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DeploymentPlanModifier Class


Represents a constributor that can modify a deployment plan

public abstract class DeploymentPlanModifier : Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment.DeploymentPlanContributor
type DeploymentPlanModifier = class
    inherit DeploymentPlanContributor
Public MustInherit Class DeploymentPlanModifier
Inherits DeploymentPlanContributor





Gets a value that indicates whether the contributor was canceled

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)

The CancellationToken used to indicate whether contributor execution should be canceled

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)


AddAfter(DeploymentPlanHandle, DeploymentStep, DeploymentStep)

Provides a way to modify the existing plan by adding a step after the existing step

AddBefore(DeploymentPlanHandle, DeploymentStep, DeploymentStep)

Provides a way for subclasses to modify the plan by adding a step after the specified step


Cancels execution of the contributor

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)

Inherited from Dispose()

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)
Dispose(Boolean) (Inherited from DeploymentContributor)
OnApplyDeploymentConfiguration(DeploymentContributorContext, ICollection<DeploymentContributorConfigurationStream>)

Called by the deployment process in DacFx to give your code an opportunity to collect configuration information from the provided files. At the end of the method all streams will be disposed. Contributors that need to obtain data from the streams must read and cache the data during this method - attempts to read from the stream during a later method such as the OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext) method will fail.

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)

Called by the build process in DacFx to give your code an opportunity to modify deployment configuration.

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)

Called by the deployment engine to allow custom contributors to execute their unique tasks

(Inherited from DeploymentPlanContributor)

Publishes a message to the deployment engine. The deployment engine will process and report the message to consumers.

(Inherited from DeploymentContributor)
Remove(DeploymentPlanHandle, DeploymentStep)

Provides a way to remove the specified step from the plan

Applies to