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Convertir plusieurs documents Word en PDF via PowerShell / How to convert multiple Word documents into a PDF document in a row with PowerShell

English version


[MAJ 06/03/2017] Les versions les plus récentes de Word permettent de convertir (et également d'ouvrir) un document Word en PDF (via le menu "File >> Save As" pour la conversion). Cette fonctionnalité , quoique très pratique, ne permet que de convertir un document à la fois (après avoir ouvert le document dans l'application Word). Dans ma vie de PFE, je suis amené à écrire et à mettre à jour beaucoup de documentations (formations, rapports à destination de clients, documentations internes, compte-rendus de réunions, ...) et dans certains je dois les envoyer au format PDF. Vous imaginez bien que dans le cas de plusieurs fichiers à convertir je ne vais pas les ouvrir 1 par 1 dans Word. Au lieu de cela j'ai écrit une petit script PowerShell que j'ai décidé de vous partager ici.

Ce script est aussi disponible dans le TechNet Script Center :

Version française

[Updated 03/06/2017] The most recent versions of Word give you the opportunity to convert (and also to open) a Word document into a PDF document (via the "File >> Save As" Menu for the conversion feature). This feature, though very convenient, can only convert one document at a time (after opening the document in the Word application). In my PFE life, I write and update many documentations (WorkShops, customer reports, internal documents, minutes of meetings, ...) and sometimes I have to send them in the PDF Format. You can imagine that in the case of multiple files to convert I will not open them one by one in Word. Instead I wrote a small PowerShell script that I decided to share with you here.


 #requires -Version 4
#region function definitions

Function Remove-Ref 
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Please specify a reference')]

            Releases a COM Object

            Releases a COM Object

            .PARAMETER  ref
            The COM Object to release

            $Word=new-object -ComObject "Word.Application"
    $null = Remove-Variable -Name $ref -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    while ([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([__ComObject]$ref) -gt 0) 


Function ConvertTo-PDF
            Convert a Word document into a PDF document

            Convert a Word document into a PDF document

            .PARAMETER FullName
            The Word document to convert specified by its full name or by a System.IO.FileInfo object

            .PARAMETER Force
            A switch to specify if we overwrite the PDF document even if it is newer than that the Word document

            .PARAMETER Visible
            A switch to specify if the Word application will be visible during the processing

            Get-ChildItem "*.docx" | ConvertTo-PDF -Verbose
            Will convert all word documents into PDF documents but only if the Word document is newer than the related PDF document (if any). The verbose mode is enabled

            Get-ChildItem "*.docx" | ConvertTo-PDF -Force
            Will convert all word documents into PDF documents even if the PDF document is newer than the original Word document

            ConvertTo-PDF -FullName "c:\datasheet_FR-fr.docx", "c:\datasheet_en_US.docx" -Force
            Will convert two word documents into PDF documents even if the PDF document is newer than the original Word document

        #The Word Document to convert
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,HelpMessage = 'Please enter the full path of a Word Document', ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
                    (Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf) -and ($_ -match '\.docx?$')
        [alias('Source', 'WordDocument', 'Document')]

        #To overwrite the previously generated PDF files."

        #To display the Word application
        #Loading Word Properties
        $null = Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
        #Static value for the PDF format (for saving)
        $wdFormatPDF = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveFormat]::wdFormatPDF
        #Static value for not saving changes
        $wdDoNotSaveChanges = [Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.WdSaveOptions]::wdDoNotSaveChanges
        #Constant Definitions
        $ConfirmConversion = $false
        $ReadOnly = $true

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Running the Word application ...'
        #Opening the Word Application
        $Word = New-Object -ComObject 'Word.Application'
        $Word.Visible = $Visible
        $Word.Application.DisplayAlerts = $false
        #For all files passed as argument outside a pipeline context
        Foreach ($CurrentFullName in $FullName)
            $CurrentFullName = Get-Item -Path $CurrentFullName
            #Getting the fullname of the processed presentation
            $SourceWordDocumentFullName = $CurrentFullName.FullName
            #Getting the name of the processed presentation
            $SourceWordDocumentName = $CurrentFullName.Name
            #Getting the final PDF full name (same directory and name that the Word document)
            $TargetPDFDocumentFullName = $($SourceWordDocumentFullName) -replace '\.docx?$', '.pdf'
            #Getting the write time of the word document
            $SourceWordDocumentTimeWritten = $(Get-Item -Path $SourceWordDocumentFullName).LastWriteTime

            #Getting if -Force was specified or if the PDF doesn't exist or if the Word document is newer that a previously generated PDF Document.
            If (($Force) -or (!(Test-Path -Path $TargetPDFDocumentFullName)) -or ($(Get-Item -Path $TargetPDFDocumentFullName).LastWriteTime -lt $SourceWordDocumentTimeWritten))
                #If -Force was specified
                If ($Force)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Forcing {0} ...' -f $SourceWordDocumentFullName)
                #If the PDF doesn't exist
                ElseIf (!(Test-Path -Path $TargetPDFDocumentFullName))
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Processing {0} ...' -f $SourceWordDocumentFullName)
                #If the Word document is newer that a previously generated PDF Document.
                ElseIf ($(Get-Item -Path $TargetPDFDocumentFullName).LastWriteTime -lt $SourceWordDocumentTimeWritten)
                    Write-Verbose -Message ('Updating {0} ...' -f $SourceWordDocumentFullName)
                Write-Verbose -Message 'Opening the Word document ...'
                $OpenDoc = $Word.Documents.OpenNoRepairDialog($SourceWordDocumentFullName, $ConfirmConversion, $ReadOnly)

                Write-Verbose -Message 'Saving the PDF document ...'
                $OpenDoc.SaveAs($TargetPDFDocumentFullName, $wdFormatPDF)

                Write-Verbose -Message 'Closing the Word document ...'

                Write-Host -Object ("The PDF file is available at : '{0}'" -f $TargetPDFDocumentFullName)
                Remove-Ref -ref ($OpenDoc)
                Write-Host -Object ("Skipping '{0}' because it is up-to-date`r`nUse -force to overwrite previously generated PDF file" -f $SourceWordDocumentName) -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Exiting the Word application ...'
        $null = $Word.Quit()

        Remove-Ref -ref ($Word)

# To get the directory of this script
$CurrentDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent
Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\Users\lavanack\Documents\Comptes\Mairie de Lille\PowerShell - April 2016\Labs" -Filter '*.docx' | ConvertTo-PDF -Verbose -Force -Visible
#ConvertTo-PDF -Source "$CurrentDir\datasheet_FR-fr.docx", "$CurrentDir\datasheet_en_US.docx" -Force -Verbose


The script file is also available at the TechNet Script Center repository, at:

