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Life now as the WSE Program Manager

With much of the work done for version 2.0 of System.Xml and with Dare’s departure from the XML team to MSN, I decided that it was also time for me to look for new adventures. I have taken the job as the WSE Program Manager left vacant by Keith Ballinger’s departure. Having spent 4.5 years on the XML APIs in .NET it is an ideal move to enable me to get back to more systems level development rather than just at the component level, whilst building on my XML knowledge. Before joining MS I built a variety of distributed systems using everything from Tuxedo to DCOM, designed some early mobile data systems with private mobile radio networks, before cellular radio took hold of the market, and always enjoyed seeing the installed systems that we built in operation. My most vivid memories were standing in police control centers listening to 911 calls.

This last week has been great with a chance to sit down and play with the WSE product, trawl the newsgroups and start planning the WSE 3.0 feature set. If you have feature requests for System.Xml these now need to be sent to Arpan Desai. If you have issues, feature desires, pain or praise for WSE then I would love to hear them.