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Custom Operations Manager Reports

Based off of a recognized demand, I developed a management pack that provides three key reports for Operators and Administrators to leverage.  These reports were based off of queries developed by Kevin Holman and Jonathan Almquist and tuned to support these reports.  The three reports that I have included in this MP are:

  1. Maintenance Mode - Agent-Managed Systems in Maintenance:  This report will show the agent-managed systems that are currently in maintenance in the management group.
  2. Maintenance Mode - History of Maintenance for Agent-Managed Systems:  This report will show the history of Maintenance Mode activities in the management group for agent-managed systems. and rollup total duration for those systems based on the date/time parameters the report will query within.  This report is based off of an example report that was demontrated by us at MMS back in 2009.  I used this as a foundation for learning to develop custom reports using Report Builder.
  3. Management Group Health Report - This hygiene report evaluates key performance metrics that help identify management packs that require additional tuning (discovery, monitors, and performance/alert rules) to ensure optimal health and performance of the management group.  Sure you get this information today by a couple of built-in reports (I don't have access to OM now to reference those specific reports, so please bear with me), but you need to select the specific management packs and other relevant parameters.  Here we have a single report to run to summarize that information as a starting point, and you can use the other built-in reports to further evaluate and determine if additional tuning efforts are required.

No manual steps are required once you import this MP.  The reports are running against the Data Warehouse database, so you don't need to create a custom data source.