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And so SKU-Man was born today...

Microsoft working on Managed Services SKUs is no secret at all. Information Week did have an article on this quoting Kevin Johnson waay back in Fall last yr about this. But yes I Am on the "SKU Team" building the Security SKUs towards this initiative.

Now over the last few months - this blog has gotten "Accelerated Adoption" over my team and others .... and trying to drive "Productive Use" of this so-called Blogging Skill-set. Today I helped the Product Mgmt, Program Mgmt and Communication Team to agree and launch SKU-Man for all things SKU - an internal Blog for all our field and consultants. Ofcourse this was no rocket-launch - there was no count down - no smoke - no champagne... but more of a click-click-here and a click-click-there and Lo-The Launch happened!

Ofcourse as with all blogs - the challenges are huge and varied to make this a success. Who owns what - when shall the communication be sent - who gets buy in? etc etc etc. On a personal level its a tremendous fast-track learning on the nuances with internal blogging and external blogging. And I plan on actually blogging about these differences, because just in the last day or two - I have realised how different the experience is.

For one in internal blogging - I can see a lot of toes in line.... with the blogger having a size 20 shoe.... Alrite SKU-Man what next? Some Ballet dancing is in Order...