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SqlConnection.ChangePassword Metode


Mengubah kata sandi SQL Server.


ChangePassword(String, String)

Mengubah kata sandi SQL Server untuk pengguna yang ditunjukkan dalam string koneksi ke kata sandi baru yang disediakan.

ChangePassword(String, SqlCredential, SecureString)

Mengubah kata sandi SQL Server untuk pengguna yang ditunjukkan dalam SqlCredential objek .

ChangePassword(String, String)

Mengubah kata sandi SQL Server untuk pengguna yang ditunjukkan dalam string koneksi ke kata sandi baru yang disediakan.

 static void ChangePassword(System::String ^ connectionString, System::String ^ newPassword);
public static void ChangePassword (string connectionString, string newPassword);
static member ChangePassword : string * string -> unit
Public Shared Sub ChangePassword (connectionString As String, newPassword As String)



string koneksi yang berisi informasi yang cukup untuk menyambungkan ke server yang Anda inginkan. string koneksi harus berisi ID pengguna dan kata sandi saat ini.


Kata sandi baru yang akan diatur. Kata sandi ini harus mematuhi kebijakan keamanan kata sandi apa pun yang ditetapkan di server, termasuk panjang minimum, persyaratan untuk karakter tertentu, dan sebagainya.


string koneksi menyertakan opsi untuk menggunakan keamanan terintegrasi.


melebihi newPassword 128 karakter.

connectionString Baik parameter atau newPassword null.


Berikut ini adalah contoh sederhana mengubah kata sandi:

class Program {
   static void Main(string[] args) {
        "Data Source=a_server;Initial Catalog=a_database;UID=user;PWD=old_password",
Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        "Data Source=a_server;Initial Catalog=a_database;UID=user;PWD=old_password",
    End Sub
End Module

Aplikasi konsol berikut menunjukkan masalah yang terlibat dalam mengubah kata sandi pengguna karena kata sandi saat ini telah kedaluwarsa.

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

class Program
    static void Main()
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...");

    private static void DemonstrateChangePassword()
        // Retrieve the connection string. In a production application,
        // this string should not be contained within the source code.
        string connectionString = GetConnectionString();

        using (SqlConnection cnn = new SqlConnection())
            for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++)
                // Run this loop at most two times. If the first attempt fails,
                // the code checks the Number property of the SqlException object.
                // If that contains the special values 18487 or 18488, the code
                // attempts to set the user's password to a new value.
                // Assuming this succeeds, the second pass through
                // successfully opens the connection.
                // If not, the exception handler catches the exception.
                    cnn.ConnectionString = connectionString;
                    // Once this succeeds, just get out of the loop.
                    // No need to try again if the connection is already open.
                catch (SqlException ex)
                    if (i == 0 && ((ex.Number == 18487) || (ex.Number == 18488)))
                        // You must reset the password.
                        connectionString =
                        // Bubble all other SqlException occurrences
                        // back up to the caller.
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(
                "SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Product", cnn);
            // Use the connection and command here...

    private static string ModifyConnectionString(
        string connectionString, string NewPassword)

        // Use the SqlConnectionStringBuilder class to modify the
        // password portion of the connection string.
        SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder =
            new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
        builder.Password = NewPassword;
        return builder.ConnectionString;

    private static string GetNewPassword()
        // In a real application, you might display a modal
        // dialog box to retrieve the new password. The concepts
        // are the same as for this simple console application, however.
        Console.Write("Your password must be reset. Enter a new password: ");
        return Console.ReadLine();

    private static string GetConnectionString()
        // For this demonstration, the connection string must
        // contain both user and password information. In your own
        // application, you might want to retrieve this setting
        // from a config file, or from some other source.

        // In a production application, you would want to
        // display a modal form that could gather user and password
        // information.
        SqlConnectionStringBuilder builder = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(
            "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks");

        Console.Write("Enter your user id: ");
        builder.UserID = Console.ReadLine();
        Console.Write("Enter your password: ");
        builder.Password = Console.ReadLine();

        return builder.ConnectionString;
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Module Module1
    Sub Main()
        Catch ex As Exception
            Console.WriteLine("Error: " & ex.Message)
        End Try
        Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to continue...")
    End Sub

    Private Sub DemonstrateChangePassword()
        Dim connectionString As String = GetConnectionString()
        Using cnn As New SqlConnection()
            For i As Integer = 0 To 1
                ' Run this loop at most two times. If the first attempt fails, 
                ' the code checks the Number property of the SqlException object.
                ' If that contains the special values 18487 or 18488, the code 
                ' attempts to set the user's password to a new value. 
                ' Assuming this succeeds, the second pass through 
                ' successfully opens the connection.
                ' If not, the exception handler catches the exception.
                    cnn.ConnectionString = connectionString
                    ' Once this succeeds, just get out of the loop.
                    ' No need to try again if the connection is already open.
                    Exit For

