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EventSourceCreationData(String, String) Konstruktor


Menginisialisasi instans EventSourceCreationData baru kelas dengan sumber peristiwa dan nama log peristiwa tertentu.

 EventSourceCreationData(System::String ^ source, System::String ^ logName);
public EventSourceCreationData (string source, string logName);
new System.Diagnostics.EventSourceCreationData : string * string -> System.Diagnostics.EventSourceCreationData
Public Sub New (source As String, logName As String)



Nama untuk mendaftar dengan log peristiwa sebagai sumber entri.


Nama log tempat entri dari sumber ditulis.


Contoh kode berikut menentukan apakah sumber peristiwa bernama SampleApplicationSource terdaftar di komputer lokal. Jika sumber peristiwa tidak ada, contoh mengatur file sumber daya pesan untuk sumber dan membuat sumber peristiwa baru. Terakhir, contoh kode mengatur nama tampilan yang dilokalkan untuk log peristiwa, menggunakan nilai pengidentifikasi sumber daya di DisplayNameMsgId dan jalur file sumber daya di messageFile.

void CreateEventSourceSample1( String^ messageFile )
   String^ myLogName;
   String^ sourceName = "SampleApplicationSource";
   // Create the event source if it does not exist.
   if (  !EventLog::SourceExists( sourceName ) )
      // Create a new event source for the custom event log
      // named "myNewLog."  
      myLogName = "myNewLog";
      EventSourceCreationData ^ mySourceData = gcnew EventSourceCreationData( sourceName,myLogName );
      // Set the message resource file that the event source references.
      // All event resource identifiers correspond to text in this file.
      if (  !System::IO::File::Exists( messageFile ) )
         Console::WriteLine( "Input message resource file does not exist - {0}", messageFile );
         messageFile = "";
         // Set the specified file as the resource
         // file for message text, category text, and 
         // message parameter strings.  
         mySourceData->MessageResourceFile = messageFile;
         mySourceData->CategoryResourceFile = messageFile;
         mySourceData->CategoryCount = CategoryCount;
         mySourceData->ParameterResourceFile = messageFile;
         Console::WriteLine( "Event source message resource file set to {0}", messageFile );

      Console::WriteLine( "Registering new source for event log." );
      EventLog::CreateEventSource( mySourceData );
      // Get the event log corresponding to the existing source.
      myLogName = EventLog::LogNameFromSourceName( sourceName, "." );

   // Register the localized name of the event log.
   // For example, the actual name of the event log is "myNewLog," but
   // the event log name displayed in the Event Viewer might be
   // "Sample Application Log" or some other application-specific
   // text.
   EventLog^ myEventLog = gcnew EventLog( myLogName,".",sourceName );
   if ( messageFile->Length > 0 )
      myEventLog->RegisterDisplayName( messageFile, DisplayNameMsgId );
static void CreateEventSourceSample1(string messageFile)
    string myLogName;
    string sourceName = "SampleApplicationSource";

    // Create the event source if it does not exist.
        // Create a new event source for the custom event log
        // named "myNewLog."

        myLogName = "myNewLog";
        EventSourceCreationData mySourceData = new EventSourceCreationData(sourceName, myLogName);

        // Set the message resource file that the event source references.
        // All event resource identifiers correspond to text in this file.
        if (!System.IO.File.Exists(messageFile))
            Console.WriteLine("Input message resource file does not exist - {0}",
            messageFile = "";
            // Set the specified file as the resource
            // file for message text, category text, and
            // message parameter strings.

            mySourceData.MessageResourceFile = messageFile;
            mySourceData.CategoryResourceFile = messageFile;
            mySourceData.CategoryCount = CategoryCount;
            mySourceData.ParameterResourceFile = messageFile;

            Console.WriteLine("Event source message resource file set to {0}",

        Console.WriteLine("Registering new source for event log.");
        // Get the event log corresponding to the existing source.
        myLogName = EventLog.LogNameFromSourceName(sourceName,".");

    // Register the localized name of the event log.
    // For example, the actual name of the event log is "myNewLog," but
    // the event log name displayed in the Event Viewer might be
    // "Sample Application Log" or some other application-specific
    // text.
    EventLog myEventLog = new EventLog(myLogName, ".", sourceName);

    if (messageFile.Length > 0)
        myEventLog.RegisterDisplayName(messageFile, DisplayNameMsgId);
Public Shared Sub CreateEventSourceSample1(ByVal messageFile As String)

    Dim myLogName As String
    Dim sourceName As String = "SampleApplicationSource"

    ' Create the event source if it does not exist.
    If Not EventLog.SourceExists(sourceName)
        ' Create a new event source for the custom event log
        ' named "myNewLog."  

        myLogName = "myNewLog"
        Dim mySourceData As EventSourceCreationData = New EventSourceCreationData(sourceName, myLogName)

        ' Set the message resource file that the event source references.
        ' All event resource identifiers correspond to text in this file.
        If Not System.IO.File.Exists(messageFile)

            Console.WriteLine("Input message resource file does not exist - {0}", _
            messageFile = ""
            ' Set the specified file as the resource
            ' file for message text, category text and 
            ' message parameters strings.

            mySourceData.MessageResourceFile = messageFile
            mySourceData.CategoryResourceFile = messageFile
            mySourceData.CategoryCount = CategoryCount
            mySourceData.ParameterResourceFile = messageFile

