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Kueri untuk tabel Heartbeat

Untuk informasi tentang menggunakan kueri ini di portal Azure, lihat tutorial Analitik Log. Untuk REST API, lihat Kueri.

Menghitung heartbeat

Hitung semua detak jantung komputer dari satu jam terakhir.

// Count computers heartbeats in the last hour. 
// Normally, agents on VMs generate Heartbeat event every minute.
| where TimeGenerated > ago(1h)
| summarize count() by Computer

Detak jantung terakhir dari setiap komputer

Tampilkan heartbeat terakhir yang dikirim oleh setiap komputer.

// Last heartbeat of each computer 
// Show the last heartbeat sent by each computer. 
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by Computer

Lonjakan latensi penyerapan (end-to-end) - Tabel heartbeat

Periksa lonjakan latensi dalam penyerapan Heartbeats dalam 24 jam terakhir.

// Ingestion latency (end-to-end) spikes - Heartbeat table 
// Check for latency spikes in the ingestion of Heartbeats in the last 24 hour. 
// This query calculates ingestion duration every 10 minutes, and looks for spikes
let StartTime = ago(24h);
let EndTime = now();
let MinRSquare = 0.9; // Tune the sensitivity of the detection sensor. Higher numbers make the detector more sensitive
| where TimeGenerated between (StartTime .. EndTime)
// calculate ingestion duration in seconds
| extend IngestionDurationSeconds = (ingestion_time()-TimeGenerated)/1s
// Create a time series
| make-series RatioSeries=avg(IngestionDurationSeconds) default=0 on TimeGenerated in range(StartTime , EndTime,10m)
// Apply a 2-line regression to the time series
| extend (RSquare2, SplitIdx, Variance2, RVariance2, LineFit2) = series_fit_2lines(RatioSeries)
// Find out if our 2-line is trending up or down
|extend (Slope, Interception, RSquare, Variance, RVariance, LineFit) = series_fit_line(LineFit2)
// Check whether the line fit reaches the threshold, and if the spike represents an increase (rather than a decrease)
| project PatternMatch = iff(RSquare2 > MinRSquare and Slope>0, "Spike detected", "No spike")

Lonjakan latensi agen - Tabel heartbeat

Periksa lonjakan latensi agen dalam penyerapan Heartbeats dalam 24 jam terakhir.

// Agent latency spikes - Heartbeat table 
// Check for agent latency spikes in the ingestion of Heartbeats in the last 24 hour. 
// This query calculates ingestion duration every 10 minutes, and looks for spikes
let StartTime = ago(24h);
let EndTime = now();
let MinRSquare = 0.9; // Tune the sensitivity of the detection sensor. Higher numbers make the detector more sensitive
| where TimeGenerated between (StartTime .. EndTime)
// calculate ingestion duration in seconds
| extend AgentLatencySeconds = (_TimeReceived-TimeGenerated)/1s
// Create a time series
| make-series RatioSeries=avg(AgentLatencySeconds) default=0 on TimeGenerated in range(StartTime , EndTime,10m)
// Apply a 2-line regression to the time series
| extend (RSquare2, SplitIdx, Variance2, RVariance2, LineFit2) = series_fit_2lines(RatioSeries)
// Find out if our 2-line is trending up or down
|extend (Slope, Interception, RSquare, Variance, RVariance, LineFit) = series_fit_line(LineFit2)
// Check whether the line fit reaches the threshold, and if the spike represents an increase (rather than a decrease)
| project PatternMatch = iff(RSquare2 > MinRSquare and Slope>0, "Spike detected", "No spike")

Detak jantung yang baru saja dihentikan - Tabel heartbeat

Mencantumkan sumber daya yang berhenti mengirim heartbeat dalam 15 menit terakhir.

// Resources, which stopped sending heartbeats in last 15 minutes
| summarize LastReported=now()-max(TimeGenerated) by ResourceGroup, Resource, ResourceType 
// Assuming that heartbeats are sent at least every minute we are looking at 1-15 minute interval
| where LastReported between(1m..15m)

Ketersediaan komputer hari ini

Buat bagan jumlah komputer yang mengirim log, setiap jam.

| summarize dcount(ComputerIP) by bin(TimeGenerated, 1h)
| render timechart

Komputer yang tidak tersedia

Cantumkan semua komputer yang diketahui yang tidak mengirim heartbeat dalam 5 jam terakhir.

| summarize LastHeartbeat=max(TimeGenerated) by Computer
| where LastHeartbeat < ago(5h)

Tingkat ketersediaan

Hitung tingkat ketersediaan setiap komputer yang tersambung.