                Catch ex As SqlException _
                 When (i = 0 And (ex.Number = 18487 Or ex.Number = 18488))
                    ' You must reset the password.
                    connectionString = ModifyConnectionString( _
                     connectionString, GetNewPassword())

                Catch ex As SqlException
                    ' Bubble all other SqlException occurrences
                    ' back up to the caller.
                End Try
            Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT ProductID, Name FROM Product", cnn)
            ' Use the connection and command here...
        End Using
    End Sub

    Private Function ModifyConnectionString( _
     ByVal connectionString As String, ByVal NewPassword As String) As String

        ' Use the SqlConnectionStringBuilder class to modify the
        ' password portion of the connection string. 
        Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString)
        builder.Password = NewPassword
        Return builder.ConnectionString
    End Function

    Private Function GetNewPassword() As String
        ' In a real application, you might display a modal
        ' dialog box to retrieve the new password. The concepts
        ' are the same as for this simple console application, however.
        Console.Write("Your password must be reset. Enter a new password: ")
        Return Console.ReadLine()
    End Function

    Private Function GetConnectionString() As String
        ' For this demonstration, the connection string must
        ' contain both user and password information. In your own
        ' application, you might want to retrieve this setting
        ' from a config file, or from some other source.

        ' In a production application, you would want to 
        ' display a modal form that could gather user and password
        ' information.
        Dim builder As New SqlConnectionStringBuilder( _
         "Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=AdventureWorks")

        Console.Write("Enter your user id: ")
        builder.UserID = Console.ReadLine()
        Console.Write("Enter your password: ")
        builder.Password = Console.ReadLine()

        Return builder.ConnectionString
    End Function
End Module


Ketika Anda menggunakan SQL Server di Windows Server, pengembang dapat memanfaatkan fungsionalitas yang memungkinkan aplikasi klien menyediakan kata sandi saat ini dan baru untuk mengubah kata sandi yang ada. Aplikasi dapat menerapkan fungsionalitas seperti meminta kata sandi baru kepada pengguna selama masuk awal jika yang lama telah kedaluwarsa, dan operasi ini dapat diselesaikan tanpa intervensi administrator.

Metode mengubah ChangePassword kata sandi SQL Server untuk pengguna yang ditunjukkan dalam parameter yang disediakan connectionString ke nilai yang disediakan dalam newPassword parameter . Jika string koneksi menyertakan opsi untuk keamanan terintegrasi (yaitu, "Integrated Security=True" atau yang setara), pengecualian akan dilemparkan.

Untuk menentukan bahwa kata sandi telah kedaluwarsa, memanggil Open metode akan memunculkan SqlException. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa kata sandi yang terkandung dalam string koneksi harus diatur ulang, Number properti untuk pengecualian berisi nilai status 18487 atau 18488. Nilai pertama (18487) menunjukkan bahwa kata sandi telah kedaluwarsa dan yang kedua (18488) menunjukkan bahwa kata sandi harus diatur ulang sebelum masuk.

Metode ini membuka koneksinya sendiri ke server, meminta perubahan kata sandi, dan menutup koneksi segera setelah selesai. Koneksi ini tidak diambil dari, atau dikembalikan ke, kumpulan koneksi SQL Server.

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Berlaku untuk

ChangePassword(String, SqlCredential, SecureString)

Mengubah kata sandi SQL Server untuk pengguna yang ditunjukkan dalam SqlCredential objek .

 static void ChangePassword(System::String ^ connectionString, System::Data::SqlClient::SqlCredential ^ credential, System::Security::SecureString ^ newSecurePassword);
public static void ChangePassword (string connectionString, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential credential, System.Security.SecureString newSecurePassword);
static member ChangePassword : string * System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential * System.Security.SecureString -> unit
Public Shared Sub ChangePassword (connectionString As String, credential As SqlCredential, newSecurePassword As SecureString)



string koneksi yang berisi informasi yang cukup untuk menyambungkan ke server. string koneksi tidak boleh menggunakan salah satu kata kunci string koneksi berikut: Integrated Security = true, , UserIdatau Password; atau ContextConnection = true.


Objek SqlCredential.


Kata sandi baru. newPassword harus dibaca saja. Kata sandi juga harus mematuhi kebijakan keamanan kata sandi apa pun yang ditetapkan di server (misalnya, panjang dan persyaratan minimum untuk karakter tertentu).


string koneksi berisi kombinasi UserId, , Passwordatau Integrated Security=true.


string koneksi berisi Context Connection=true.


newSecurePassword (atau newPassword) lebih besar dari 128 karakter.


newSecurePassword (atau newPassword) tidak hanya dibaca.


newSecurePassword (atau newPassword) adalah string kosong.

Salah satu parameter (connectionString, credential, atau newSecurePassword) null.

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