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XamlPadX 4.0

So I finally got a chance to update XamlpadX and heres the new version.

Whats new.

  • The UI has been revamped to give the Blend sorta look.
  • Menus have been rearranged to maximize the space.
  • New addins: Clipboard viewer - which works well for analyzing rtf/xaml ... Path Designer/Jasema (thanks to Marlon)
  • Snapshot utility to take snapshots and save the xaml rendering
  • Syntax highlighting and collapsing (thanks to the editor control from SharpDevelop project)
  • Error logs - left bottom corner has a link to the stack trace when there is an error
  • Error light - editor has a red/green box at the bottom right corner
  • Bug fixes/code restructuring

Also, i would like to point out that you could create your own addins and add it to the xamlpadx toolbar at the top.

Download/Install: XamlpadX [On Vista, save to desktop, right click and Run as Admin]

Zipped file in case you have problem downloading the installable:Click here

[For some people, their corporate AntiVirus Softwares are bing overly aggressive. If at all the msi gets flagged or you have problems downloading/installing xamlpadX, just use the zipped file]


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XamlpadX 4.0.exe