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Kelas dan antarmuka klien Kusto.Ingest

Antarmuka dan kelas utama di pustaka Kusto Ingest .NET adalah:


Informasi ini berlaku khusus untuk pustaka klien .NET. Pustaka klien yang berbeda mungkin memiliki variasi dalam antarmuka dan kelas yang tersedia. Untuk pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang Kusto Ingest di semua pustaka klien, lihat Gambaran umum Kusto Ingest.

Antarmuka IKustoIngestClient

  • IngestFromDataReaderAsync
  • IngestFromStorageAsync
  • IngestFromStreamAsync
public interface IKustoIngestClient : IDisposable
    /// <summary>
    /// Ingests data from <see cref="IDataReader"/>. <paramref name="dataReader"/> will be closed when the call completes.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dataReader">The <see cref="IDataReader"/> data source to ingest. Only the first record set will be used</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="sourceOptions">Options for the <see cref="IDataReader"/> ingestion source. This is an optional parameter</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromDataReaderAsync(IDataReader dataReader, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, DataReaderSourceOptions sourceOptions = null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from one of the supported storage providers. Currently the supported providers are: File System, Azure Blob Storage.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="uri">The URI of the storage resource to be ingested. Note: This URI may include a storage account key or shared access signature (SAS).
    ///  See <see href=""/> for the URI format options.</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="sourceOptions">Options for the storage ingestion source. This is an optional parameter</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromStorageAsync(string uri, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, StorageSourceOptions sourceOptions = null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="Stream"/>.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="stream">The <see cref="Stream"/> data source to ingest</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="sourceOptions">Options for the <see cref="Stream"/> ingestion source. This is an optional parameter</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromStreamAsync(Stream stream, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, StreamSourceOptions sourceOptions = null);

Kelas ExtendedKustoIngestClient

  • IngestFromSingleBlob - Tidak digunakan lagi. Gunakan IKustoIngestClient.IngestFromStorageAsync sebagai gantinya.
  • IngestFromSingleBlobAsync - Tidak digunakan lagi. Gunakan IKustoIngestClient.IngestFromStorageAsync sebagai gantinya.
  • IngestFromDataReader - Tidak digunakan lagi. Gunakan IKustoIngestClient.IngestFromDataReaderAsync sebagai gantinya.
  • IngestFromDataReaderAsync
  • IngestFromSingleFile - Tidak digunakan lagi. Gunakan IKustoIngestClient.IngestFromStorageAsync sebagai gantinya.
  • IngestFromSingleFileAsync - Tidak digunakan lagi. Gunakan IKustoIngestClient.IngestFromStorageAsync sebagai gantinya.
  • IngestFromStream - Tidak digunakan lagi. Gunakan IKustoIngestClient.IngestFromStreamAsync sebagai gantinya.
  • IngestFromStreamAsync
public static class ExtendedKustoIngestClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single data blob
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="blobUri">The URI of the blob will be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source blob should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="rawDataSize">The uncompressed raw data size</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromSingleBlob(this IKustoIngestClient client, string blobUri, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, long? rawDataSize = null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single data blob asynchronously
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="blobUri">The URI of the blob will be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source blob should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="rawDataSize">The uncompressed raw data size</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromSingleBlobAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, string blobUri, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, long? rawDataSize = null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single data blob
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="blobDescription"><see cref="BlobDescription"/> representing the blobs that will be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source blob should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="rawDataSize">The uncompressed raw data size</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromSingleBlob(this IKustoIngestClient client, BlobDescription blobDescription, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, long? rawDataSize = null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single data blob asynchronously
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="blobDescription"><see cref="BlobDescription"/> representing the blobs that will be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source blob should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="rawDataSize">The uncompressed raw data size</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromSingleBlobAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, BlobDescription blobDescription, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, long? rawDataSize = null);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="IDataReader"/>, which is closed and disposed of upon call completion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="dataReader">The data to ingest (only the first record set will be used)</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromDataReader(this IKustoIngestClient client, IDataReader dataReader, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    ///  Asynchronously ingest data from <see cref="IDataReader"/>, which is closed and disposed of upon call completion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="dataReader">The data to ingest (only the first record set will be used)</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromDataReaderAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, IDataReader dataReader, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="IDataReader"/>, which is closed and disposed of upon call completion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="dataReaderDescription"><see cref="DataReaderDescription"/>Represents the data to ingest (only the first record set will be used)</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromDataReader(this IKustoIngestClient client, DataReaderDescription dataReaderDescription, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    ///  Asynchronously ingest data from <see cref="IDataReader"/>, which is closed and disposed of upon call completion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="dataReaderDescription"><see cref="DataReaderDescription"/>Represents the data to ingest (only the first record set will be used)</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromDataReaderAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, DataReaderDescription dataReaderDescription, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="filePath">Absolute path of the source file to be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source file should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromSingleFile(this IKustoIngestClient client, string filePath, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single file asynchronously
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="filePath">Absolute path of the source file to be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source file should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromSingleFileAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, string filePath, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single file
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="fileDescription"><see cref="FileDescription"/> representing the file that will be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source file should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromSingleFile(this IKustoIngestClient client, FileDescription fileDescription, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from a single file asynchronously
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="fileDescription"><see cref="FileDescription"/> representing the file that will be ingested</param>
    /// <param name="deleteSourceOnSuccess">Indicates if the source file should be deleted after a successful ingestion</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromSingleFileAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, FileDescription fileDescription, bool deleteSourceOnSuccess, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="Stream"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="stream">The data to ingest</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="leaveOpen">Optional. If set to 'false' (default value), <paramref name="stream"/> will be closed and disposed on call completion</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromStream(this IKustoIngestClient client, Stream stream, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, bool leaveOpen = false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="Stream"/> asynchronously
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="stream">The data to ingest</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="leaveOpen">Optional. If set to 'false' (default value), <paramref name="stream"/> will be closed and disposed on call completion</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromStreamAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, Stream stream, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, bool leaveOpen = false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="Stream"/>
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="streamDescription"><see cref="StreamDescription"/>Represents the data to ingest</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="leaveOpen">Optional. If set to 'false' (default value), streamDescription.Stream will be closed and disposed on call completion</param>
    /// <returns><see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/></returns>
    public static IKustoIngestionResult IngestFromStream(this IKustoIngestClient client, StreamDescription streamDescription, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, bool leaveOpen = false);

