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Microsoft TechNet Spotlight

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Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Brad Nelson - Exploring Business Intelligence and SQL Server 2008

Learn how the new enhancements in SQL server 2008 provide a comprehensive and scalable Business...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Stephanie Doakes - The Application Platform: Where IT meets Business

Drive your business forward with the Microsoft Application Platform - an integrated set of platform...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Stephanie Doakes - Optimizing your IT Infrastructure with Windows Server 2008

Find out how Windows Server 2008 can help transform your IT infrastructure from a cost center to a...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Stephanie Doakes - Enabling Dynamic IT - and optimizing your infrastructure, processes and people

The 2008 Launch wave is a significant milestone in Microsoft's Dynamic IT initiative. We are focused...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - John Weston - Exploring Windows Server 2008 Web and Application Technologies

Take a look at all the changes coming in the new, redesigned Internet Information Services (IIS) 7...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - John Weston - Securing Your IT Infrastructure with Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 offers rich capabilities for securing your IT Infrastructure and proving tools...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - John Weston - Virtualization and Your Infrastructure

The new Windows Server Virtualization technology, Hyper-V, and Presentation Virtualization...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - John Weston - What's New in Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008, in addition to incorporating new capabilities and enhancements to existing...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Chris Sakolosky, Jon Roskill - Executive Keynote

Join the launch of Windows Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008 and SQL Server 2008. We will detail how...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/13/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Jeff Woolsey, Mike Sterling - Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V Architecture, Scenarios, and Networking

This session provides a high-level overview of the architecture of Hyper-V and VMM. The session then...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Allen Stewart, Edwin Yuen - Deploying Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V and Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager: Best Practices

This session covers the basic process of deploying Hyper-V and VMM in a product environment and then...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Alexander Lash, John Kelbley - Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V: Scripting and Programmatic Management for Fun and Profit (VBS and PowerShell)

Learn how to manage and manipulate Hyper-V, the next-generation virtualization platform from...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Edwin Yuen - Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008: Overview

Get a sneak peek at System Center Virtual Machine Manager v.Next, the newest version of VMM. Learn...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Ben Pearce - Windows, PowerShell, and Windows Management Instrumentation: Unveiling Microsoft's Best Kept Secret

Without doubt the most underused and underrated technology out there today is Windows Management...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Mark Minasi - Windows Logins Revealed

Every day we log into our Windows systems. But what really happens when we do? How DO our...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Corey Hynes - How to Build Your Next Generation IT Infrastructure Using Windows Server 2008

What does "your" network of the future hold? How far away is it? Find out in this demo session on...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Mark Russinovich - Windows Security Boundaries

In this session, learn what constitutes a security boundary; get a tour through core Windows...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Brad Wright - Introduction to Microsoft Forefront Code Name "Stirling"

Forefront code name "Stirling" is a single product that delivers comprehensive, coordinated...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Steve Riley - Virtualization and Security: What Does It Mean for Me?

Virtualization is the Next Big Thing, and certainly you've at least examined it, and probably are...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Alex Smolen, Rudolph Araujo - The Spy Who Hacked Me!

This is a joint presentation with Rudolph Araujo, a fellow Developer Security MVP, which will draw...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Marcus Murray - A Hackers Diary: How I Can Hack Your Vulnerable Services and How You Can Stop Me

This live session demonstrates how a hacker will try to exploit vulnerable applications in order to...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Paul Ross, Travis Wright - Microsoft System Center Service Manager

System Center Service Manager is the IT service desk product currently under development by...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Jason Buffington - Technical Introduction to Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007

This is the first of three sessions covering System Center Data Protection Manager (DPM) 2007. In...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Ryan Casey - Deploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Enterprise organizations require a scalable, reliable, and proven CRM architecture that fits within...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Susan Sauls - Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 is a fully integrated customer relationship management (CRM) system....

