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FtpWebResponse.GetResponseStream Metode


Mengambil aliran yang berisi data respons yang dikirim dari server FTP.

 override System::IO::Stream ^ GetResponseStream();
public override System.IO.Stream GetResponseStream ();
override this.GetResponseStream : unit -> System.IO.Stream
Public Overrides Function GetResponseStream () As Stream


Instans yang dapat Stream dibaca yang berisi data yang dikembalikan dengan respons; jika tidak, Null jika tidak ada data respons yang dikembalikan oleh server.


Respons tidak mengembalikan aliran data.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan mendapatkan aliran respons untuk ListDirectory permintaan.

static bool ListFilesOnServer( Uri^ serverUri )
   // The serverUri should start with the ftp:// scheme.
   if ( serverUri->Scheme != Uri::UriSchemeFtp )
      return false;

   // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
   FtpWebRequest^ request = dynamic_cast<FtpWebRequest^>(WebRequest::Create( serverUri ));
   request->Method = WebRequestMethods::Ftp::ListDirectory;

   // Get the ServicePoint object used for this request, and limit it to one connection.
   // In a real-world application you might use the default number of connections (2),
   // or select a value that works best for your application.
   ServicePoint^ sp = request->ServicePoint;
   Console::WriteLine( "ServicePoint connections = {0}.", sp->ConnectionLimit );
   sp->ConnectionLimit = 1;
   FtpWebResponse^ response = dynamic_cast<FtpWebResponse^>(request->GetResponse());

   // The following streams are used to read the data returned from the server.
   Stream^ responseStream = nullptr;
   StreamReader^ readStream = nullptr;
      responseStream = response->GetResponseStream();
      readStream = gcnew StreamReader( responseStream,System::Text::Encoding::UTF8 );
      if ( readStream != nullptr )
         // Display the data received from the server.
         Console::WriteLine( readStream->ReadToEnd() );

      Console::WriteLine( "List status: {0}", response->StatusDescription );
      if ( readStream != nullptr )

      if ( response != nullptr )

   return true;
public static bool ListFilesOnServer(Uri serverUri)
    // The serverUri should start with the ftp:// scheme.
    if (serverUri.Scheme != Uri.UriSchemeFtp)
        return false;
    // Get the object used to communicate with the server.
    FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serverUri);
    request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory;

    // Get the ServicePoint object used for this request, and limit it to one connection.
    // In a real-world application you might use the default number of connections (2),
    // or select a value that works best for your application.

    ServicePoint sp = request.ServicePoint;
    Console.WriteLine("ServicePoint connections = {0}.", sp.ConnectionLimit);
    sp.ConnectionLimit = 1;

    FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse) request.GetResponse();

    // The following streams are used to read the data returned from the server.
    Stream responseStream = null;
    StreamReader readStream = null;
        responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
        readStream = new StreamReader(responseStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

        if (readStream != null)
            // Display the data received from the server.
        Console.WriteLine("List status: {0}",response.StatusDescription);
        if (readStream != null)
        if (response != null)

    return true;


Setelah membaca data, Anda harus menutup aliran. Aliran ditutup secara otomatis saat Anda menutup FtpWebResponse objek yang berisinya.

Pengecualian dilemparkan kecuali metode permintaan adalah DownloadFile atau ListDirectory.

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