// bin_at is used to set the time grain to 1 hour, starting exactly 24 hours ago
| summarize heartbeatPerHour = count() by bin_at(TimeGenerated, 1h, ago(24h)), Computer
| extend availablePerHour = iff(heartbeatPerHour > 0, true, false)
| summarize totalAvailableHours = countif(availablePerHour == true) by Computer
| extend availabilityRate = totalAvailableHours*100.0/24

Tidak melaporkan VM

VM yang belum melaporkan heartbeat dalam 5 menit terakhir.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)
| summarize LastCall = max(TimeGenerated) by Computer, _ResourceId
| where LastCall < ago(5m)

Daftar komputer

Daftar komputer dengan Manajemen Pembaruan Azure yang disebarkan.

| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=="Linux" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions, Computer, ResourceId, ComputerEnvironment, VMUUID) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| extend vmuuId=VMUUID, azureResourceId=ResourceId, osType=1, environment=iff(ComputerEnvironment=~"Azure", 1, 2), scopedToUpdatesSolution=true, lastUpdateAgentSeenTime=""
| join kind=leftouter
    | where TimeGenerated>ago(5h) and OSType=="Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
    | where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=="Linux" and notempty(Computer)
    | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
    | where Solutions has "updates"
    | distinct SourceComputerId))
    | summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, Product, Computer, ComputerEnvironment) by SourceComputerId, Product, ProductArch
    | summarize Computer=any(Computer), ComputerEnvironment=any(ComputerEnvironment), missingCriticalUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Critical" and UpdateState=~"Needed"), missingSecurityUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Security" and UpdateState=~"Needed"), missingOtherUpdatesCount=countif(Classification !has "Critical" and Classification !has "Security" and UpdateState=~"Needed"), lastAssessedTime=max(TimeGenerated), lastUpdateAgentSeenTime="" by SourceComputerId
    | extend compliance=iff(missingCriticalUpdatesCount > 0 or missingSecurityUpdatesCount > 0, 2, 1)
    | extend ComplianceOrder=iff(missingCriticalUpdatesCount > 0 or missingSecurityUpdatesCount > 0 or missingOtherUpdatesCount > 0, 1, 3)
on SourceComputerId
| project id=SourceComputerId, displayName=Computer, sourceComputerId=SourceComputerId, scopedToUpdatesSolution=true, missingCriticalUpdatesCount=coalesce(missingCriticalUpdatesCount, -1), missingSecurityUpdatesCount=coalesce(missingSecurityUpdatesCount, -1), missingOtherUpdatesCount=coalesce(missingOtherUpdatesCount, -1), compliance=coalesce(compliance, 4), lastAssessedTime, lastUpdateAgentSeenTime, osType=1, environment=iff(ComputerEnvironment=~"Azure", 1, 2), ComplianceOrder=coalesce(ComplianceOrder, 2)
| union(Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=~"Windows" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions, Computer, ResourceId, ComputerEnvironment, VMUUID) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| extend vmuuId=VMUUID, azureResourceId=ResourceId, osType=2, environment=iff(ComputerEnvironment=~"Azure", 1, 2), scopedToUpdatesSolution=true, lastUpdateAgentSeenTime=""
| join kind=leftouter
    | where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) and OSType!="Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
    | where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=~"Windows" and notempty(Computer)
    | summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
    | where Solutions has "updates"
    | distinct SourceComputerId))
    | summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, Title, Optional, Approved, Computer, ComputerEnvironment) by Computer, SourceComputerId, UpdateID
    | summarize Computer=any(Computer), ComputerEnvironment=any(ComputerEnvironment), missingCriticalUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Critical" and UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false), missingSecurityUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Security" and UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false), missingOtherUpdatesCount=countif(Classification !has "Critical" and Classification !has "Security" and UpdateState=~"Needed" and Optional==false and Approved!=false), lastAssessedTime=max(TimeGenerated), lastUpdateAgentSeenTime="" by SourceComputerId
    | extend compliance=iff(missingCriticalUpdatesCount > 0 or missingSecurityUpdatesCount > 0, 2, 1)
    | extend ComplianceOrder=iff(missingCriticalUpdatesCount > 0 or missingSecurityUpdatesCount > 0 or missingOtherUpdatesCount > 0, 1, 3)
on SourceComputerId
| project id=SourceComputerId, displayName=Computer, sourceComputerId=SourceComputerId, scopedToUpdatesSolution=true, missingCriticalUpdatesCount=coalesce(missingCriticalUpdatesCount, -1), missingSecurityUpdatesCount=coalesce(missingSecurityUpdatesCount, -1), missingOtherUpdatesCount=coalesce(missingOtherUpdatesCount, -1), compliance=coalesce(compliance, 4), lastAssessedTime, lastUpdateAgentSeenTime, osType=2, environment=iff(ComputerEnvironment=~"Azure", 1, 2), ComplianceOrder=coalesce(ComplianceOrder, 2))
| order by ComplianceOrder asc, missingCriticalUpdatesCount desc, missingSecurityUpdatesCount desc, missingOtherUpdatesCount desc, displayName asc
| project-away ComplianceOrder

Temukan di Heartbeat

Temukan di Heartbeat untuk mencari nilai tertentu dalam tabel Heartbeat./nNote bahwa kueri ini memerlukan pembaruan <parameter SeachValue> untuk menghasilkan hasil

// This query requires a parameter to run. Enter value in SearchValue to find in table.
let SearchValue =  "<SearchValue>";//Please update term you would like to find in the table.
| where * contains tostring(SearchValue)
| take 1000