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HOWTO: GetFolder, FindItem, Restriction, GetItem

This is an attempt to extend my previous code sample Getting into a folder by path using EWS

With this code sample I have demonstrated HOWTO find items under a folder.

I have used Restriction to list down all the "IPM.Note" items falling under a specified date/time span.


    static void Main(string[] args)

        ExchangeServiceBinding esb = new ExchangeServiceBinding();

        esb.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("Username", "Password");

        esb.Url = "https://server-name-here/EWS/Exchange.asmx";

        BaseFolderType bft = GetFolderByPath(esb, "/Inbox/myFolder");

        if (null == bft)

            Console.WriteLine("Folder not found.");


            Console.WriteLine("Folder Found: " + bft.DisplayName);

            ItemType[] its = FindAllItems(esb, bft.FolderId.Id, DateTime.Parse("07/25/2007 00:00"), DateTime.Parse("07/30/2007 00:00"));

            if (null == its)


            foreach (ItemType it in its)

                MessageType mt;

                mt = GetItem(esb, it.ItemId.Id) as MessageType;

                if (null == mt)

                    Console.WriteLine("Item not found");


                    Console.WriteLine(mt.DateTimeSent + " >> " + mt.Subject + " >> " + mt.Sender.Item.EmailAddress);





    static public BaseFolderType GetFolderByPath(ExchangeServiceBinding esb, string szFolderPath)

        if (null == szFolderPath)

            return null;

        if (szFolderPath.IndexOf("/") == -1)

            return null;

        if (szFolderPath.Substring(0, 1).CompareTo("/") == 0)

            szFolderPath = szFolderPath.Substring(1);

        string[] Path = szFolderPath.Split('/');

        string szParentFolderId = null;

        BaseFolderType bft = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < Path.GetLength(0); i++)

            if (null == szParentFolderId)

                szParentFolderId = GetRootFolderId(esb);

            bft = GetFolder(esb, szParentFolderId, Path[i]);

            if (null == bft)

                return null;


                szParentFolderId = bft.FolderId.Id;


        return bft;


    static public BaseFolderType GetFolder(ExchangeServiceBinding esb, string szParentFolderId, string szFolderName)

        if (null == esb || null == szFolderName)

            return null;

        //get the root folder ID

        FolderIdType[] fit = new FolderIdType[1];

        fit[0] = new FolderIdType();

        fit[0].Id = szParentFolderId;

        //set the props that we want to retrieve

        FolderResponseShapeType frst = new FolderResponseShapeType();

        frst.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties;

        //restrict the search on the folder name

        PathToUnindexedFieldType ftFolderName = new


        ftFolderName.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.folderDisplayName;

        ConstantValueType cvt = new ConstantValueType();

        cvt.Value = szFolderName;

        FieldURIOrConstantType ctFolderName = new FieldURIOrConstantType();

        ctFolderName.Item = cvt;

        ContainsExpressionType cet = new ContainsExpressionType();

        cet.Constant = cvt;

        cet.Item = ftFolderName;

        cet.ContainmentComparison = ContainmentComparisonType.IgnoreCase;

        cet.ContainmentComparisonSpecified = true;

        cet.ContainmentMode = ContainmentModeType.FullString;

        cet.ContainmentModeSpecified = true;

        RestrictionType rt = new RestrictionType();

        rt.Item = cet;

        //find the folder

        FindFolderType fft = new FindFolderType();

        fft.Traversal = FolderQueryTraversalType.Deep;

        fft.ParentFolderIds = fit;

        fft.FolderShape = frst;

        fft.Restriction = rt;

        FindFolderResponseType ffrt = esb.FindFolder(fft);

        ResponseMessageType rmt =


        if (rmt.ResponseClass == ResponseClassType.Success)

            BaseFolderType[] bfts = ((FindFolderResponseMessageType)ffrt.ResponseMessages.Items[0]).RootFolder.Folders;

            if (bfts.GetLength(0) > 0)

                return bfts[0];


                return null;



            return null;


    static public ItemType GetItem(ExchangeServiceBinding esb, string szItemId)

        if (null == esb || null == szItemId)

            return null;

