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A Mega Launch called - "Zip a Dee SKU Dah Day"

A launch here at MS is a big deal. Not only does it mean mind-numbing work that makes you sing praises of Red Bull and caffeine but it also showcases the need for super-collaboration across groups. And as with all collaboration arise interfacing issues which when resolved deals to a successful launch. Throw into that mix a list of release criteria & a relentless release manager and you have the picture of a march towards an unnegotiable deadline & Quality. Well that would be a launch. Try 9 for the same team - on the same day!

Feb 13th marked the day when my team launched nine "Services SKUs" to our field. We ended up being so ecstatic when the day did arrive that I decided to call it the "Zip a Dee SKU Dah Day" after one particularly long night spent on documents. Fancy that - to my surprise, the team loved the "idea" and wanted banners and posters for it and officially called it the same! Below is a sample:

 So for this launch - Samaara (our over-achieving admin) helped me deck the whole hallway with music notes, banners, ceiling hangers of blue-birds, wall-paper of a Tiki Room and ofcourse value proposition posters of the 9 Sevices SKUs. The coup de grace: A life-sized blue-parrot on Kate Hughes' door.

Ofcourse the defining moment for our launch came along when our whip-brandishing Mr.Relentless "Criteria Croc" Jonathan Biard was caught singing his own rendition of "Zip a Dee Sku Daaaah". Wait till you hear the mp3 version of that *evil grin*