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RegistryKey.GetValueKind(String) Metode


Mengambil jenis data registri dari nilai yang terkait dengan nama yang ditentukan.

 Microsoft::Win32::RegistryValueKind GetValueKind(System::String ^ name);
public Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind GetValueKind (string name);
public Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind GetValueKind (string? name);
public Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind GetValueKind (string name);
member this.GetValueKind : string -> Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind
member this.GetValueKind : string -> Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind
Public Function GetValueKind (name As String) As RegistryValueKind



Nama nilai yang jenis data registrinya akan diambil. String ini tidak peka huruf besar/kecil.


Jenis data registri dari nilai yang terkait dengan name.



Pengguna tidak memiliki izin yang diperlukan untuk membaca dari kunci registri.

RegistryKey yang berisi nilai yang ditentukan ditutup (kunci tertutup tidak dapat diakses).

Sub-kunci yang berisi nilai yang ditentukan tidak ada.


Pasangan nama/nilai yang ditentukan oleh name tidak ada.

Pengguna tidak memiliki hak registri yang diperlukan.


Contoh kode berikut membuat kunci pengujian dan menambahkan nilai jenis data yang berbeda ke kunci. Contohnya kemudian membaca pasangan nama/nilai dan menampilkannya ke konsol, menggunakan GetValueKind metode untuk mengambil jenis data registri yang sesuai.

using namespace System;
using namespace Microsoft::Win32;
int main()
   // Delete and recreate the test key.
   Registry::CurrentUser->DeleteSubKey( "RegistryValueKindExample", false );
   RegistryKey ^ rk = Registry::CurrentUser->CreateSubKey( "RegistryValueKindExample" );
   // Create name/value pairs.
   // This overload supports QWord (long) values. 
   rk->SetValue( "QuadWordValue", 42, RegistryValueKind::QWord );
   // The following SetValue calls have the same effect as using the
   // SetValue overload that does not specify RegistryValueKind.
   rk->SetValue( "DWordValue", 42, RegistryValueKind::DWord );
   rk->SetValue( "MultipleStringValue", gcnew array<String^>{
   }, RegistryValueKind::MultiString );
   rk->SetValue( "BinaryValue", gcnew array<Byte>{
   }, RegistryValueKind::Binary );
   rk->SetValue( "StringValue", "The path is %PATH%", RegistryValueKind::String );
   // This overload supports setting expandable string values. Compare
   // the output from this value with the previous string value.
   rk->SetValue( "ExpandedStringValue", "The path is %PATH%", RegistryValueKind::ExpandString );
   // Display all the name/value pairs stored in the test key, with the
   // registry data type in parentheses.
   array<String^>^valueNames = rk->GetValueNames();
   System::Collections::IEnumerator^ myEnum = valueNames->GetEnumerator();
   while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
      String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
      RegistryValueKind rvk = rk->GetValueKind( s );
      switch ( rvk )
         case RegistryValueKind::MultiString:
            array<String^>^values = (array<String^>^)rk->GetValue( s );
            Console::Write( "\r\n {0} ({1}) =", s, rvk );
            for ( int i = 0; i < values->Length; i++ )
               if (i != 0) Console::Write(",");
               Console::Write( " \"{0}\"", values[ i ] );

         case RegistryValueKind::Binary:
            array<Byte>^bytes = (array<Byte>^)rk->GetValue( s );
            Console::Write( "\r\n {0} ({1}) =", s, rvk );
            for ( int i = 0; i < bytes->Length; i++ )
               // Display each byte as two hexadecimal digits.
               Console::Write( " {0:X2}", bytes[ i ] );

            Console::WriteLine( "\r\n {0} ({1}) = {2}", s, rvk, rk->GetValue( s ) );

This code example produces the following output:
 QuadWordValue (QWord) = 42

 DWordValue (DWord) = 42

 MultipleStringValue (MultiString) =, "One", "Two", "Three"

 BinaryValue (Binary) = 0A 2B 2C 2D 0E FF

 StringValue (String) = The path is %PATH%

 ExpandedStringValue (ExpandString) = The path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin;
 [***The remainder of this output is omitted.***]

using System;
using Microsoft.Win32;

public class Example
    public static void Main()
        // Delete and recreate the test key.
        Registry.CurrentUser.DeleteSubKey("RegistryValueKindExample", false);
        RegistryKey rk = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("RegistryValueKindExample");

        // Create name/value pairs.

