trying to develop applications in Q# (Quantum Computing), then you would require support...

Date: 01/10/2018

Writing an asynchronous RelayCommand implementing ICommand

Read the full article here If you are familiar with MVVM, then you are already familiar with relay...

Date: 07/26/2017

Refer azure runbook activity output in PowerShell expression

When you are creating a runbook with multiple activities, often you will encounter the need of...

Date: 11/03/2016

Working around the bug “Instead Of Trigger on View returns no output”

This post is to help developers implement a workaround on the bug mentioned in...

Date: 09/27/2016

Get text from RichTextBlockOverflow Control

RichTextBlockOverflow is one of my favorite control. As we all know, it allows you to render the...

Date: 06/06/2016

A poor man’s implementation of row level security in SQL

Often I have come across situations where the enterprise customers want to restrict data...

Date: 11/02/2015

Complete XAML Solution For SelectAll In Datagrid

Over the period of time lot of asks and solutions were made for selectall selector for DataGrid....

Date: 01/04/2013

Pin / Unpin Control Template For Toggle Button

I was looking for a template which will help put a pin / unpin button using toggle button. Antoni...

Date: 08/29/2012

How To Check If Cookies Are Enabled In Windows Phone

Windows Phone as of today doesn’t provide a property or direct API call which will help you...

Date: 05/07/2012

DIY Home Security Using Kinect, Azure, Windows Phone and Windows 8

Most the people who were in the TechEd 2012 India would have witnessed the cool demo by me and...

Date: 04/16/2012

Byte Array To BitmapImage Converter

Below is the converter which I wrote which can help you convert the byte array of the file content...

Date: 02/15/2012

Why Ternary Operator Doesnt Support Nullable Types

Nullable types and ternary operators are around for many years now and may be not everybody know...

Date: 11/22/2011

Radio Button List Box With Seperate Group Name in Silverlight

Over this article we are going to discuss on building a RadioButton ListBox using a Control Template...

Date: 10/16/2011

Application Bar Button / Menu Item Not Firing Binding in Windows Phone

On a Windows Phone application and if you are using a two way binding along with Application Bar...

Date: 10/13/2011

Dynamic Lambda Expression For Sorting A List / Collection Using Complex Types Without Implementing IComparable

In this article we will see how to sort on complex properties. In our scenario, we have...

Date: 08/25/2011

Proposing The Right Solution To Your Customer

It has been always a challenge when you have to suggest the right solution to the customer. A right...

Date: 08/22/2011

Must Know Tips For Windows Phone Mango

Well it's almost 2 months since I've been using different mango versions and now the RTM. Well for...

Date: 08/08/2011

Releasing Single / Multiple Files To Pre Compiled Web Site

We most the time run into the issue where we need to release a patch which requires a change in one...

Date: 05/04/2011

Tip : How To Scroll To Validation Summary by default calls the function window.scrollTo(0,0) after the validation failure from

Date: 04/28/2011

Localization / Multilingual Support Using Resource Files In .net

Localization for a multilingual application is every developer's nightmare. With .net it is not a...

Date: 03/24/2011

Tip: Null Coalescing Operator To Define Default Value For Nullable Types - Double Question Mark

There is a easy way you could specify the default value i.e., the default value to be used in case...

Date: 03/18/2011

Tip: Customizing / Adding Image To Radio Button List Control

Today I will share a tip through which you can customize the way your RadioButtonList control will...

Date: 03/08/2011

Sort Generic List Using Lambda Expression For Dynamic Type And Dynamic Property

I once stuck on a requirement where I needed to write a code which is flexible and generic enough to...

Date: 03/03/2011

Multiple Sort For Collection Using LINQ

There are quite a lot of instance where you need to do a primary sort and you need a secondary sort...

Date: 03/01/2011

Unleashing Calendar Control

Calendar control is as important as a normal text box control in any application. Most of any...

Date: 02/15/2011

Getting Added And Deleted Items In A List Using LINQ

Most the time when we work with a list object, finding a newly added items or deleted items becomes...

Date: 02/09/2011

Guide: Write your own syntax highlighter

Syntax Highlighter has become the trivial part of every programmers life. Since "Oxford English...

Date: 02/05/2011

Tip: Search Multiple Strings Using Regular Expression

This is small piece of code snippet which I wanted to share as we face this necessity in our day to...

Date: 01/29/2011

Workaround For Non Serializable Types

There are many a situations you would have come across when you want to XML serialize an object but...

Date: 01/27/2011

Get / Set Sharepoint Site Properties Using Powershell

Powershell is a very powerful tool which can be used to automate almost everything by writing...

Date: 01/20/2011

Must Know Tips For Windows Phone 7

We all know that Windows Phone 7 is the new smart kid out in the market and since it is altogether a...

Date: 01/16/2011

Tracing Locking Your Windows Phone Free Using Windows Live

If you are proud owner of Windows Phone 7, then you must me amazed by the way your phone is...

Date: 01/13/2011

Azure Tutorial; Be in cloud (Part 5) [Storage Account - Introduction]

Windows Azure - Storage Now that we have already completed the part of compute, we will now dive...

Date: 01/07/2011

Azure Tutorial; Be in cloud (Part 4) [Worker Role]

Windows Azure - Compute (Worker Role) Before we start of with the worker role, we might talk about...

Date: 01/07/2011

A Leap In Embedded Programming; .Net Micro Framework

We .net programmers are definitely proud that .net is everywhere. Today .net is everywhere from...

Date: 12/06/2010

Azure Tutorial; Be in cloud (Part 3)

The third part of Azure tutorial is now published and here you will learn how to program a web role...

Date: 12/02/2010

Whats new in Silverlight 5

Have an early look at the highlights and improvements on the features of the upcoming Silverlight...

Date: 12/02/2010

Multi Language / Multicultural Exception Handling In WCF Using FaultReason

It was during the Virtual Tech Days when I was presenting the "Exception Handling In WCF" session,...

Date: 11/24/2010

Exception Handling In WCF - Virtual Tech Days Presentation

I am making this post explicitly for the people who attended the my presentation on Exception...

Date: 11/22/2010

Ping remote machines using .net

Check the article post at...

Date: 11/14/2010

Azure Tutorial; Be in cloud (Part 2)

The second part for the azure tutorial is posted in...

Date: 11/14/2010

Recovering your application from unhandled exception in .net

Check the posting made at...

Date: 11/09/2010

Azure Tutorial; Be in cloud (Part 1)

Start using Azure; Visit here for a complete tutorial.

Date: 11/07/2010

Windows Live Essentials 2010 Review

My review on the latest Live 2010 Essentials beta....

Date: 07/04/2010

Copy And Paste Excel / Clipboard Data To Gridview In

Q Is there any means to copy the excel data to Gridview in It is obvious that you should...

Date: 06/28/2010