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ISmartTagExtension Antarmuka


Mewakili ekstensi tag pintar dalam lembar kerja Excel yang dikustomisasi dengan menggunakan alat pengembangan Office di Visual Studio. Ekstensi mendefinisikan pengenal kustom untuk tag pintar.

public interface class ISmartTagExtension : Microsoft::Office::Tools::IExtension
public interface ISmartTagExtension : Microsoft.Office.Tools.IExtension
type ISmartTagExtension = interface
    interface IExtension
Public Interface ISmartTagExtension
Implements IExtension


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara menerapkan ISmartTagExtension untuk membuat pengenal tag pintar Anda sendiri. Contoh mengimplementasikan Recognize metode untuk mengenali setiap istilah tag pintar yang ditemukan dalam sel. Contoh ini mengasumsikan bahwa Anda telah menambahkan referensi ke Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag dari tab .NET dari kotak dialog Tambahkan Referensi .

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag;
using Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel;

namespace Trin_ExcelDerivedSmartTags4
    class CustomSmartTag : ISmartTagExtension
        // Declare the smart tag.
        Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.SmartTag smartTagDemo;

        // Declare actions for this smart tag.
        private Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action Action1;
        private Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action Action2;

        public CustomSmartTag()
            this.smartTagDemo = Globals.Factory.CreateSmartTag(
                "", "Custom Smart Tag", this);

            Action1 = Globals.Factory.CreateAction("Display property value");
            Action2 = Globals.Factory.CreateAction("Display smart tag details");

            smartTagDemo.Terms.AddRange(new string[] { "sales", "organization" });
            smartTagDemo.Actions = new Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action[] { 
                Action1, Action2 };

            Action1.Click += new ActionClickEventHandler(Action1_Click);
            Action2.Click += new ActionClickEventHandler(Action2_Click);

        void ISmartTagExtension.Recognize(string text, ISmartTagRecognizerSite site, 
            ISmartTagTokenList tokenList, SmartTagRecognizeContext context)

            // Determine whether each smart tag term exists in the document text.
            foreach (string term in smartTagDemo.Terms)
                // Search the cell text for the first instance of the current smart tag term.
                int index = context.CellText.IndexOf(term, 0);

                if (index >= 0)
                    // Create a smart tag token and a property bag for the recognized term.
                    ISmartTagProperties propertyBag = site.GetNewPropertyBag();

                    // Write a new property value.                 
                    string key = "Key1";
                    propertyBag.Write(key, DateTime.Now.ToString());

                    // Attach the smart tag to the term in the document

                    // This implementation only finds the first instance of a 
                    // smart tag term in the cell. 

        // This action displays the property value for the term.
        private void Action1_Click(object sender,
            Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ActionEventArgs e)
            ISmartTagProperties propertyBag = e.Properties;
            string key = "Key1";
            MessageBox.Show("The corresponding value of " + key +
                " is: " + propertyBag.get_Read(key));

        // This action displays smart tag details.
        private void Action2_Click(object sender,
            Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ActionEventArgs e)
            MessageBox.Show("The current smart tag caption is '" +
                smartTagDemo.Caption + "'. The current smart tag type is '" +
                smartTagDemo.SmartTagType + "'.");

        public Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.SmartTag Base
            get { return smartTagDemo; }

        public object ExtensionBase
            get { return smartTagDemo; }
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.SmartTag
Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel

Public Class CustomSmartTag
    Implements ISmartTagExtension

    ' Declare the smart tag.
    Private smartTagDemo As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.SmartTag

    ' Declare actions for this smart tag.
    WithEvents Action1 As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action
    WithEvents Action2 As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action

    Public Sub New()
        Me.smartTagDemo = Globals.Factory.CreateSmartTag(
            "", "Custom Smart Tag", Me)

        Action1 = Globals.Factory.CreateAction("Display property value")
        Action2 = Globals.Factory.CreateAction("Display smart tag details")

        smartTagDemo.Terms.AddRange(New String() {"sales", "organization"})
        smartTagDemo.Actions = New Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Action() {Action1, Action2}
    End Sub

    Private Sub Recognize(ByVal text As String, 
        ByVal site As ISmartTagRecognizerSite, ByVal tokenList As ISmartTagTokenList, 
        ByVal context As SmartTagRecognizeContext) Implements ISmartTagExtension.Recognize

        ' Determine whether each smart tag term exists in the document text.
        Dim Term As String
        For Each Term In smartTagDemo.Terms

            ' Search the cell text for the first instance of 
            ' the current smart tag term.
            Dim index As Integer = context.CellText.IndexOf(Term, 0)

            If (index >= 0) Then

                ' Create a smart tag token and a property bag for the 
                ' recognized term.
                Dim propertyBag As ISmartTagProperties = site.GetNewPropertyBag()

                ' Write a new property value.
                Dim key As String = "Key1"
                propertyBag.Write(key, DateTime.Now)

                ' Attach the smart tag to the term in the document.

                ' This implementation only finds the first instance
                ' of a smart tag term in the cell. 
                Exit For
            End If
    End Sub

    ' This action displays the property value for the term.
    Private Sub Action1_Click(ByVal sender As Object,
        ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ActionEventArgs) Handles Action1.Click

        Dim propertyBag As ISmartTagProperties = e.Properties
        Dim key As String = "Key1"
        MessageBox.Show("The corresponding value of " & key & " is: " &
    End Sub

    ' This action displays smart tag details.
    Private Sub Action2_Click(ByVal sender As Object,
        ByVal e As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.ActionEventArgs) Handles Action2.Click
        MessageBox.Show("The current smart tag caption is '" &
        smartTagDemo.Caption & "'. The current smart tag type is '" &
        smartTagDemo.SmartTagType & "'.")
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property Base() As Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.SmartTag
            Return smartTagDemo
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property ExtensionBase() As Object Implements ISmartTagExtension.ExtensionBase
            Return smartTagDemo
        End Get
    End Property
End Class


Terapkan ISmartTagExtension antarmuka jika Anda ingin mengontrol bagaimana Excel mengenali tag pintar dalam lembar kerja.


Tipe ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan hanya dalam proyek untuk Excel 2007. Tag pintar tidak digunakan lagi di Excel 2010.



Mendapatkan objek yang sedang diperluas oleh ini IExtension.

(Diperoleh dari IExtension)


Recognize(String, ISmartTagRecognizerSite, ISmartTagTokenList, SmartTagRecognizeContext)

Mencari teks dalam sel untuk istilah yang dikenali. Tipe atau anggota ini dimaksudkan untuk digunakan hanya dalam proyek untuk sistem Microsoft Office 2007. Tag pintar tidak digunakan lagi di Office 2010..

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