    /// <summary>
    /// Ingest data from <see cref="Stream"/> asynchronously
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="client">The ingest client that will execute the ingestions</param>
    /// <param name="streamDescription"><see cref="StreamDescription"/>Represents the data to ingest</param>
    /// <param name="ingestionProperties">Additional properties to be used during the ingestion process</param>
    /// <param name="leaveOpen">Optional. If set to 'false' (default value), streamDescription.Stream will be closed and disposed on call completion</param>
    /// <returns>An <see cref="IKustoIngestionResult"/> task</returns>
    public static Task<IKustoIngestionResult> IngestFromStreamAsync(this IKustoIngestClient client, StreamDescription streamDescription, KustoIngestionProperties ingestionProperties, bool leaveOpen = false);

Kelas KustoIngestFactory

  • CreateDirectIngestClient
  • CreateQueuedIngestClient
  • CreateManagedStreamingIngestClient
  • CreateStreamingIngestClient
/// <summary>
/// Factory for creating Kusto ingestion objects.
/// </summary>
public static class KustoIngestFactory
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// directly with the Kusto engine service.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="kcsb">Indicates the connection to the Kusto engine service.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// directly with the Kusto engine service.</returns>
    /// <remarks>In most cases, it is preferred that ingestion be done using the
    /// queued implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/>. See <see cref="CreateQueuedIngestClient(KustoConnectionStringBuilder)"/>.</remarks>
    public static IKustoIngestClient CreateDirectIngestClient(KustoConnectionStringBuilder kcsb);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// directly with the Kusto engine service.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connectionString">Indicates the connection to the Kusto engine service.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// directly with the Kusto engine service.</returns>
    /// <remarks>In most cases, it is preferred that ingestion be done using the
    /// queued implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/>. See <see cref="CreateQueuedIngestClient(string)"/>.</remarks>
    public static IKustoIngestClient CreateDirectIngestClient(string connectionString);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoQueuedIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// with the Kusto ingestion service using a reliable queue.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="kcsb">Indicates the connection to the Kusto ingestion service.
    /// Note that the ingestion service generally has a "ingest-" prefix in the
    /// DNS host name part.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoQueuedIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// with the Kusto ingestion service using a reliable queue.</returns>
    public static IKustoQueuedIngestClient CreateQueuedIngestClient(KustoConnectionStringBuilder kcsb);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoQueuedIngestClient"/> that communicates
    /// with the Kusto ingestion service using a reliable queue.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connectionString">Indicates the connection to the Kusto ingestion service.
    /// Note that the ingestion service generally has a "ingest-" prefix in the
    /// DNS host name part.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoQueuedIngestClient"/> that communicates with the Kusto ingestion service using a reliable queue.</returns>
    public static IKustoQueuedIngestClient CreateQueuedIngestClient(string connectionString);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs managed streaming ingestion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="engineKcsb">Indicates the connection to the Kusto engine service.</param>
    /// <param name="dmKcsb">Indicates the connection to the Kusto data management service.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs managed streaming ingestion</returns>
    /// <remarks>Streaming ingestion is performed directy intto Kusto enginge cluster 
    /// and is optimized for low-latency ingestion of relatively small chunks of data.
