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Windows Vista Vietnamese Language Interface Pack

Windows Vista Vietnamese Language Interface Pack

Microsoft released the Windows Vista Vietnamese Language Interface Pack (LIP) last month, and I finally got some time take a screenshot to blog about it. I installed it a few weeks ago, and I think it's pretty cool!! I am now running Windows permanently in Vietnamese so I can learn Vietnamese. The hardest part is to use the search functionality in the Control Panel, because you can’t type in "services" to find the NT services—you have to know the Vietnamese word for it (which quite frankly I still don’t know, haha). 

Another funny thing is that if you right-click on a webpage and choose "View Source", … well that’s translated as "Xem Nguồn"... hm... isn’t "Nguồn" more used as "roots"? Finding my roots? And what’s up with the random capitalization of Vietnamese words all over the place?

Anyways, if you are running Windows Vista, you can download and install the Vietnamese LIP here:

Have fun.... or shall we say.... Có sự vui đùa!