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jfo's coding

adventures in windows forms and wpf

Blog has moved ...

I am back blogging at! See you over there!

Date: 03/09/2011

Random tip of the day: adding a shortcut to all desktops in Windows Vista Server 2008

I've been puzzling how to do this for a little while, as I had some common shortcuts I wanted to add...

Date: 11/18/2009

Beta2 is out -- What's new in Cider

Mark shows off some of the new and exciting features in Cider Beta 2, including: DataSources window...

Date: 10/26/2009

High DPI - it's an everyone thing.

As larger displays are becoming more popular, they're increasingly being used in places like the...

Date: 10/11/2009


bugviewer BugViewer.png

Date: 10/01/2009

bugviewer image

bugviewer BugViewer.png

Date: 10/01/2009

Creating a bug repro viewer in 5 minutes

One of my favorite books of all time is The Pragmatic Programmer. A piece of advice I've always...

Date: 10/01/2009


OnRenderVersusOnPaint OnRenderVersusOnPaint2.png

Date: 09/10/2009

Tip: creating your own snippets

I recently showed how to use the "Define a Dependency Property" snippet in VS to save...

Date: 09/08/2009

Tip: quickly create a dependency property

If you want to make a property that can be styled from XAML - you need to create a dependency...

Date: 09/08/2009

Creating a custom control in Cider

Here's the quick way to create a custom control in Cider. Right click on project in Solution...

Date: 09/08/2009

OnRender is not as cheap as OnPaint

If you’re an old windows forms or GDI/Win32 person, you may be tempted to override OnRender for more...

Date: 09/08/2009

snippet editor

snippet editor snippeteditor.png

Date: 09/08/2009

DP Property Changed Snippet

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><CodeSnippets...

Date: 09/08/2009

Avoiding throwaway layout/painting/mouse code

I’m not normally a Hungarian fanatic or anything, but it is quite easy to create “write once”...

Date: 09/08/2009

margin only

margin margin2.png

Date: 09/07/2009

How can I remember which order Margin properties are set?

Often you can stare at a margin property "10,20,30,40" in XAML and be slightly confused as to which...

Date: 09/07/2009

scaled button

scaled button ScaledButton.png

Date: 09/07/2009

padding, margin 2

image holder MarginPadding2.png

Date: 09/07/2009

actual width may vary

Image holder actualwidthmayvary.jpg

Date: 09/07/2009

Demystifying WPF/Silverlight layout properties

What is the difference between ActualSize, RenderSize, LayoutSlot? There are quite a few properties...

Date: 09/07/2009

G'Day from Australia!

...and I'm back. Well not back back in Redmond back, but back doing the things I love with great...

Date: 09/07/2009

Goodbye Redmond

In January, I'll be hanging up my keyboard for a while as I move to Australia. I have really enjoyed...

Date: 12/29/2006

Customer question roundup

I've been heads down working on a project lately, and I've let a few questions build up. My...

Date: 12/22/2006

Bloopers and Outtakes

I've been going through some older stuff, and I found a few "unpublished" works, which I'm posting...

Date: 12/20/2006

Creating custom controls using toolstrip

content Creating Custom Controls using ToolStrip.doc

Date: 12/20/2006

Sample TabStrip app

TabStrip sample code

Date: 12/20/2006

Layout part 1

Layout Walkthrough Part 1.ppt

Date: 12/20/2006

Painting stages of toolstrip renderer

See attached document ThePaintingStagesOfTheToolStripRenderer.mht

Date: 12/20/2006

Grabbing .dmp files from crash dialogs

If you're a company wanting to get access to the data from the crash dialog, this article isn't for...

Date: 11/30/2006

I'm a sloucher.

And now I can be ok with it. Anyone got a protractor so I can measure off 135 degrees?

Date: 11/28/2006

VB6/Winforms interop

Check out the Microsoft InteropForms Toolkit 1.0 This toolkit helps you bring the power of .NET to...

Date: 10/31/2006

Josh seems to be having fun with Renderers

It looks like he's put together a very convincing VistaToolStripRenderer, and promises a tell-all...

Date: 10/20/2006

Sometimes I F5 when I meant to just compile.

Usually such a mistake is followed by a "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" and quiet...

Date: 10/09/2006

I know you've all been wondering...

The answer is: October 6th.

Date: 09/27/2006

Learning WPF

I’ve put together a series of articles on WPF, from a Windows Forms developer perspective. This...

Date: 09/21/2006

multithreading and settings

holder multithreaded applications and settings.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

Styles and Templates

holder Styles and Templates.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

Resources, Brushes, SystemColors

holder Resources.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

Data Demystified

holder Data Demystified.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

Forming windows and looking at controls

content Form-ing Windows and looking at Controls.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

iInput, Eventing and Mnemonics

Holder Input Eventing and Mnemonics.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

Layout and Locations

MHT for article Layout.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

XAML Application Basics

Holder for XAML Application Basics.mht Xaml Application Basics.mht

Date: 09/21/2006

Getting started in WPF

I’ve put together a series of articles on WPF, from a Windows Forms developer perspective. This...

Date: 09/21/2006


image cider.PNG

Date: 09/20/2006

Playing around with WPF/GDI+ Resource interop

WPF Resources A while back, Jim posted a summary of the different types of resources in WPF. We know...

Date: 09/20/2006

Some of these pages are no longer intentionally left blank.

One thing we neglected to mention in the release notes is that you can now load up roots other than...

Date: 09/13/2006

Scott starts blogging, and lets us know about Winforms/WPF gotchas

If you're doing Winforms and WPF you might just want to check it out.

Date: 09/09/2006

Code maintenance tip, and why EventArgs are a good thing

…tap, tap, tap… I’ve been coding away lately and ran into one of those frustrating situations where...

Date: 08/31/2006
