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Menggunakan Azure Devops CLI untuk mengelola variabel dalam grup variabel

Layanan Azure DevOps | Azure DevOps Server 2022 | Azure DevOps Server 2020

Sampel ini menggunakan az devops ekstensi Azure DevOps ke Azure CLI untuk membuat dan menjalankan alur Azure yang mengakses grup variabel yang berisi variabel rahasia dan nonsecret.

Skrip menunjukkan tiga operasi berikut:


Untuk menjalankan sampel, Anda memerlukan:

Simpan file sampel

Simpan definisi alur YAML berikut sebagai file yang disebut azure-pipelines.yml di direktori akar dan main cabang repositori GitHub Anda.

- name: image
  displayName: 'Pool image'
  default: ubuntu-latest
  - windows-latest
  - windows-latest
  - ubuntu-latest
  - ubuntu-latest
  - macOS-latest
  - macOS-latest
- name: test
  displayName: Run Tests?
  type: boolean
  default: false

- group: "Contoso Variable Group"
- name: va
  value: $[variables.a]
- name: vb
  value: $[variables.b]
- name: vcontososecret
  value: $[variables.contososecret]

- main

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- script: |
    echo "Hello, world!"
    echo "Pool image: ${{ parameters.image }}"
    echo "Run tests? ${{ parameters.test }}"
  displayName: 'Show runtime parameter values'

- script: |
    echo "a=$(va)"
    echo "b=$(vb)"
    echo "contososecret=$(vcontososecret)"
    echo "Count up to the value of the variable group's nonsecret variable *a*:"
    for number in {1..$(va)}
        echo "$number"
    echo "Count up to the value of the variable group's nonsecret variable *b*:"
    for number in {1..$(vb)}
        echo "$number"
    echo "Count up to the value of the variable group's secret variable *contososecret*:"
    for number in {1..$(vcontososecret)}
        echo "$number"
  displayName: 'Test variable group variables (secret and nonsecret)'
    SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)

Jalankan sampel

Setelah Anda menyimpan file YAML di GitHub, jalankan skrip Azure DevOps CLI berikut di shell Bash di Cloud Shell atau secara lokal. Skrip membuat alur, grup variabel, dan variabel rahasia dan nonsecret, lalu memodifikasi nilai variabel.

Sebelum Anda menjalankan skrip, ganti tempat penampung berikut sebagai berikut:

  • <devops-organization> Nama organisasi Azure DevOps Anda
  • <github-organization> Nama organisasi GitHub Anda
  • <github-repository> Nama repositori GitHub Anda
  • <github-pat> PAT GitHub Anda

Ganti tempat penampung berikut dengan nilai yang Anda pilih:

  • <pipelinename> Nama untuk alur yang berjarak antara 3-19 karakter dan hanya berisi angka dan huruf kecil. Skrip menambahkan pengidentifikasi unik 5 digit.
  • <azure-resource-group-location> Wilayah Azure untuk grup sumber daya yang berisi akun Azure Storage, misalnya eastus.
  • <azure-storage-account-location> Sama seperti lokasi grup sumber daya.

# Provide placeholder variables.

# Declare other variables.
devopsProject="Contoso DevOps Project $uniqueId"
serviceConnectionName="Contoso Service Connection $uniqueId"
variableGroupName="Contoso Variable Group"

# Sign in to Azure CLI and follow the sign-in instructions, if necessary.
echo "Sign in."
az login

# Sign in to Azure DevOps with your Azure DevOps PAT, if necessary.
echo "Sign in to Azure DevOps."
az devops login

# Create a resource group and a storage account.
az group create --name "$resourceGroupName" --location "$resourceGroupLocation"
az storage account create --name "$storageAccountName" \
    --resource-group "$resourceGroupName" --location "$storageAccountLocation"

# Set the environment variable used for Azure DevOps token authentication.

# Create the Azure DevOps project and set defaults.
projectId=$(az devops project create \
    --name "$devopsProject" --organization "$devopsOrg" --visibility private --query id)
projectId=${projectId:1:-1}  # Just set to GUID; drop enclosing quotes.
az devops configure --defaults organization="$devopsOrg" project="$devopsProject"

# Create GitHub service connection.
githubServiceEndpointId=$(az devops service-endpoint github create \
    --name "$serviceConnectionName" --github-url "$repoName" --query id)
githubServiceEndpointId=${githubServiceEndpointId:1:-1}  # Just set to GUID; drop enclosing quotes.

# Create the pipeline.
pipelineId=$(az pipelines create \
    --name "$pipelineName" \
    --skip-first-run \
    --repository $repoName \
    --repository-type $repoType \
    --branch $branch \
    --service-connection $githubServiceEndpointId \
    --yml-path azure-pipelines.yml \
    --query id)

# Create a variable group with 2 non-secret variables and 1 secret variable.
# (contososecret < a < b). Then run the pipeline.
variableGroupId=$(az pipelines variable-group create \
    --name "$variableGroupName" --authorize true --variables a=12 b=29 --query id)
az pipelines variable-group variable create \
    --group-id $variableGroupId --name contososecret --secret true --value 17
pipelineRunId1=$(az pipelines run --id $pipelineId --open --query id)
echo "Go to the pipeline run's web page to view the output results for the 1st run."
echo "If the web page doesn't automatically appear, go to:"
echo "    ${pipelineRunUrlPrefix}${pipelineRunId1}"
read -p "Press Enter to change the value of one of the variable group's nonsecret variables, then run again:"

# Change the value of one of the variable group's nonsecret variables.
az pipelines variable-group variable update \
    --group-id $variableGroupId --name a --value 22
pipelineRunId2=$(az pipelines run --id $pipelineId --open --query id)
echo "Go to the pipeline run's web page to view the output results for the 2nd run."
echo "If the web page doesn't automatically appear, go to:"
echo "    ${pipelineRunUrlPrefix}${pipelineRunId2}"
read -p "Press Enter to change the value of the variable group's secret variable, then run once more:"

# Change the value of the variable group's secret variable.
az pipelines variable-group variable update \
    --group-id $variableGroupId --name contososecret --value 35
pipelineRunId3=$(az pipelines run --id $pipelineId --open --query id)
echo "Go to the pipeline run's web page to view the output results for the 3rd run."
echo "If the web page doesn't automatically appear, go to:"
echo "    ${pipelineRunUrlPrefix}${pipelineRunId3}"
read -p "Press Enter to continue:"

Membersihkan sumber daya

Untuk menghindari dikenakan biaya penyimpanan Azure setelah menjalankan sampel skrip, Anda dapat menghapus grup sumber daya Azure dan semua sumber dayanya dengan menjalankan skrip berikut:

az pipelines variable-group delete --group-id $variableGroupId --yes
az pipelines delete --id $pipelineId --yes
az devops service-endpoint delete --id $githubServiceEndpointId --yes
az devops project delete --id $projectId --yes
az storage account delete --name $storageAccountName --resource-group $resourceGroupName --yes
az group delete --name $resourceGroupName --yes
az devops configure --defaults organization="" project=""

Referensi Azure CLI

Sampel dalam artikel ini menggunakan perintah Azure CLI berikut: