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Kueri untuk tabel Pembaruan

Untuk informasi tentang menggunakan kueri ini di portal Azure, lihat tutorial Analitik Log. Untuk REST API, lihat Kueri.

Keamanan yang hilang atau pembaruan penting

Hitung berapa banyak keamanan atau pembaruan penting lainnya yang hilang.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where Classification in ("Security Updates", "Critical Updates")
| where UpdateState == 'Needed' and Optional == false and Approved == true
| summarize count() by Classification, Computer, _ResourceId
// This query requires the Security or Update solutions

Pembaruan yang tersedia untuk komputer Windows

Cantumkan KBID pembaruan Windows yang tersedia berdasarkan klasifikasinya dan untuk setiap Komputer.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) 
| where UpdateState =~ "Needed" and OSType != "Linux" 
| summarize by Computer, Classification, Product, KBID, ResourceId

Pembaruan yang tersedia untuk komputer Linux

Cantumkan pembaruan versi paket Linux yang tersedia berdasarkan klasifikasinya dan untuk setiap Komputer.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) 
| where UpdateState =~ "Needed" and OSType == "Linux" 
| summarize by Computer, Classification, Product, ProductVersion, ResourceId

Ringkasan pembaruan tidak ada

Dapatkan ringkasan pembaruan yang hilang menurut kategori.

| where TimeGenerated>ago(5h) and OSType=="Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=="Linux" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification) by Computer, SourceComputerId, Product, ProductArch
| where UpdateState=~"Needed"
| summarize by Product, ProductArch, Classification
| union (Update
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) and OSType!="Linux" and (Optional==false or Classification has "Critical" or Classification has "Security") and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=~"Windows" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, Approved) by Computer, SourceComputerId, UpdateID
| where UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false
| summarize by UpdateID, Classification )
| summarize allUpdatesCount=count(), criticalUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Critical"), securityUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Security"), otherUpdatesCount=countif(Classification !has "Critical" and Classification !has "Security")

Pembaruan yang tidak Ada

Dapatkan daftar semua pembaruan yang hilang.

| where TimeGenerated>ago(5h) and OSType=="Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=="Linux" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, BulletinUrl, BulletinID) by SourceComputerId, Product, ProductArch
| where UpdateState=~"Needed"
| project-away UpdateState, TimeGenerated
| summarize computersCount=dcount(SourceComputerId, 2), ClassificationWeight=max(iff(Classification has "Critical", 4, iff(Classification has "Security", 2, 1))) by id=strcat(Product, "_", ProductArch), displayName=Product, productArch=ProductArch, classification=Classification, InformationId=BulletinID, InformationUrl=tostring(split(BulletinUrl, ";", 0)[0]), osType=1
| union(Update
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) and OSType!="Linux" and (Optional==false or Classification has "Critical" or Classification has "Security") and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=~"Windows" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, Title, KBID, PublishedDate, Approved) by Computer, SourceComputerId, UpdateID
| where UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false
| project-away UpdateState, Approved, TimeGenerated
| summarize computersCount=dcount(SourceComputerId, 2), displayName=any(Title), publishedDate=min(PublishedDate), ClassificationWeight=max(iff(Classification has "Critical", 4, iff(Classification has "Security", 2, 1))) by id=strcat(UpdateID, "_", KBID), classification=Classification, InformationId=strcat("KB", KBID), InformationUrl=iff(isnotempty(KBID), strcat("", KBID), ""), osType=2)
| sort by ClassificationWeight desc, computersCount desc, displayName asc
| extend informationLink=(iff(isnotempty(InformationId) and isnotempty(InformationUrl), toobject(strcat('{ "uri": "', InformationUrl, '", "text": "', InformationId, '", "target": "blank" }')), toobject('')))
| project-away ClassificationWeight, InformationId, InformationUrl

Komputer dengan pembaruan yang hilang

Semua komputer dengan pembaruan yang hilang.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
|where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" 
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Title, KBID, Classification, MSRCSeverity, PublishedDate, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Pembaruan yang diperlukan tidak ada untuk server

Pembaruan yang hilang untuk komputer tertentu "ComputerName" (ganti dengan nama komputer Anda sendiri).

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
let ComputerName = "Enter your computer name here";
|where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" and Computer == ComputerName
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Title, KBID, Product, MSRCSeverity, PublishedDate, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Pembaruan keamanan penting hilang

Semua komputer yang kehilangan pembaruan penting atau pembaruan keamanan.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
|where  OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" and (Classification == "Security Updates" or Classification == "Critical Updates") 
| sort by TimeGenerated desc 

Keamanan yang hilang atau kritis di mana pembaruan manual

Pembaruan kritis atau keamanan yang diperlukan oleh komputer tempat pembaruan diterapkan secara manual.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false"
 |where (Classification == "Security Updates" or Classification == "Critical Updates")
| join kind=inner (UpdateSummary |where WindowsUpdateSetting == "Manual" |distinct Computer) on Computer 
| distinct KBID, Computer, _ResourceId

Rollup pembaruan hilang

Semua komputer dengan rollup pembaruan yang hilang.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where OSType != "Linux" and Optional == "false" and Classification == "Update Rollups" and UpdateState == "Needed" 
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Title, KBID, Classification, MSRCSeverity, PublishedDate, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

Pembaruan berbeda yang hilang lintas komputer

Pembaruan berbeda yang hilang di semua komputer.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" 
| distinct Title, Computer, _ResourceId