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InvokeWmiMethod Class


Wraps the Invoke-WmiMethod cmdlet

public ref class InvokeWmiMethod sealed : Microsoft::PowerShell::Activities::WmiActivity
public sealed class InvokeWmiMethod : Microsoft.PowerShell.Activities.WmiActivity
type InvokeWmiMethod = class
    inherit WmiActivity
Public NotInheritable Class InvokeWmiMethod
Inherits WmiActivity



Sets the default display name of the activity



Determines whether to append output to Result.

(Inherited from PipelineEnabledActivity)

The collection of arguments to use when calling the method


Specifies the authority to use to authenticate the WMI connection. You can specify standard NTLM or Kerberos authentication. To use NTLM, set the authority setting to ntlmdomain:"DomainName", where "DomainName" identifies a valid NTLM domain name. To use Kerberos, specify kerberos:"DomainName>\ServerName". You cannot include the authority setting when you connect to the local computer.

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

In order for an activity to go idle, 'CanInduceIdle' should be true.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The name of the WMI class to use for when static methods.


Determines whether to emit debug output of the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

If an activity needs to load a module before it can execute, override this member to return the name of that module.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Enables all the privileges of the current user before the command makes the WMI call.

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

Determines how errors should be handled by the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Specifies the impersonation level to use. Valid values are: 0: Default (reads the local registry for the default impersonation level , which is usually set to "3: Impersonate".) 1: Anonymous (Hides the credentials of the caller.) 2: Identify (Allows objects to query the credentials of the caller.) 3: Impersonate (Allows objects to use the credentials of the caller.) 4: Delegate (Allows objects to permit other objects to use the credentials of the caller.)

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

Determines how information records should be handled by the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The Input stream for the activity.

(Inherited from PipelineEnabledActivity)

Specifies the preferred locale for WMI objects. Specify the value of the Locale parameter as an array in the MS_"LCID" format in the preferred order .

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

Determines whether to merge error data to the output stream

(Inherited from PSActivity)

THe name of the instance or static method to call


When used with the Class parameter, this parameter specifies the WMI repository namespace where the referenced WMI class is located. When used with the List parameter, it specifies the namespace from which to gather WMI class information.

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

Provides access to the parameter defaults dictionary

(Inherited from PSActivity)

A WMI path specification which should be of the form "Win32_Printer.DeviceID='TestPrinter'" this will select instances of objects on which to call the method.


Defines the number of retries that the activity will make when it encounters an error during execution of its action. The default is to not retry.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Defines the delay, in seconds, between action retry attempts. The default is one second.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Defines the maximum amount of time, in seconds, that this activity may run. The default is unlimited.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Specifies the authentication level to be used with the WMI connection. Valid values are: -1: Unchanged 0: Default 1: None (No authentication in performed.) 2: Connect (Authentication is performed only when the client establishes a relationship with the application.) 3: Call (Authentication is performed only at the beginning of each call when the application receives the request.) 4: Packet (Authentication is performed on all the data that is received from the client.) 5: PacketIntegrity (All the data that is transferred between the client and the application is authenticated and verified.) 6: PacketPrivacy (The properties of the other authentication levels are used, and all the data is encrypted.)

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

Gets the fully qualified name of the command invoked by this activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The computer name to invoke this activity on.

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

Defines the credential to use in the remote connection.

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

The Debug stream / collection for the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Returns the module defining the command called by this activity. It may be null.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Forces the activity to return non-serialized objects. Resulting objects have functional methods and properties (as opposed to serialized versions of them), but will not survive persistence when the Workflow crashes or is persisted.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The Error stream / collection for the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The Information stream / collection for the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Forces the activity to not call the persist functionality, which will be responsible for persisting the workflow state onto the disk.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The Progress stream / collection for the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

In addition to the display name PSProgress Message will provide the way to append the additional information into the activity progress message like branch name or iteration number in case of parallel foreach.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

This the list of module names (or paths) that are required to run this Activity successfully. The default is null.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The Verbose stream / collection for the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The Warning stream / collection for the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

The output stream from the activity

(Inherited from PipelineEnabledActivity)

Tracer initialization.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Indicates if preference variables need to be updated

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Determines whether to connect the input stream for this activity.

(Inherited from PipelineEnabledActivity)

Determines whether to emit verbose output of the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Determines how warnings should be handled by the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)



The method is override-able by the drived classes in case they would like to implement different logic at the end of persistence. The default behavior would be to schedule the 'Persist' activity if the PSPersist flag is true or Host is asking for it.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Retrieves the stream and ubiquitous parameter information from the hosting application. These must be passed in as "Streams" and "UbiquitousParameters", respectively.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Cancel the running activity

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Begins the execution of the activity.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Retrievs all of the default arguments from the type and its parents.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Perform necessary steps to prepare the WMI commands

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

The method for derived activities to return a configured instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell. The implementor should have added all of the commands and parameters required to launch their command through the standard AddCommand() and AddParameter() methods. Derived activites should not manage the Runspace property directly, as the PSActivity class configures the runspace afterward to enable remote connections.

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Determine if this activity should be run in or out of process when run locally/

(Inherited from PSActivity)
GetUbiquitousParameter<T>(String, Dictionary<String,Object>)

Generic version of the function to handle value types

(Inherited from WmiActivity)
GetWmiCommandCore(NativeActivityContext, String)

Sets to execute the command that was passed in.

(Inherited from WmiActivity)

The method for derived activities to customize the runspace of a System.Management.Automation.PowerShell instance that the runtime has prepared for them. If the command needs any workflow-specific information during this PrepareSession call, it should be stored in ActivityImplementationContext.WorkflowContext during the GetCommand preparation phase.

(Inherited from PSActivity)
UpdateImplementationContextForLocalExecution(ActivityImplementationContext, ActivityContext)

Updates the ImplementationContext returned from GetPowerShell() to support local execution against the host's runspace pool.

(Inherited from PSActivity)
WriteProgressRecord(NativeActivityContext, PSDataCollection<ProgressRecord>, String, ProgressRecordType)

Write a progress record fo the current activity

(Inherited from PSActivity)

Applies to