    /// If the streaming ingset doesn't succeed after several retries, queued ingestion will be performed.</remarks>
    public static IKustoIngestClient CreateManagedStreamingIngestClient(KustoConnectionStringBuilder engineKcsb, KustoConnectionStringBuilder dmKcsb);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs managed streaming ingestion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="engineConnectionString">Indicates the connection to the Kusto engine service.</param>
    /// <param name="dmConnectionString">Indicates the connection to the Kusto data management service.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs managed streaming ingestion</returns>
    /// <remarks>Streaming ingestion is performed directy intto Kusto enginge cluster 
    /// and is optimized for low-latency ingestion of relatively small chunks of data.
    /// If the streaming ingset doesn't succeed after several retries, queued ingestion will be performed.</remarks>
    public static IKustoIngestClient CreateManagedStreamingIngestClient(string engineConnectionString, string dmConnectionString);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs streaming ingestion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="kcsb">Indicates the connection to the Kusto engine service.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs streaming ingestion</returns>
    /// <remarks>Streaming ingestion is performed directy intto Kusto enginge cluster 
    /// and is optimized for low-latency ingestion of relatively small chunks of data</remarks>
    public static IKustoIngestClient CreateStreamingIngestClient(KustoConnectionStringBuilder kcsb);

    /// <summary>
    /// Creates an implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs streaming ingestion
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="connectionString">Indicates the connection to the Kusto engine service.</param>
    /// <returns>An implementation of <see cref="IKustoIngestClient"/> that performs streaming ingestion</returns>
    /// <remarks>Streaming ingestion is performed directy into Kusto enginge cluster 
    /// and is optimized for low-latency ingestion of relatively small chunks of data</remarks>
    public static IKustoIngestClient CreateStreamingIngestClient(string connectionString);

Kelas KustoIngestionProperties

Kelas KustoIngestionProperties berisi properti penyerapan dasar untuk kontrol yang baik atas proses penyerapan.

Properti Makna
DatabaseName Nama database untuk diserap
TableName Nama tabel untuk diserap
DropByTags Tag yang akan dimiliki setiap jangkauan. DropByTag bersifat permanen dan dapat digunakan sebagai berikut: .show table T extents where tags has 'some tag' atau .drop extents <| .show table T extents where tags has 'some tag'
IngestByTags Tag yang ditulis per jangkauan. Nantinya dapat digunakan dengan IngestIfNotExists properti untuk menghindari penyerapan data yang sama dua kali. Untuk informasi selengkapnya, lihat ingest-by: tag.
IngestionMapping Menyimpan referensi ke pemetaan keluar atau daftar pemetaan kolom
AdditionalTags Tag tambahan sesuai kebutuhan
IngestIfNotExists Daftar tag yang tidak ingin Anda serap lagi (per tabel)
ValidationPolicy Definisi validasi data.
Format Format data yang sedang diserap
AdditionalProperties Properti lain yang diteruskan sebagai properti penyerapan ke perintah penyerapan. Properti diteruskan karena tidak semua properti penyerapan diwakili dalam anggota terpisah dari kelas ini
public class KustoIngestionProperties
    public string DatabaseName { get; set; }
    public string TableName { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<string> DropByTags { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<string> IngestByTags { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<string> AdditionalTags { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<string> IngestIfNotExists { get; set; }
    public IngestionMapping IngestionMapping { get; set; }
    public ValidationPolicy ValidationPolicy { get; set; }
    public DataSourceFormat? Format { get; set; }
    public bool IgnoreSizeLimit { get; set; } // Determines whether the limit of 4GB per single ingestion source should be ignored. Defaults to false.
    public IDictionary<string, string> AdditionalProperties { get; set; }

