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Service update: New build released

We've been listening to your feedback here and on the forum, and made a number of bug fixes and changes to better suit you. The update will be published later today. You may notice a slowdown in service or some display issues (missing icons, folders slow or not synchronizing) while the servers update. If you are still seeing these problems after the 20th, please report them!

To install the new version

· Use Live Mesh! New updates will automatically apply when you log in.

Tell us what you think

· Read and participate in the forums for current discussions about fixes, problems, and ways people are incorporating Live Mesh into their daily routines.

Invite your friends and family

· Share a folder with your family or friends so they can experience Live Mesh, too.

What we fixed


· News not appearing until a second person has logged in.

Language settings

· Fixed date format and removed region requirement. You still need to set your OS language to English.

· User names with non-US-ASCIIcharacters are now supported.


· Fixed device appearing offline in the notifier but showing online on your Live Desktop.

· Fixed synchronization failure when the network is unavailable.


· Fixed the Windows Explorer crash when folders were closed

· Fixed the Windows XP “Roaming Desktop Icons” issue with Live Mesh Remote Desktop.

· Fixed the mesh bar not always opening when you open a Live Mesh folder

Live Desktop

· Fixed the “I’m interested in” in your Windows Live ID profile to be correctly viewed. No longer will you be “searching for love and romance” when you really wanted “Enterprise Networking.”

Live Mesh

· Fixed logs not being collected when your Windows XP login name has a space in it

· Fixed SilverLight version error with the Beta release

· Fixed SilverLight Play and Pause buttons being swapped around

· Fixed login names with a single character domain (livemesh @ not working correctly

Thank you for your time and participation!

Technorati Tags: LiveMesh