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GraphicsPath.AddPath(GraphicsPath, Boolean) Metode


Menambahkan GraphicsPath yang ditentukan ke jalur ini.

 void AddPath(System::Drawing::Drawing2D::GraphicsPath ^ addingPath, bool connect);
public void AddPath (System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath addingPath, bool connect);
member this.AddPath : System.Drawing.Drawing2D.GraphicsPath * bool -> unit
Public Sub AddPath (addingPath As GraphicsPath, connect As Boolean)



GraphicsPath yang akan ditambahkan.


Nilai Boolean yang menentukan apakah gambar pertama dalam jalur yang ditambahkan adalah bagian dari gambar terakhir dalam jalur ini. Nilai true menentukan bahwa (jika memungkinkan) gambar pertama dalam jalur yang ditambahkan adalah bagian dari gambar terakhir dalam jalur ini. Nilai false menentukan bahwa gambar pertama dalam jalur yang ditambahkan terpisah dari gambar terakhir di jalur ini.


Contoh kode berikut dirancang untuk digunakan dengan Windows Forms, dan memerlukan PaintEventArgse, objek peristiwa OnPaint. Kode melakukan tindakan berikut:

  • Membuat dua jalur satu segitiga sisi kanan dan yang lainnya segitiga up-side-down.

  • Menambahkan jalur kedua ke jalur pertama.

  • Menggambar jalur yang dihasilkan ke layar.

   void AddPathExample( PaintEventArgs^ e )
      // Create the first pathright side up triangle.
      array<Point>^ myArray = {Point(30,30),Point(60,60),Point(0,60),Point(30,30)};
      GraphicsPath^ myPath = gcnew GraphicsPath;
      myPath->AddLines( myArray );

      // Create the second pathinverted triangle.
      array<Point>^ myArray2 = {Point(30,30),Point(0,0),Point(60,0),Point(30,30)};
      GraphicsPath^ myPath2 = gcnew GraphicsPath;
      myPath2->AddLines( myArray2 );

      // Add the second path to the first path.
      myPath->AddPath( myPath2, true );

      // Draw the combined path to the screen.
      Pen^ myPen = gcnew Pen( Color::Black,2.0f );
      e->Graphics->DrawPath( myPen, myPath );
private void AddPathExample(PaintEventArgs e)
    // Create the first pathright side up triangle.
    Point[] myArray =
                 new Point(30,30),
                 new Point(60,60),
                 new Point(0,60),
                 new Point(30,30)
    GraphicsPath myPath = new GraphicsPath();
    // Create the second pathinverted triangle.
    Point[] myArray2 =
                 new Point(30,30),
                 new Point(0,0),
                 new Point(60,0),
                 new Point(30,30)
    GraphicsPath myPath2 = new GraphicsPath();
    // Add the second path to the first path.
    // Draw the combined path to the screen.
    Pen myPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);
    e.Graphics.DrawPath(myPen, myPath);
Public Sub AddPathExample(ByVal e As PaintEventArgs)

    ' Creates a symmetrical triangle and adds an inverted triangle.

    ' Create the first path - right side up triangle.
    Dim myArray As Point() = {New Point(30, 30), New Point(60, 60), _
    New Point(0, 60), New Point(30, 30)}
    Dim myPath As New GraphicsPath

    ' Create the second path - inverted triangle.
    Dim myArray2 As Point() = {New Point(30, 30), New Point(0, 0), _
    New Point(60, 0), New Point(30, 30)}
    Dim myPath2 As New GraphicsPath

    ' Add the second path to the first path.
    myPath.AddPath(myPath2, True)

    ' Draw the combined path to the screen.
    Dim myPen As New Pen(Color.Black, 2)
    e.Graphics.DrawPath(myPen, myPath)
End Sub

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