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Inside the Chocolate Factory

What would you like to know about Microsoft? I mean, is there anything about what we do that seems mysterious? Or really stupid? Have you ever asked yourself: "How the heck do they do that?" Or: "Why did they do it that way?" Maybe: "What's a typical interview like?" Are you curious about how we gather our software requirements? Or maybe what we do in our usability labs? Have you wondered what it takes to pull off an event like TechEd, PDC, or MIX? Or perhaps you want to know what a PM actually does in their day-to-day job. Or how we put together a developer lab. Who knows?

Well, I'd love to know. And although I'm all about transparency, I'm afraid I have to be a little opaque about why I'm asking this least for awhile. But, you have my promise that it's for a good reason. So, feel free to reply to this post with a comment, or contact me via e-mail. And if you have any friends or family who might also be curious (especially if they don't work in the computer industry), I'd like to hear from them too.