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Dan Jones - Advanced Microsoft SQL Server PowerShell Tips and Tricks

This session delves into the details of how to use SQL Server PowerShell and its cmdlets to...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Torsten Grabs - How Microsoft SQL Server Helps You to Lower Your Cost of Storage

Are increasing storage costs hurting your bottom line as data sizes keep growing throughout your...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Soumitra Sengupta - Introduction to Microsoft SQL Server Data Services

Cloud computing offers many benefits to business customers looking to increase operational...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 07/07/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Val Šribar - NTK 2008 Otvoritveno predavanje: Gartner - pogled v trende razvoja tehnologij

V uvodnem nagovoru je Val Šribar iz podjetja Gartner predstavil vpogled v razvoj tehnologij, trende...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Dejan Sarka - Nove možnosti podatkovnega skladiščenja v strežniku Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Priprava in vzdrževanje skladišc podatkov (Data Warehouses) je najbolj zamuden in zahteven del...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Slavko Kukrika - Nameščanje strežnika Microsoft Windows Server 2008 od A do Ž

Na predavanju bomo spoznali orodja in tehnologije za namešcanje in prilagajanje namestitev...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Tadej Vidrih - Active Directory Rights Management Services v strežniku Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Vcasih kot dodatek, danes pa spremljevalni del strežnika Microsoft Windows Server 2008, storitve...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Matjaž Ladava - Active Directory Rights Management Services v strežniku Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Vcasih kot dodatek, danes pa spremljevalni del strežnika Microsoft Windows Server 2008, storitve...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Marko Zajc, Andrej Kašnik - Iskanje v poslovnih okoljih: Microsoft Search Server 2008, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 in FAST

Na predavanju bomo spoznali, kako s pomocjo Microsoftovih rešitev Microsoft Office SharePoint Server...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - Zaščita podatkov z ogrodjem Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 in kriptografija naslednje generacije

V predavanju vas Rafal popolje v svet zašcite podatkov s pomocjo funkcionalnosti znotraj ogrodja...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Andrej Motaln - Virtualizacija v strežniku Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Z izidom Microsoft Windows Server 2008 RTM smo dobili tudi Hyper-V beta. Zunaj je že novi RC0 update...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Dušan Zupančič - Razvoj bogatih spletnih aplikacij s tehnologijo Microsoft Silverlight 2.0

Val razvoja bogatih spletnih rešitev (RIA - Rich Internet Applications) je Microsoft zajahal s...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - Razvoj bolj inteligentnih aplikacij z uporabo rudarjenja podatkov

V predavanju vam Rafal predstavi nacine za uporabo konceptov podatkovnega rudarjenja v vašo...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Rafal Lukawiecki - NTK 2008 Tehnično predavanje: Vzorci in predloge sedaj in v prihodnosti

V tehnicnem otvoritvenem nastopu se bo Rafal Lukawiecki dotaknil evolucije deklarativnih nacinov...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Matej Potokar - NTK 2008 Otvoritveno predavanje

V otvoritvenem predavanju je Matej Potokar, generalni direktor Microsoft Slovenija naredil povzetek...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 06/11/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - John Craddock - Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Drilldown

Windows 2008 Active Directory Domain Services introduces many new features and enhancements. Come on...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Steve Lamb - Security (chalk and talk)

Questions for Steve lamb after the security overview session and the Bitlocker session....

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Martijn Bellaard - Windows Server 2008 Terminal Services

De doelstelling van deze presentatie is om de bezoekers uit te leggen welke Terminal Services...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Ronald Beekelaar - Technical drilldown on Virtualization in Windows Server 2008

Deze technische sessie is een deep-dive in de nieuwe Hyper-V (Windows Server Virtualization)...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Sander Berkhouwer - Windows Server Core

Windows Server 2008 introduces a brand new installation option called Server Core. Server Core is...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - John Craddock - Windows Server 2008 Active Directory

So what’s happening in Active Directory for Windows Server 2008? In this session we will be provide...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Gert Drapers - SQL Server Overview

The upcoming release of SQL Server 2008 will bring enhancements in for key areas: Mission Critical...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Fabio Yeon - Internet Information Server

Internet Information Server (IIS7) 7.0 is the Web server role in Windows Vista and Windows Server...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Tony Krijnen, Daniel van Soest - Windows Server 2008 overview

Tony en Daniel staan in het kort stil bij alle nieuwe mogelijkheden in Windows Server 2008. Doordat...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008

Technet Spotlight On Demand Video - Michel N'Guettia, Erwin Hartenberg - Keynote IT-HerOlympics: Lancering Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2008

Keynote IT-HerOlympics...

Author: TechNet Archive Date: 05/29/2008
