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Blogging Again

I'm back blogging again after a very busy four months and a short vacation (in Switzerland & Italy) that was much needed. I spoke at the Pakistan Developers Conference as well as hosted two security events in Nigeria, Ghana and two DevDays events in Mauritius and RĂ©union Islands (French translated) with the help of my usual gang of speakers, Malek & Goksin as well as Gurkan Salk & Mr. Nasser Ghazi, Director of Evangelism, Middle East & Africa. That lead to the official launch of the Mauritius DotNET User Group recently that i had the priviledge of speaking at with the press and media certainly covering the event very well.

Recently we also got the first Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in West, East & Central Africa nominated, Mr. Francois Bonin, a rude bwoy from Ghana, specialising in Visual C#, a true champ & contributor to the youth in AfricaDotNet. More Fire!

Just three days ago October 5th 2004 in Nairobi, Kenya, we had a very succesfull event with Australian Regional Director, Adam Cogan speaking on the following topics:

  • 15 tips for Real World Windows Forms Applications
  • A big peek at ASP .NET 2.0 Whidbey Applications
  • Up and Running with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services
  • Combining Exchange Data, SQL Data and SQL Reporting Services
  • eXtreme Programming for .NET Developers

Certainly a great event which went on till 8:30pm! Developers were very very happy indeed; i bet you didnt know Aussies dont drink Fosters beer but VB (Victoria Bitter) instead. Adam, Steve & Richard, you guys have fun climbing the highest mountain in Africa, Mt. Kilimanjaro!!!