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Nick King - Senior Product Manager - Core Infrastructure SMB

Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Beta – Now Available

Last week Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 Beta went online for download.  You can download it from...

Author: USNK Date: 01/23/2009

Licensing Changes for CALS and HYper-V

Last week there was an important change in licensing for Windows Server 2008 related to CALs and...

Author: USNK Date: 01/22/2009

SBS 2008 BluePrint – hits the shelves

Congrats to Harry and Philip!  Great to see another SBS book go live today.  Taking a...

Author: USNK Date: 01/21/2009

EBS Virtualized – STEP BY STEP – Part 6 – Attaching the Planning data

Now for the last piece of setup unique to vitualizing EBS.  Adding the Planning Data. ...

Author: USNK Date: 01/20/2009

Update Rollup 1 – Released to Windows Update

Today we released UR1.  Update Rollup 1 addresses the following issues in Windows Small...

Author: USNK Date: 01/20/2009

EBS Virtualized – STEP BY STEP – Part 5 – Starting Installation – Windows OBE

Now we can finally start running the VMs.  You have two options to attaching the media. ...

Author: USNK Date: 01/19/2009

EBS Virtualized – STEP BY STEP – Part 4 – Setting up the Virtual Machines

So far we’ve covered, the basics, how to test your HW performance, and how to run the Planning and...

Author: USNK Date: 01/15/2009

Hazardworks inc: SharedView

So Roland’s business is growing and he really needs a way to share documents he’s working on with...

Author: USNK Date: 01/14/2009

SBS 2008 named SMB server of the year by InfoWorld

It’s great to see SBS getting accolade already!!  InfoWorld just named Windows Small Business...

Author: USNK Date: 01/13/2009

EBS Virtualized – STEP BY STEP – Part 3 – Planning and Prep Wizard

The next step is to run the Planning and Preparation Wizard on your network and  enter your...

Author: USNK Date: 01/13/2009

Looking to try the next version of Windows?  Having trouble with Akamai?  Try downloading...

Author: USNK Date: 01/12/2009

Behind the Scenes – Interview 3 – Planning and Prep wizard

Charles posted the third edition of his behind the scenes series.  This time he and I discuss...

Author: USNK Date: 01/11/2009

EBS Exam Details

On Wednesday I posted about the SBS exam details, today I wanted to post the EBS skill set.  As...

Author: USNK Date: 01/09/2009

Staying Green in the OFFICE - CBS SHOW SBS feature

You might remember me posting about this late last year.  Well after a few delays with some...

Author: USNK Date: 01/07/2009

SBS Exam details

I know many of you out there right now are considering updating your SBS certification to SBS...

Author: USNK Date: 01/07/2009

5w/50 Series – Migration concepts with SBS 2008

Check out Jeff Middleton speaking this week on migration concepts he uses when migrating SBS...

Author: USNK Date: 01/06/2009

EBS Virtualized – STEP by STEP – PART 2 – Hardware Sizing

Here’s where the majority of the virtualization issues I’ve seen to date occur.  To repeat that...

Author: USNK Date: 01/06/2009

EBS Virtualized – STEP by STEP – PART 1 – The Disclaimer

OK, so this is the number one question I get “Nick, how do I set up EBS in production for an EBS...

Author: USNK Date: 01/05/2009

Happy New YEAR!

Thanks to all of you for 2008.  I’m really looking forward to 2009.  We’ve got lots of...

Author: USNK Date: 12/31/2008

Now that’s commitment – Los Colinas - CSS License plate

The next time you call Customer Support you might just get this guy helping you out!  Good to...

Author: USNK Date: 12/30/2008

Wondering why the SBS console starts every time you logon?

No, it’s not in the start up folder, or under run in the registry.  So where, you might be...

Author: USNK Date: 12/29/2008

How to set up SBS backup in a Hyper-V environment

Last week I posted about how to do a bare metal restore and David from down-under asked if I could...

Author: USNK Date: 12/26/2008

TS2 team and EBS TCO

Check out part 2 of the interview series with Charles.  This time we talk about TCO...

Author: USNK Date: 12/23/2008 IAMW logon tip

While tweaking an SBS environment recently I tried to log on to to adjust some of my...

Author: USNK Date: 12/22/2008

Xbox, Zune and Home Server combination

It the holiday season so I’ve been tweaking my home entertainment config in preparation for some...

