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Developer & ITPro Days 2005 updated

Just slightly updated the agenda and some speaker details on Friday. If I had goodies to give away, I would open up a contest to 'spot the differences'. That is just to say how final things are at this point. Overall I'm hearing good feedback for the agenda.

As Tom already noted: you have the opportunity to wet your feet in giving a presentation ("Lightning Talk"). The best topic is about something you are passionate about. And really it can be about anything Developer or ITPro related, your favourite 10 tips 'n tricks; the best blogs you are reading, How you build/operate that Enterprise Ready Mission Critical Totally Awesome Scaling, Reliable Multi-Tiered Web Services Enabled Application!!.

If you want to aim higher, also note that the TechEd 2005 Call for Papers is also open
(Note: Spoke to Gerd, this is only for TechEd US at the moment.)