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App of the Week - SuperTube

When so many cool apps pop up on the Marketplace in such a short time, it’s really hard to actually choose only one to write a review about. But after careful consideration, I finally was able to choose one of the many I had my eyes on, namely SuperTube.

This app caught my attention after I had used the Youtube app quite a few times and every time I would listen or watch a video a second time, the app would reload the whole video and it would take ages (especially if your network connection is not the best). SuperTube was the solution for me. It’s mostly an enhanced version of the Youtube app. Features of course include searching, liking videos and viewing them in Low Quality, High Quality or High Definition. The search has also the possibility of ordering the results based on relevance, or filtering only the HD videos. Also, previous searches of yours are saved in case you are looking for the same video again.

The app gives also the possibility of sharing the videos you have watched, mark as favorite and even subscribe to channels. Still, the feature I use most is the downloading and I use it because it’s fast and very effective. The thing I love most about it that the videos you download get stored in a folder called My Downloads and there you can choose multiple videos, by ticking a box, that will be played after you start one of them. They also give you a pretty handy search function for your already downloaded videos, just to speed up things a bit. The video and music plays also when you lock your phone (I admit, it has a bit of a glitch when you unlock your phone, but nothing major) and to change the volume they have implemented this really cute pinch-inward-volume-down and pinch-outward-volume-up controls. 

Besides all this you, naturally, have access to all your Youtube information saved on your account, and once you sign in, you get the list of your favorites, your playlists and all your subscriptions to the phone. They even provide you with a history of the videos you have played, possibility of uploading videos, seeing your inbox and also other fun features.

I’ve been using it quite some time now and I do have to say I am very satisfied with it. Did you find anything you think is better? Music/videos on my phone are pretty important to me so I’d love to hear what you are using for this sort of entertainment on your device.

Enjoy your downloads!

Andreia David

Lead Student Partner Ticino 

The App of the Week blog category is an initiative of your local Microsoft Student Partners in Switzerland. Feel free to contact us, send us your proposals for an App of the Week or drop some lines below if you want to share ideas, feedback or just want to comment.