Author: USNK Date: 12/19/2008

Correction! The real SBS and EBS newsgroups

Not so long ago I wrote about the SBS newsgroup – little did I know that there were some others that...

Author: USNK Date: 12/18/2008

Bare Metal restore with SBS 2008 running virtualized

Over the last few weeks I’ve been experimenting with my SBS deployment at home.  Unfortunately...

Author: USNK Date: 12/17/2008

Behind the scenes interview with the TS2 team about EBS

Last week Charles came up to Redmond to do a series of video interviews.  In this segment I...

Author: USNK Date: 12/16/2008 Worldwide SA offer Extended

For those of you selling SBS 2003 still (:)) , you can still take advantage of the SA offer until...

Author: USNK Date: 12/15/2008

See SBS on the CBS Early show next weekend - updated

This Next Saturday in New York, Danny Seo, a green lifestyle expert and third-party spokesperson for...

Author: USNK Date: 12/12/2008

Ah, YES! The Technet Technical FAq has been found :)

Steve blogged earlier this week about the Technet Technical FAQ.  A great little secret we...

Author: USNK Date: 12/11/2008

How to configure an EBS WEB CHAINing Rule

If you’re thinking of running an EBS environment isolated on your corporate network and want to set...

Author: USNK Date: 12/10/2008

HazardWorks INC: Roland’s Laptop

So it’s Roland’s first day with his new laptop. Like many SBs he probably bought it from one of the...

Author: USNK Date: 12/09/2008

Looking for the decks from the Academy Live Sessions?

Recently it was pointed out to me that the decks weren’t easy to get to from my link to the...

Author: USNK Date: 12/08/2008

EBS Jumpstart kit

Listen up all you SBS partners out there.  You’ve probably heard about Windows Essential...

Author: USNK Date: 12/05/2008

SBS Newsgroup/Forum

Earlier this week I was asked where to find the SBS 2008 Forum?  Well due to significant...

Author: USNK Date: 12/04/2008

Congrats ERIC – SBS Unleashed heading to resellers

  One of our MVPs posted this morning about Windows Small Business Server 2008 Unleashed being...

Author: USNK Date: 12/04/2008

MAPS SBS Premium – Does it differ from retail?

Recently we’ve had a couple questions about the SBS 2008 Premium media in the Microsoft Action Pack...

Author: USNK Date: 12/03/2008

Prometric Exam title for SBS fixed!

Chris, Susan and several others of the community pointed out last week that the Prometric exam site...

Author: USNK Date: 12/03/2008

Microsoft Finance and EBS

Chris posted today about the use of Microsoft finance and some of the great offers they have in the...

Author: USNK Date: 12/03/2008

Activating EBS from Evaluation to Production

So you’ve been evaluating Windows Essential Business Server 2008 and now it’s time to move it from...

Author: USNK Date: 12/02/2008

Thanksgiving and TURDUCKEN madness

Being an Alien here in the US I thought I’d share something very unique to the US of A –...

Author: USNK Date: 12/01/2008

remote Web Workplace/SBS Port Settings

It’s probably one of the most common questions I get asked so I thought I would quickly list them...

Author: USNK Date: 11/26/2008

What about EBS downgrade Rights?

Last week I wrote about SBS downgrade rights, afterwards several people asked “What about...

Author: USNK Date: 11/25/2008

Dynamics AX 2009 EBS Plug-in Released

Today the Dynamics team released the Windows Essential Business Server 2008 Dynamics AX 2009...

Author: USNK Date: 11/24/2008

Whoops! How to multi-decline Vista Ultimate language packs

In my SBS network I have several copies of Vista Ultimate which is good thing – but the was one draw...

Author: USNK Date: 11/20/2008

Partner Academy Live content – available online

A while back David and I recorded a series of webcasts with the SBS and EBS engineering teams. ...

Author: USNK Date: 11/20/2008

Downgrade rights in SBS 2008 Premium Edition

Wondering what your downgrade rights are with SBS 2008 Premium edition?  As you know we place a...

Author: USNK Date: 11/19/2008

So what Features are actually in SQL Server 2008 Standard?

As you know both SBS and EBS include SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition.  So what features does...

Author: USNK Date: 11/19/2008

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