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Moving Right Along

We said it a while back at the start of the year, odd calendar years always bring good change for me, and this one could not be better.

I've accepted the offer to move to the US to be the Microsoft principal lead on a very significant software factories engagement (still within Microsoft Services). I can't give details about whom or what, but I am relocating my family to the east coast US, in the Boston area. I have to say its been a real honour to be chosen to lead this engagement, and I am thankful I will be able to add significant value to the customer directly in helping them take this step forward with their software factories initiative.

As for what impact this will have on my duty to the factories building community - I hope none. I will stay connected via my blog, codeplex projects and writing. In fact, we are about to release a number of white papers to MSDN (5 in all!) regarding practical implementation of factories on the MS platform, so stay tuned. This  also explains why I've been quiet on the blogging front for some time. I still have the DEPT project to close, and help Edward with the DIXPT project and others (such as the SFTTEAMBUILD Project which we are about to release with one of the white papers). We also have a few TechEd sessions left (in Japan and Europe) to present. I am hoping it's not going to stop there either.

Not to mention all the great advances in the Visual Studio platform and the VS ecosystem that are coming your way in the next releases.

So, if you or your organisation are doubtful that a software factory approach is the right way to go for your organisation, hopefully you will gain some confidence in the knowledge that the top software engineering companies in the world are blazing the software factories path right now. The future is bright, and many of us are doing our level best to make that a better experience for everyone in this space. Don't get left behind!!


  • Anonymous
    August 30, 2007
    I noticed that Jezz is moving to US, good luck Jezz! Hope we see each other somewhere. Looking forward...