        //specify the content that we want to retrieve, we are retrieving AllProperties

        ItemResponseShapeType irst = new ItemResponseShapeType();

        irst.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties;

        irst.IncludeMimeContent = true;

        irst.IncludeMimeContentSpecified = true;

        ItemIdType iit = new ItemIdType();

        iit.Id = szItemId;

        BaseItemIdType[] biit = new BaseItemIdType[1];

        biit[0] = iit;

        //get the item

        GetItemType git = new GetItemType();

        git.ItemShape = irst;

        git.ItemIds = biit;

        GetItemResponseType girt = esb.GetItem(git);

        if (girt.ResponseMessages.Items[0].ResponseClass == ResponseClassType.Success)

            return ((ItemType)(((ItemInfoResponseMessageType)girt.ResponseMessages.Items[0]).Items.Items[0]));


            return null;


    static public string GetRootFolderId(ExchangeServiceBinding esb)

        if (null == esb)

            return null;

        DistinguishedFolderIdType[] dfit = new DistinguishedFolderIdType[1];

        //get the root folder ID

        dfit[0] = new DistinguishedFolderIdType();

        dfit[0].Id = DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.root;

        //set the props that we want to retrieve

        FolderResponseShapeType frst = new FolderResponseShapeType();

        frst.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties;

        //get the folder

        GetFolderType gftRoot = new GetFolderType();

        gftRoot.FolderIds = dfit;

        gftRoot.FolderShape = frst;

        GetFolderResponseType gfrt = esb.GetFolder(gftRoot);

        FolderInfoResponseMessageType firmt =


        if (firmt.ResponseClass == ResponseClassType.Success)

            return ((FolderInfoResponseMessageType)gfrt.ResponseMessages.Items[0]).Folders[0].FolderId.Id;


            return null;


    static public ItemType[] FindAllItems(ExchangeServiceBinding esb, string strFolderID, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate)

        if (null == esb || null == strFolderID || "" == strFolderID)

            return null;

        //get the inbox folder ID

        FolderIdType[] fita = new FolderIdType[1];

        fita[0] = new FolderIdType();

        fita[0].Id = strFolderID;

        //request AllProperties

        PathToUnindexedFieldType[] ptufta = new PathToUnindexedFieldType[1];

        ptufta[0] = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();

        ptufta[0].FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemItemClass;

        ItemResponseShapeType irst = new ItemResponseShapeType();

        irst.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties;

        irst.IncludeMimeContent = false;

        irst.AdditionalProperties = ptufta;

        //restrict the returned items to just items of a specific message class

        PathToUnindexedFieldType MsgClassField = new


        MsgClassField.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemItemClass;

        ConstantValueType MsgClassToGet = new ConstantValueType();

        MsgClassToGet.Value = "IPM.NOTE";

        FieldURIOrConstantType MsgClassConstant = new


        MsgClassConstant.Item = MsgClassToGet;

        IsEqualToType iett = new IsEqualToType();

        iett.FieldURIOrConstant = MsgClassConstant;

        iett.Item = MsgClassField;

        //restrict the returned items greater than a specified date

        PathToUnindexedFieldType StartDateReceivedField = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();

        StartDateReceivedField.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeReceived;

        ConstantValueType StartDateReceivedToGet = new ConstantValueType();

        StartDateReceivedToGet.Value = StartDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString();

        FieldURIOrConstantType StartDateReceivedConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType();

        StartDateReceivedConstant.Item = StartDateReceivedToGet;

        IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType igtett = new IsGreaterThanOrEqualToType();

        igtett.FieldURIOrConstant = StartDateReceivedConstant;

        igtett.Item = StartDateReceivedField;

        //restrict the returned items less than a specified date

        PathToUnindexedFieldType EndDateReceivedField = new PathToUnindexedFieldType();

        EndDateReceivedField.FieldURI = UnindexedFieldURIType.itemDateTimeReceived;

        ConstantValueType EndDateReceivedToGet = new ConstantValueType();

        EndDateReceivedToGet.Value = EndDate.ToUniversalTime().ToString();

        FieldURIOrConstantType EndDateReceivedConstant = new FieldURIOrConstantType();

        EndDateReceivedConstant.Item = EndDateReceivedToGet;

        IsLessThanOrEqualToType iltett = new IsLessThanOrEqualToType();

        iltett.FieldURIOrConstant = EndDateReceivedConstant;

        iltett.Item = EndDateReceivedField;

        AndType at = new AndType();

        at.Items = new SearchExpressionType[3];

        at.Items[0] = igtett;

        at.Items[1] = iltett;

        //TODO: Uncomment the following line if you want to display only email items from folder

        // If the following line is commented then all items would be returned from folder, 

        // for e.g. Reports, Appointment, Meeting Requests, Contacts etc.

