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New student page. Feedback needed!!

We’ve just had a refresh for our

  • New home page with recycled looking design
  • Recycled chrome throughout the site
  • MicrosoftStudent.TV episode 1:  video of students on global environmental issues
  • Home Page feature on Sustainability that clicks to a brand new Sustainability at Microsoft page within the site

Other enhancements:

  • New home page that includes an embedded video player – videos up front!
  • We have used the latest features from Internet Explorer 8 to build this site Students will be able to get on-time product offers by adding Web Slices and get RSS feeds when new product templates, tutorials or stories are uploaded.
  • New StudentTV page which will house ongoing episodes – videos – on a variety of student-focused themes
  • New footer navigation for ease in content discovery
  • Site-wide searching as well as MSFT-wide searching
  • New RSS feed
  • Improved blog usability
  • Feedback is now a 5-star rating system + comments control instead of firing off a generic email

But this is just a small update the new one will be even better and bigger, but we need your feedback and your help!!

Specifically, we would like you to vote on your favorite design for a new student portal and a new student community site. Please take five minutes to complete our survey! The poll will be closed at end of May 2nd. Click here to vote:
