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WebsiteSpark Gives Silicon Valley Web Designers and Developers a Jump-Start with Windows Azure

Sharing an announcement from the Windows Azure team.

By Himanshu Singh

WebsiteSpark is Microsoft’s program for small web development and design companies. WebsiteSpark gives web designers and developers a jump-start by providing the tools and resources needed to build great websites, free of cost.  Membership includes free access to software including Visual Studio, Expression, SQL Server Web Edition, Windows Web Server, as well as dedicated support from Microsoft engineers and Network Partners around the world.  Members can also increase their visibility through automatic enrollment in the WebsiteSpark Partner Catalog & Microsoft Partner Network.

We’re excited to announce that WebsiteSpark members now get one year of Windows Azure - up to $1,400 in annual savings. Now members can design, develop and deploy their sites in the cloud with Windows Azure.

This includes the following, per month:

  • 375 hours of a small compute instance
  • 20GB of storage capacity; 1M storage transactions
  • 1GB Web Edition SQL Database
  • 25 GB out (worldwide) CDN; 500,000 CDN transactions
  • And more!

Visit WebsiteSpark to learn more and sign up.


  • Anonymous
    November 14, 2013
    Hi Sir/Mam         Can you outsource some SEO business to us. We will work according you and your clients and for a long term relationship we can start our SEO services in only $99 per months per website.Looking forward for your positive reply.  Thanks & Regards  Anil Singh Mob.+91-9211469086|skype:ranksindia