        // This overload supports QWord (long) values.
        rk.SetValue("QuadWordValue", 42, RegistryValueKind.QWord);

        // The following SetValue calls have the same effect as using the
        // SetValue overload that does not specify RegistryValueKind.
        rk.SetValue("DWordValue", 42, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
        rk.SetValue("MultipleStringValue", new string[] {"One", "Two", "Three"}, RegistryValueKind.MultiString);
        rk.SetValue("BinaryValue", new byte[] {10, 43, 44, 45, 14, 255}, RegistryValueKind.Binary);
        rk.SetValue("StringValue", "The path is %PATH%", RegistryValueKind.String);

        // This overload supports setting expandable string values. Compare
        // the output from this value with the previous string value.
        rk.SetValue("ExpandedStringValue", "The path is %PATH%", RegistryValueKind.ExpandString);

        // Display all name/value pairs stored in the test key, with each
        // registry data type in parentheses.
        string[] valueNames = rk.GetValueNames();
        foreach (string s in valueNames)
            RegistryValueKind rvk = rk.GetValueKind(s);
            switch (rvk)
                case RegistryValueKind.MultiString :
                    string[] values = (string[]) rk.GetValue(s);
                    Console.Write("\r\n {0} ({1}) =", s, rvk);
                    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                        if (i != 0) Console.Write(",");
                        Console.Write(" \"{0}\"", values[i]);

                case RegistryValueKind.Binary :
                    byte[] bytes = (byte[]) rk.GetValue(s);
                    Console.Write("\r\n {0} ({1}) =", s, rvk);
                    for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
                        // Display each byte as two hexadecimal digits.
                        Console.Write(" {0:X2}", bytes[i]);

                default :
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\n {0} ({1}) = {2}", s, rvk, rk.GetValue(s));

This code example produces the following output:
 QuadWordValue (QWord) = 42

 DWordValue (DWord) = 42

 MultipleStringValue (MultiString) =, "One", "Two", "Three"

 BinaryValue (Binary) = 0A 2B 2C 2D 0E FF

 StringValue (String) = The path is %PATH%

 ExpandedStringValue (ExpandString) = The path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin;
 [***The remainder of this output is omitted.***]

Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Delete and recreate the test key.
        Registry.CurrentUser.DeleteSubKey("RegistryValueKindExample", False)
        Dim rk As RegistryKey = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("RegistryValueKindExample")
        ' Create name/value pairs.
        ' This overload supports QWord (long) values. 
        rk.SetValue("QuadWordValue", 42, RegistryValueKind.QWord)
        ' The following SetValue calls have the same effect as using the
        ' SetValue overload that does not specify RegistryValueKind.
        rk.SetValue("DWordValue", 42, RegistryValueKind.DWord)
        rk.SetValue("MultipleStringValue", New String() {"One", "Two", "Three"}, RegistryValueKind.MultiString)
        rk.SetValue("BinaryValue", New Byte() {10, 43, 44, 45, 14, 255}, RegistryValueKind.Binary)
        rk.SetValue("StringValue", "The path is %PATH%", RegistryValueKind.String) 
        ' This overload supports setting expandable string values. Compare
        ' the output from this value with the previous string value.
        rk.SetValue("ExpandedStringValue", "The path is %PATH%", RegistryValueKind.ExpandString)
        ' Display all name/value pairs stored in the test key, with each
        ' registry data type in parentheses.
        Dim valueNames As String() = rk.GetValueNames()
        Dim s As String
        For Each s In  valueNames
            Dim rvk As RegistryValueKind = rk.GetValueKind(s)
            Select Case rvk
                Case RegistryValueKind.MultiString
                    Dim values As String() = CType(rk.GetValue(s), String())
                    Console.Write(vbCrLf & " {0} ({1}) =", s, rvk)
                    For i As Integer = 0 To values.Length - 1
                        If i <> 0 Then Console.Write(",")
                        Console.Write(" ""{0}""", values(i))
                    Next i
                Case RegistryValueKind.Binary
                    Dim bytes As Byte() = CType(rk.GetValue(s), Byte())
                    Console.Write(vbCrLf & " {0} ({1}) =", s, rvk)
                    For i As Integer = 0 To bytes.Length - 1
                        ' Display each byte as two hexadecimal digits.
                        Console.Write(" {0:X2}", bytes(i))
                    Next i
                Case Else
                    Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf & " {0} ({1}) = {2}", s, rvk, rk.GetValue(s))
            End Select
        Next s
    End Sub
End Class

'This code example produces the following output (some output is omitted):
' QuadWordValue (QWord) = 42
' DWordValue (DWord) = 42
' MultipleStringValue (MultiString) = "One", "Two", "Three"
' BinaryValue (Binary) = 0A 2B 2C 2D 0E FF
' StringValue (String) = The path is %PATH%
' ExpandedStringValue (ExpandString) = The path is C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET\SDK\v2.0\Bin;
' [***The remainder of this output is omitted.***]



Kunci registri dapat memiliki satu nilai yang tidak terkait dengan nama apa pun. Ketika nilai yang tidak disebutkan namanya ini ditampilkan di editor registri, string "(Default)" muncul alih-alih nama. Untuk mengambil jenis data registri dari nilai yang tidak disebutkan namanya ini, tentukan salah satu null atau string kosong ("") untuk name.

Untuk deskripsi jenis data registri yang didukung, silakan lihat RegistryValueKind enumerasi.

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