    public KustoIngestionProperties(string databaseName, string tableName);

Kelas SourceOptions

Kelas turunan dan SourceOptions mengenkapsulasikan informasi tambahan dan opsi penanganan untuk data sumber. Spesifikasinya berbeda antara sumber yang didukung

    // Base class
    public abstract class SourceOptions
        public Guid SourceId  { get; set; };    // Identifies the ingestion source
        public bool Compress { get; set; };     // Determines whether data should be compressed before being uploaded.

    // Represents a local file/blob/ADLSv2 file
    public sealed class StorageSourceOptions : SourceOptions
        public long? Size { get; set; };    // Uncompressed data size. Should be used to comunicate the file size to the service for efficient ingestion
        public bool DeleteSourceOnSuccess { get; set; };    // Indicates whether the ingestion source should be deleted after successful ingestion. Defaults to 'false'. When set to 'true', will require the service to individually delete each blob, which could put extra pressure on the service.
        public DataSourceCompressionType CompressionType { get; set; }; //  Indicates compression used. Defaults to 'none'

Kelas IngestionMapping

Menyimpan referensi ke pemetaan yang ada atau daftar pemetaan kolom.

Properti Makna
IngestionMappings Pemetaan kolom, masing-masing menggambarkan data kolom target dan sumbernya
IngestionMappingKind Jenis pemetaan yang dijelaskan dalam properti IngestionMappings - salah satunya: Csv, Json, Avro, Parquet, SStream, Orc, ApacheAvro, atau W3CLogFile
IngestionMappingReference Nama pemetaan yang dibuat sebelumnya
public class IngestionMapping
    public IEnumerable<ColumnMapping> IngestionMappings { get; set; }
    public IngestionMappingKind IngestionMappingKind { get; set; }
    public string IngestionMappingReference { get; set; }

    public IngestionMapping()
    public IngestionMapping(IngestionMapping ingestionMapping)

Enum DataSourceFormat

public enum DataSourceFormat
    csv,        // Data is in a CSV(-comma-separated values) format
    tsv,        // Data is in a TSV(-tab-separated values) format
    scsv,       // Data is in a SCSV(-semicolon-separated values) format
    sohsv,      // Data is in a SOHSV(-SOH (ASCII 1) separated values) format
    psv,        // Data is in a PSV (pipe-separated values) format
    tsve,       // Tab-separated value with '\' escaping character.
    txt,        // Each record is a line and has just one field
    raw,        // The entire stream/file/blob is a single record having a single field
    json,       // Data is in a JSON-line format (each line is record with a single JSON value)
    multijson,  // The data stream is a concatenation of JSON documents (property bags all)
    avro,       // Data is in a AVRO format
    orc,        // Data is in a ORC format
    parquet,    // Data is in a Parquet format

Contoh definisi KustoIngestionProperties

var guid = new Guid().ToString();
var kustoIngestionProperties = new KustoIngestionProperties("TargetDatabase", "TargetTable")
    DropByTags = new List<string> { DateTime.Today.ToString() },
    IngestByTags = new List<string> { guid },
    AdditionalTags = new List<string> { "some tags" },
    IngestIfNotExists = new List<string> { guid },
    IngestionMapping = new IngestionMapping() {
        IngestionMappingKind = Data.Ingestion.IngestionMappingKind.Csv,
        IngestionMappings = new ColumnMapping[] { new ColumnMapping() {
            ColumnName = "stringColumn",
            Properties = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
            { MappingConsts.Ordinal, "1"} }
        } },
    ValidationPolicy = new ValidationPolicy { ValidationImplications = ValidationImplications.Fail, ValidationOptions = ValidationOptions.ValidateCsvInputConstantColumns },
    Format = DataSourceFormat.csv

Antarmuka IKustoQueuedIngestClient

Antarmuka IKustoQueuedIngestClient menambahkan metode pelacakan yang mengikuti hasil operasi penyerapan dan mengekspos RetryPolicy untuk klien penyerapan.