        //at.Items[2] = iett;

        RestrictionType rt = new RestrictionType();

        rt.Item = at;

        //find the items

        FindItemType fit = new FindItemType();

        fit.ItemShape = irst;

        fit.ParentFolderIds = fita;

        fit.Restriction = rt;

        FindItemResponseType firt = esb.FindItem(fit);







  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2007
    Very good!! Give me great help !

  • Anonymous
    April 16, 2008
    Excellent example thanks a lot!!

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2008
    Thank you very much for this post.  It was very helpful to me. I think I may have found two small bugs in the code. In the GetFolder function you have FolderQueryTraversalType.Deep specified for the search.  I believe it should be FolderQueryTraversalType.Shallow.  Also, when I changed this I wasn't finding anything off the root directory, so after a little digging I found that in the GetRootFolderId function you search for DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.root.  I believe that should be DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.root. The way it was before, If I was searching for a folder and there were two with the same name under a particular parent, it was finding the wrong one. Once I changed these two things everything seemed to work fine. -Jim

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2008
    Glad I could help. I agree with you about the bugs.

  • Anonymous
    September 19, 2008
    Turns out my bug report had a bug in it.  I meant to say it should have been DistinguishedFolderIdNameType.msgfolderroot. It really was very helpful I had a project to do and i've never worked with Exchange web services before.  This really got me started. -Jim

  • Anonymous
    January 08, 2009
    hi.. first let me know ... how to add service.asmx to my project... I am struck with this.. Let u mail to this id pls : thanks

  • Anonymous
    January 09, 2009
    What version of VS are you on? If its 2005 then you can simply add a web reference to project but if its 2008 then you need to select add service reference & from there you select add web reference instead. Contact me via page if you have any further question

  • Anonymous
    June 24, 2009
    I tried this but, BaseFolderType bft = GetFolderByPath(esb, "/Inbox"); it jumps to "Folder not found". I need to get use your "GetAttachment" code, for that I need Item info.. Any other of getting that. (p.s. I don't have any folders inside inbox of a user, all are mails with attachments.)

  • Anonymous
    June 24, 2009
    The comment has been removed

  • Anonymous
    August 05, 2009
    Please send me the request/response XML from server. Contact me via email @

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2009
    Thanks for the coding. But I am getting an error in the responsclass type as responeclasstype.error(it is supposed to be responseclasstype.success) if i try to read the mails within certain dates. Thanks

  • Anonymous
    August 20, 2009
    @Seetha: Could you please share the XML generated by the request and response with me? Contact me via contact page

  • Anonymous
    September 01, 2009
    Hi, This is my first time i try to use Web Services and VS for that matter and i have a little problem. return         ((ArrayOfRealItemsType)((FindItemResponseMessageType firt.ResponseMessages    .Items[0]).RootFolder.Item).Items;        } Is giving my an: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" Any help with what should i do? I am using VS 2008 Thanx allready.

  • Anonymous
    October 11, 2009
    I had the same problem too. return        ((ArrayOfRealItemsType)((FindItemResponseMessageType firt.ResponseMessages    .Items[0]).RootFolder.Item).Items; The issue is with the date range passed to the RestrictionType.  I don't need to worry about a date range so changed it to the following to get it working. RestrictionType rt = new RestrictionType();        rt.Item = iett; Eugene.

  • Anonymous
    September 14, 2011
    FYI, the DateTime restriction won't work like that in Exchange 2010. Everywhere you pass set the Value property of a ConstantValueType instance to dateTime.ToUniversalTime().ToString(), you would need to pass "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" to ToString(). That change will work with both Exchange 2007 and 2010. Hopefully this saves someone else some frustration later.

  • Anonymous
    October 01, 2015
    Thank you very much Daniel Cormier. 4 years latter working with exchange 2010 et 2013 you saved me lot of time.