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Upgrading a Windows 8.0 component to Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 (WinRT)


Last year, I have created a carousel control, to show how it’s easy to create a custom control in C# / Xaml within Windows 8.0 apps model.

For reminder purpose, here is the original post :


With the availability of WinRT on Windows Phone 8.1, I have deciced to migrate my control to Windows Phone 8.1

Existing Solution

Here is the existing solution :


Yes, you are right … Only 1 project ! I assume it would have been better to have two projects : One for my custom control and one for my Ui sample (OBVIOUS ! ) …
We will correct this architecture mistake in the new solution Sourire

New Solution

For the new solution, I’ve deciced to create a Portable Class Library for Universals project for my custom control.

By the way, i didn’t use the Shared Folder feature of Universals Apps, because I maybe want to distribute my custom control in its own assembly. Shared project is just about sharing code, compiled within each application.


Here we go :


After a copy – paste from the last solution to the new solution, a compilation on each plateform raised an error, du to some projection compliance with IEnumerable<T> or IList<T> (from my property DataSource)

Error on Windows Phone 8.1 :


Error on Windows 8.1 :


Some Informations about it :

Like ItemsSource on ItemsControl, I just changed my property from IEnumerable<T> to … Object :


Here is the only code I have changed :

  1 /// <summary>
 2 /// Items source : Better if ObservableCollection :)
 3 /// </summary>
 4 public IEnumerable<Object> ItemsSource
 5 {
 6     get { return (IEnumerable<Object>)GetValue(ItemsSourceProperty); }
 7     set { SetValue(ItemsSourceProperty, value); }
 8 }
10 // Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for ItemsSource.  
11 //This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
12 public static readonly DependencyProperty ItemsSourceProperty =
13     DependencyProperty.Register("ItemsSource",
14                 typeof(IEnumerable<Object>),
15                 typeof(LightStone),
16                 new PropertyMetadata(0, ItemsSourceChangedCallback));

Here is some screenshots of the control on Windows Phone 8.1 and Windows 8.1






Project sources :