  • PeekTopIngestionFailures
  • GetAndDiscardTopIngestionFailures
  • GetAndDiscardTopIngestionSuccesses
public interface IKustoQueuedIngestClient : IKustoIngestClient
    /// <summary>
    /// Peeks top (== oldest) ingestion failures  
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="messagesLimit">Maximum ingestion failures to peek. Default value peeks 32 messages.</param>
    /// <returns>A task which its result contains IEnumerable of <see cref="IngestionFailure"/>. The received messages won't be discarded from the relevant azure queue.</returns>
    Task<IEnumerable<IngestionFailure>> PeekTopIngestionFailures(int messagesLimit = -1);

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns and deletes top (== oldest) ingestion failure notifications 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="messagesLimit">Maximum ingestion failure notifications to get. Default value peeks 32 messages.</param>
    /// <returns>A task which its result contains IEnumerable of <see cref="IngestionFailure"/>. The received messages will be discarded from the relevant azure queue.</returns>
    Task<IEnumerable<IngestionFailure>> GetAndDiscardTopIngestionFailures(int messagesLimit = -1);

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns and deletes top (== oldest) ingestion success notifications 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="messagesLimit">Maximum ingestion success notifications to get. Default value peeks 32 messages.</param>
    /// <returns>A task which its result contains IEnumerable of <see cref="IngestionSuccess"/>. The received messages will be discarded from the relevant azure queue.</returns>
    Task<IEnumerable<IngestionSuccess>> GetAndDiscardTopIngestionSuccesses(int messagesLimit = -1);

    /// <summary>
    /// An implementation of IRetryPolicy that will be enforced on every ingest call,
    /// which affects how the ingest client handles retrying on transient failures 
    /// </summary>
    IRetryPolicy QueueRetryPolicy { get; set; }

Kelas KustoQueuedIngestionProperties

Kelas KustoQueuedIngestionProperties memperluas KustoIngestionProperties dengan beberapa kenop kontrol yang dapat digunakan untuk menyempurnakan perilaku penyerapan.

Properti Makna
FlushImmediately Default ke false. Jika diatur ke true, akan melewati mekanisme agregasi layanan Manajemen Data
IngestionReportLevel Mengontrol tingkat pelaporan status penyerapan (default ke FailuresOnly). Untuk performa dan penggunaan penyimpanan yang baik, sebaiknya Anda tidak mengatur IngestionReportLevel ke FailuresAndSuccesses
IngestionReportMethod Mengontrol target pelaporan status penyerapan. Opsi yang tersedia adalah: Azure Queue, Azure Table, atau keduanya. Default ke Queue.
public class KustoQueuedIngestionProperties : KustoIngestionProperties
    /// <summary>
    /// Allows to stop the batching phase and will cause to an immediate ingestion.
    /// Defaults to 'false'. 
    /// </summary>
    public bool FlushImmediately { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Controls the ingestion status report level.
    /// Defaults to 'FailuresOnly'.
    /// </summary>
    public IngestionReportLevel ReportLevel { get; set; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Controls the target of the ingestion status reporting. Available options are Azure Queue, Azure Table, or both.
    /// Defaults to 'Queue'.
    /// </summary>
    public IngestionReportMethod ReportMethod { get; set; }
    /// <summary>
    /// Controls the target of the ingestion status reporting. Available options are Azure Queue, Azure Table, or both.
    /// Defaults to 'Queue'.
    /// </summary>
    public IngestionReportMethod ReportMethod;

    public KustoQueuedIngestionProperties(string databaseName, string tableName);