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Meng Li @ MS

Leaving Microsoft

This will be my last technet/msdn blog. All my future blog posts will be at...

Date: 02/05/2014

Enable Missing Kernel Debugging Transport in Visual Studio 2012

By default, when you install Visual Studio 2012, you won't have Kernel Debugging in the list of...

Date: 04/04/2013

Changing Executable Dll Characteristics Flags: DynamicBase, NX, AppContainer

Inside the PE header of all executables, there is something called DLL Characteristics which...

Date: 03/09/2012

Our original download link for the tool only had x64 msi. We had since fixed it with a new download...

Date: 01/25/2011

Attack Surface Analyzer

My team here at Microsoft Security Engineering Center just released our latest tool for the SDL,...

Date: 01/19/2011

Installing .Net 3.5.1 on Windows 2008 R2

Sometimes when you try to install .Net 3.5 on Windows 2008 R2, you would get an error message: You...

Date: 11/19/2010

Building Both VS2008 and VS2010 on the Same TFS 2008 Server Using MSBuild

My team recently upgraded some of our Visual Studio solutions to be 2010 based in order to take...

Date: 10/21/2010

Bouncing Circle with HTML5 Canvas

This should work in ie9 and chrome. However, if you use ie9, make sure you set the browser and...

Date: 10/20/2010


I finally signed up for a twitter account: My first post is on the...

Date: 09/27/2010

Visual Studio Load Test Performance Testing

Recently, my team needed to do some perf testing on some ASP.NET application with sql backend. After...

Date: 06/11/2010

Error 80040200 When Regsvr Registering Com/Activex Controls

Sometimes when I try to register a com control, I get the following error dialog. [Window...

Date: 11/10/2009

Anonymous DCOM Problems with remote Hyper V Manager(Access Denied. Unable to Establish Communication)

If you ever run into problems using the remote Hyper V Manager, there is a wonderful little...

Date: 10/29/2009

Remotely Managing Hyperv in Win 7

Although, Win 7 official release is this week, internally it has been available for a while now....

Date: 10/20/2009

Finally Fast the Scam?

This commercial rocked my world:...

Date: 05/12/2009

Best Tech Ad of 2009?

Possibility the best tech Ad I've ever seen:...

Date: 05/11/2009


On my laptop, I use firefox and an extension called NoScript. What NoScript does is blocking general...

Date: 05/04/2009

Google "Office" Taking Over Microsoft Office

Nothing could stop Google from taking over Microsoft Office except these 5 items:1. The amount of...

Date: 04/28/2009

Automated Runs on Start Up

Note: this is for a non domain joined computer. This is the scenario that I want. Once windows boot...

Date: 04/28/2009

Exploiting Online Games

At RSA last week, there was an interesting panel on hacking games(woot!)...

Date: 04/27/2009

Delete Remote Files Via WMI and Powershell

Ever wanted to delete a file on a remote computer without using the net use/shared folder stuff?...

Date: 04/22/2009

Max Int Min Int - a Common Coding Mistake and a Sample Microsoft Interview Question

Write the function atoi, a string to integer converter.Write the function itoa, an integer to string...

Date: 04/21/2009

Powershell Tip #1

In Powershell, type $profile. PS C:\Program Files\Microsoft\AxFuzzer>...

Date: 04/20/2009

Tone Matrix the Tenori-on Wannabe

I've been into music a lot lately. And I found a little flash program that is just awesome. It...

Date: 04/17/2009

Best Codeplex Project Ever?

Have you ever wanted an open source library that implemented hello world? Neither have I, but...

Date: 04/16/2009


I bought some citi stock at around $2.7. Now it's all the way up to $4 in around a week. Woot! Now...

Date: 04/16/2009

!exploitable Extension for WinDBG

Continuing the trend of giving plugs to my coworker's software. 2 months ago, a couple of my...

Date: 04/14/2009

Quick Powershell Tutorial

Not a lot of help text but once you try these commands, you'd learn 90% of the commands most people...

Date: 04/14/2009

Ad Blocker for IE 8

According to a friend of mine here at MS, there isn't a really good ad blocker for IE8 yet so he...

Date: 04/13/2009

On Windbg and Symbols

Every once a while, a developer(SDE) or a tester(SDET) will find himself needing to look at dump...

Date: 02/17/2009

Recruiting Trip Down in San Diego part 2

A method that I am using in order to locate top candidate for interviews at Microsoft is by...

Date: 02/16/2009

Anime at Microsoft

Microsoft has a lot of internal mailing lists. Any full time employee could create their own mailing...

Date: 02/14/2009

Recruiting Trip Down in San Diego

Every quarter or so, Microsoft puts together a recruiting trip down to San Diego. The trip usually...

Date: 02/10/2009

Introduction to Threat Modeling

Part of my work at Microsoft is ensuring that we get a high quality threat model tool out to the...

Date: 02/06/2009

File ACL Vulnerability Part 2

In this post, I will attempt to explain and expand on what I talked about in my previous post on...

Date: 02/06/2009

File ACL Vulnerability 101

The most basic scenario when it comes to file ACL attacks is the lay in wait attack. In Windows, for...

Date: 02/05/2009

Facinating Talks That Everyone Could Benefit From

So about a year or two ago, I found and discovered PBS' frontline online. You can check it out at...

Date: 02/04/2009

First Post/Introduction

I am a 20 some year old software engineer working within the security group here at Microsoft....

Date: 02/04/2009