Kueri untuk tabel CloudAppEvents
Untuk informasi tentang menggunakan kueri ini di portal Azure, lihat tutorial Analitik Log. Untuk REST API, lihat Kueri.
Perubahan ekstensi nama file
Tampilkan file yang diganti namanya.
| where Application in ("Microsoft OneDrive for Business", "Microsoft SharePoint Online") and ActionType == "FileRenamed"
| extend NewFileNameExtension = tostring(RawEventData.DestinationFileExtension)
| extend OldFileNameExtension = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileExtension)
| extend OldFileName = tostring(RawEventData.SourceFileName)
| extend NewFileName = tostring(RawEventData.DestinationFileName)
| where NewFileNameExtension == "doc" and OldFileNameExtension == "docx"
| project RenameTime = Timestamp, OldFileNameExtension, OldFileName, NewFileNameExtension, NewFileName, ActionType, Application, AccountDisplayName, AccountObjectId
| join kind=inner (DeviceFileEvents
| project FileName, AccountObjectId = InitiatingProcessAccountObjectId , DeviceName, SeenOnDevice = Timestamp, FolderPath) on $left.NewFileName == $right.FileName, AccountObjectId
| project RenameTime, NewFileName, OldFileName, Application, AccountObjectId, AccountDisplayName, DeviceName , SeenOnDevice, FolderPath
| limit 100