            Console.WriteLine("Event source message resource file set to {0}", _
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("Registering new source for event log.")
        ' Get the event log corresponding to the existing source.
        myLogName = EventLog.LogNameFromSourceName(sourceName,".")
    End If

    ' Register the localized name of the event log.
    ' For example, the actual name of the event log is "myNewLog," but
    ' the event log name displayed in the Event Viewer might be
    ' "Sample Application Log" or some other application-specific
    ' text.
    Dim myEventLog As EventLog = New EventLog(myLogName, ".", sourceName)
    If messageFile.Length > 0
        myEventLog.RegisterDisplayName(messageFile, DisplayNameMsgId)
    End If
End Sub

Contoh kode menggunakan file teks pesan berikut, yang disertakan dalam pustaka sumber daya EventLogMsgs.dll. File teks pesan adalah sumber tempat file sumber daya pesan dibuat. File teks pesan menentukan pengidentifikasi sumber daya dan teks untuk string kategori, pesan peristiwa, dan penyisipan parameter.

; //  
; // ********************************************************  

; // Use the following commands to build this file:  

; //   mc -s  
; //   rc EventLogMsgs.rc  
; //   link /DLL /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /NOENTRY /MACHINE:x86 EventLogMsgs.Res   
; // ********************************************************  

; // - Event categories -  
; // Categories must be numbered consecutively starting at 1.  
; // ********************************************************  


Database Query  

Data Refresh  

; // - Event messages -  
; // *********************************  

MessageId = 1000  
Severity = Success  
Facility = Application  
SymbolicName = AUDIT_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_ID_1000  
My application message text, in English, for message id 1000, called from %1.  

MessageId = 1001  
Severity = Warning  
Facility = Application  
SymbolicName = AUDIT_FAILED_MESSAGE_ID_1001  
My application message text, in English, for message id 1001, called from %1.  

MessageId = 1002  
Severity = Success  
Facility = Application  
SymbolicName = GENERIC_INFO_MESSAGE_ID_1002  
My generic information message in English, for message id 1002.  

MessageId = 1003  
Severity = Warning  
Facility = Application  
My generic warning message in English, for message id 1003, called from %1.  

MessageId = 1004  
Severity = Success  
Facility = Application  
The update cycle is complete for %%5002.  

MessageId = 1005  
Severity = Warning  
Facility = Application  
The refresh operation did not complete because the connection to server %1 could not be established.  

; // - Event log display name -  
; // ********************************************************  

MessageId = 5001  
Severity = Success  
Facility = Application  
Sample Event Log  

; // - Event message parameters -  
; //   Language independent insertion strings  
; // ********************************************************  

MessageId = 5002  
Severity = Success  
Facility = Application  


Untuk menulis entri ke log peristiwa, Anda harus terlebih dahulu membuat sumber kejadian untuk log peristiwa. Untuk mendaftarkan sumber baru, inisialisasi EventSourceCreationData instans, konfigurasikan properti instans untuk aplikasi Anda, dan panggil EventLog.CreateEventSource(EventSourceCreationData) metode . Setelah sumber terdaftar, Anda dapat menulis entri dari sumber menggunakan WriteEvent metode atau WriteEntry .

Anda dapat mendaftarkan sumber peristiwa dengan sumber daya yang dilokalkan untuk kategori peristiwa dan string pesan Anda. Aplikasi Anda dapat menulis entri log peristiwa menggunakan pengidentifikasi sumber daya, daripada menentukan string aktual. Pemantau Peristiwa menggunakan pengidentifikasi sumber daya untuk menemukan dan menampilkan string yang sesuai dari file sumber daya yang dilokalkan berdasarkan pengaturan bahasa saat ini. Anda dapat mendaftarkan file terpisah untuk kategori peristiwa, pesan, dan string penyisipan parameter, atau Anda dapat mendaftarkan file sumber daya yang sama untuk ketiga jenis string. CategoryCountGunakan properti , CategoryResourceFile, MessageResourceFile, dan ParameterResourceFile untuk mengonfigurasi sumber untuk menulis entri yang dilokalkan ke log peristiwa. Jika aplikasi Anda menulis nilai string langsung ke log peristiwa, Anda tidak perlu mengatur properti ini.

Sumber harus dikonfigurasi baik untuk menulis entri yang dilokalkan atau untuk menulis string langsung. Jika aplikasi Anda menulis entri menggunakan pengidentifikasi sumber daya dan nilai string, Anda harus mendaftarkan dua sumber terpisah. Misalnya, konfigurasikan satu sumber dengan file sumber daya, lalu gunakan sumber tersebut WriteEvent dalam metode untuk menulis entri menggunakan pengidentifikasi sumber daya ke log peristiwa. Kemudian buat sumber yang berbeda tanpa file sumber daya dan gunakan sumber tersebut WriteEntry dalam metode untuk menulis string langsung ke log peristiwa.

Tabel berikut ini memperlihatkan nilai properti awal untuk EventSourceCreationData.

Properti Nilai Awal
Source Parameter .source
LogName Parameter .logName
MachineName Komputer lokal (".").
CategoryCount Nol
CategoryResourceFile null (Nothing dalam Visual Basic).
MessageResourceFile null (Nothing dalam Visual Basic).
ParameterResourceFile null (Nothing dalam Visual Basic).

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