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Windows Server 2012 Jump Start video materijali

Windows Server 2012 Jump Start video materijali od jučer su dostupni za pregled u HD formatu. Ovi video materijali namijenjeni su Microsoft partnerima, IT profesionalcima te onima koji se žele na vrijeme pripremiti za novu generaciju Windows Servera.

Na raspolaganju je ukupno 12 snimaka dostupnih na TechNetu, koje možete pronaći preko linkova ispod:

• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (01): Core Hyper-V
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (02a): Virtualization Infrastructure, Part 1
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (02b): Virtualization Infrastructure, Part 2
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (03a): Storage Architecture, Part 1
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (03b): Storage Architecture, Part 2
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (04): Continuous Availability
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (05a): Multi-Server Management, Part 1
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (05b): Multi-Server Management, Part 2
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (06a): Security and Access, Part 1
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (06b): Security and Access, Part 2
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (07): Remote Connectivity and Networking
• Windows Server 2012 Jump Start (08): IIS, DHCP and IPAM

Windows Server 2012 je trenutno dostupan u Release Candidate verziji te ga možete pronaći ovdje te instalirati u svoje okruženje za potrebe testiranja. Besplatnu knjigu posvećenu osnovama Windows Server 2012 izdanja koju je izdao Microsoft Press možete preuzeti ovdje.