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Skema kebijakan di ASP.NET Core

Skema kebijakan autentikasi memudahkan untuk memiliki satu skema autentikasi logis yang berpotensi menggunakan beberapa pendekatan. Misalnya, skema kebijakan mungkin menggunakan autentikasi Google untuk tantangan, dan cookie autentikasi untuk yang lainnya. Skema kebijakan autentikasi membuatnya:

  • Mudah untuk meneruskan tindakan autentikasi apa pun ke skema lain.
  • Teruskan secara dinamis berdasarkan permintaan.

Semua skema autentikasi yang menggunakan turunan AuthenticationSchemeOptions dan yang terkait AuthenticationHandler<TOptions>:

  • Apakah skema kebijakan secara otomatis di ASP.NET Core 2.1 dan yang lebih baru.
  • Dapat diaktifkan melalui mengonfigurasi opsi skema.
public class AuthenticationSchemeOptions
    /// <summary>
    /// If set, this specifies a default scheme that authentication handlers should 
    /// forward all authentication operations to, by default. The default forwarding 
    /// logic checks in this order:
    /// 1. The most specific ForwardAuthenticate/Challenge/Forbid/SignIn/SignOut 
    /// 2. The ForwardDefaultSelector
    /// 3. ForwardDefault
    /// The first non null result is used as the target scheme to forward to.
    /// </summary>
    public string ForwardDefault { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward 
    /// AuthenticateAsync calls to. For example:
    /// Context.AuthenticateAsync("ThisScheme") => 
    ///                Context.AuthenticateAsync("ForwardAuthenticateValue");
    /// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow 
    /// normal processing.
    /// </summary>
    public string ForwardAuthenticate { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward 
    /// ChallengeAsync calls to. For example:
    /// Context.ChallengeAsync("ThisScheme") =>
    ///                         Context.ChallengeAsync("ForwardChallengeValue");
    /// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal
    /// processing.
    /// </summary>
    public string ForwardChallenge { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward 
    /// ForbidAsync calls to.For example:
    /// Context.ForbidAsync("ThisScheme") 
    ///                               => Context.ForbidAsync("ForwardForbidValue");
    /// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal 
    /// processing.
    /// </summary>
    public string ForwardForbid { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward 
    /// SignInAsync calls to. For example:
    /// Context.SignInAsync("ThisScheme") => 
    ///                                Context.SignInAsync("ForwardSignInValue");
    /// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal 
    /// processing.
    /// </summary>
    public string ForwardSignIn { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// If set, this specifies the target scheme that this scheme should forward 
    /// SignOutAsync calls to. For example:
    /// Context.SignOutAsync("ThisScheme") => 
    ///                              Context.SignOutAsync("ForwardSignOutValue");
    /// Set the target to the current scheme to disable forwarding and allow normal 
    /// processing.
    /// </summary>
    public string ForwardSignOut { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Used to select a default scheme for the current request that authentication
    /// handlers should forward all authentication operations to by default. The 
    /// default forwarding checks in this order:
    /// 1. The most specific ForwardAuthenticate/Challenge/Forbid/SignIn/SignOut
    /// 2. The ForwardDefaultSelector
    /// 3. ForwardDefault. 
    /// The first non null result will be used as the target scheme to forward to.
    /// </summary>
    public Func<HttpContext, string> ForwardDefaultSelector { get; set; }


Contoh berikut menunjukkan skema tingkat yang lebih tinggi yang menggabungkan skema tingkat yang lebih rendah. Autentikasi Google digunakan untuk tantangan, dan cookie autentikasi digunakan untuk segala sesuatu yang lain:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
       .AddCookie(options => options.ForwardChallenge = "Google")
       .AddGoogle(options => { });

Contoh berikut memungkinkan pemilihan skema dinamis berdasarkan per permintaan. Artinya, cara mencampur cookieautentikasi s dan API:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        .AddCookie(options =>
            // For example, can foward any requests that start with /api 
            // to the api scheme.
            options.ForwardDefaultSelector = ctx => 
               ctx.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/api") ? "Api" : null;