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Moving Computer AD Objects

I'm just going to toss code up here from now own. Too busy to write nicely-formatted posts. Apologies.!

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 <#.synopsisMove AD Computer Object to specified OU.parameter ComputerNameName of computer(s) to move.parameter PathText file(s) listing computers to move. Can contain blank lines and '# comments'.parameter OUTarget OU.exampleMove-ADComputerToOU os2jp100med04ComputerName OU Success------------ -- -------OS2JP100MED04 OU=DECOMM,OU=Non_Production True.exampleMove-ADComputerToOU -Path .\jp1med.txt -OU Decomm ComputerName OU Success------------ -- -------TY1JP100MED04 OU=DECOMM,OU=Non_Production TrueTY1JP100MED05 OU=DECOMM,OU=Non_Production TrueTY1JP100MED06 OU=DECOMM,OU=Non_Production True#>[cmdletBinding()]param (    [parameter(ValueFromPipeLine=$true,Position=0)]    [string[]]$ComputerName,    [string[]]$Path,    [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]    [string]$OU)function Move-ADComputerToOU{    [cmdletBinding()]    param (        [parameter(ValueFromPipeLine=$true,Position=0)]        [string[]]$ComputerName,        [string[]]$Path,        [parameter(Mandatory=$true,Position=1)]        [string]$OU    )    begin    {        $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop'        Import-Module ActiveDirectory        [System.Collections.ArrayList]$toDo = @()            try        {            $ouObject = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -LDAPFilter "(name=$ou)"            $ouDN = $ouObject.DistinguishedName        }        catch        {            Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message            break __out        }    }    process    {        $Path |        ? { $_ } |        % {            if (Test-Path -Path $Path)            {                (Get-Content -Path $Path) -replace '\s' -replace '#.*' |                ? { $_ } |                % {                    $ComputerName += $_                }            }            else            {                Write-Warning "-Path '$Path' not found."            }        }        $ComputerName |        ? { $_ } |        % {            try            {                $toDo += (                    Get-AdComputer -Identity $_                ).DistinguishedName            }            catch            {                Write-Warning "-ComputerName '$_' not found."            }        }    }    end    {        $todo |        Move-ADObject -TargetPath $ouDN        $todo -replace ',.*' -replace '.*=' |        Get-ADComputer |        Select-Object @{            n = 'ComputerName'            e = {                $_.Name            }        }, @{            n = 'OU'            e = {                $_.DistinguishedName -replace ',DC=.*' -replace '^CN=[^,]+,'            }        }, @{            n = 'Success'            e = {                [bool]($_.DistinguishedName -match ",OU=$ou")            }        }    }}if ($ComputerName -or $Path){    Move-ADComputerToOU @PSBoundParameters}