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Desperately Seeking Contributions

As we reach the next milestone of the NuPattern project, the release, I need to be looking to grow a new group of contributors to the project.

The acceptance and adoption of the technology has evidently been very slow to date, and this is understandable given that most people who encounter the technology are given little draw to it from any real visual example or illustration of what it can do for them. Its a great platform, so we say, but who has used it?

If there was only one thing I would wish for right now, its that someone could create a screencast of a toolkit built with NuPattern.

We Need Help!

We don’t even need someone to build a new toolkit to do this. We have such a toolkit over at the MVCPAT project, and I have even documented each step of a walkthrough showing off all the cool features of it. It is just that we need a video of that walkthrough to excite people and given them a quick look at what NuPattern can do for them or their communities. This is such a critical asset for generating interest in the project, that without this first step it it is extremely hard to sell the value of the NuPattern platform.

After the screencast we will need more examples of toolkits other have built in the public domain. Its not that no one has built any toolkits with this technology, there are many 10’s of them out there within enterprises, its just that none of them can be shared with the public. Which again does not help demonstrate the effectiveness of the NuPattern technology. We need more publically available toolkits to show off the benefits of building and using toolkits.

If we had the above two things, I believe that is all it would take to get the project moving in the right direction, and have the community involvement to keep it moving. I never in a million years imagined that NuPattern would be pleading for new contributors moving forward given the history and success of the project, but the reality of the situation is that here we are.

So humbly, I am requesting your help.