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Windows Live Suite has lots of RSS goodness

A couple weeks ago, Chris Jones (VP on the Windows Live team) announced the new Windows Live suite. Included in this suite are two things of potential interest to readers of this blog:

First, the beta release of Windows Live Mail -- a desktop email client like Outlook Express or Windows Mail for Vista. What makes it even more interesting is that includes support for reading RSS feeds (based on the Windows RSS Platform -- so anything you subscribed to using IE7 is automatically available in Windows Live Mail).

Windows Live Mail is great for those who like their feeds in a mail-like "three-pane" view. Brandon LeBlanc wrote about using Windows Live Mail as an RSS reader not too long ago on the Windows Experience blog. Read more about the beta release on the Windows Live Mail team blog.

Second, the suite includes an update to Windows Live Writer - a fantastic blogging tool (that I've written about before) with support for dozens of blogging services. Read about Writer on the team's blog.

So, lots of good stuff happening on the RSS and blogging front over in Windows Live-land. Keep an eye on the Windows Live Wire blog for updates.

- Sean