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Client Software Update (0.9.3424.14)

Now that we are out of our holiday blackout period for releases, we’re happy to announce that the next Live Mesh for Windows client update will (at long last!) be available later today is now available. Thank you for your patience, and please see below for the details. By default your Live Mesh software will automatically update itself within 24 hours of the new build being posted, but you can always right-click the Notifier icon in the system tray and choose to force an immediate update.

Update: Doh!  We are embarrassed to say that the new version is going to be delayed just a little bit longer.  For your safety and enjoyment, the Live Mesh client verifies the SSL certificate of the update server before downloading new code.  It turns out that one of the other things we didn't get to do during the holiday blackout was update our SSL cert, which expired at end of 2008.  As soon as we can get the new valid cert up there, the update will be available.

Update 2: For those of you who have recently received the error below while trying to update or install Live Mesh, the issue has now been resolved. Please try upgrading or installing Live Mesh again. If you continue to encounter problems, please visit our forums and let us know.

"Live Mesh Service is unavailable. Please retry your installation later. [80072F78] The server returned an invalid or unrecognized response."


  • Conflict-handling improved for duplicate files and folders
  • Live Mesh no longer disables Aero in Windows 7
  • Continued improvements to P2P synchronization
  • Minor usability improvements

This update will bring your Windows Live Mesh client up to version 0.9.3424.14

Windows Vista User Account Control (UAC) reminder

While we no longer require that UAC be turned on when running Live Mesh on Vista SP1, if you initially installed Live Mesh with UAC turned on, and then turned it off, you might have some issues upgrading. Please see “NOTICE: Updating Live Mesh and User Account Control (UAC)” in the Known Issues sticky on the Live Mesh forums for further information.

Thank you for helping us test Live Mesh!

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