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Mendapatkan Detail Atribut Teks Campuran Menggunakan UI Automation


Dokumentasi ini ditujukan untuk pengembang .NET Framework yang ingin menggunakan kelas UI Automation terkelola yang ditentukan pada namespace System.Windows.Automation. Untuk informasi terbaru tentang UI Automation, lihat API Automasi Windows: Automasi Antarmuka Pengguna.

Topik ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan Microsoft UI Automation untuk mendapatkan detail atribut teks dari rentang teks yang mencakup beberapa nilai atribut. Rentang teks dapat berkaitan dengan lokasi caret saat ini (atau pilihan tidak umum) dalam dokumen, pilihan teks yang berdekatan, kumpulan pilihan teks yang terpisah, atau seluruh isi tekstual dokumen.


Contoh kode berikut menunjukkan cara mendapatkan FontNameAttribute dari rentang teks di mana GetAttributeValuesebuah objek MixedAttributeValue dikembalikan.

/// <summary>
/// Display the target selection with attribute details in client.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selectedText">The current target selection.</param>
private void DisplaySelectedTextWithAttributes(string selectedText)
    targetSelection.Text = selectedText;
    // We're only interested in the FontNameAttribute for the purposes
    // of this sample.
    targetSelectionAttributes.Text =
        selectedText, TextPattern.FontNameAttribute);

/// <summary>
/// Parse the target selection based on the text attribute of interest.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selectedText">The current target selection.</param>
/// <param name="automationTextAttribute">
/// The text attribute of interest.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A string representing the requested attribute details.
/// </returns>
private string ParseTextRangeByAttribute(
    string selectedText,
    AutomationTextAttribute automationTextAttribute)
    StringBuilder attributeDetails = new StringBuilder();
    // Initialize the current attribute value.
    string attributeValue = "";
    // Make a copy of the text range.
    TextPatternRange searchRangeClone = searchRange.Clone();
    // Collapse the range to the starting endpoint.
    searchRangeClone.Move(TextUnit.Character, -1);
    // Iterate through the range character by character.
    for (int x = 1; x <= selectedText.Length; x++)
        searchRangeClone.Move(TextUnit.Character, 1);
        // Get the attribute value of the current character.
        string newAttributeValue =
        // If the new attribute value is not equal to the old then report
        // the new value along with its location within the range.
        if (newAttributeValue != attributeValue)
                .Append("> at text range position ")
            attributeValue = newAttributeValue;
    return attributeDetails.ToString();
' Display the target selection with attribute details in client.
' <param name="selectedText">The current target selection.</param>
Private Sub DisplaySelectedTextWithAttributes(ByVal selectedText As String)
    targetSelection.Text = selectedText
    ' We're only interested in the FontNameAttribute for the purposes
    ' of this sample.
    targetSelectionAttributes.Text = _
        ParseTextRangeByAttribute( _
        selectedText, TextPattern.FontNameAttribute)
End Sub

' Parse the target selection based on the text attribute of interest.
' <param name="selectedText">The current target selection.</param>
' <param name="automationTextAttribute">
' The text attribute of interest.
' A string representing the requested attribute details.
Function ParseTextRangeByAttribute( _
ByVal selectedText As String, _
ByVal automationTextAttribute As AutomationTextAttribute) As String
    Dim attributeDetails As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
    ' Initialize the current attribute value.
    Dim attributeValue As String = ""
    ' Make a copy of the text range.
    Dim searchRangeClone As TextPatternRange = searchRange.Clone()
    ' Collapse the range to the starting endpoint.
    searchRangeClone.Move(TextUnit.Character, -1)
    ' Iterate through the range character by character.
    Dim x As Integer
    For x = 1 To selectedText.Length
        searchRangeClone.Move(TextUnit.Character, 1)
        ' Get the attribute value of the current character.
        Dim newAttributeValue As String = _
        ' If the new attribute value is not equal to the old then report
        ' the new value along with its location within the range.
        If (newAttributeValue <> attributeValue) Then
            attributeDetails.Append(automationTextAttribute.ProgrammaticName) _
            .Append(":") _
            .Append(vbLf) _
            .Append("<") _
            .Append(newAttributeValue) _
            .Append("> at text range position ") _
            attributeValue = newAttributeValue
        End If
    Return attributeDetails.ToString()
End Function

Pola TextPattern kontrol, bersama dengan TextPatternRange kelas , mendukung atribut, properti dan metode teks dasar. Untuk fungsi khusus kontrol yang tidak didukung oleh TextPattern atau TextPatternRange, AutomationElement kelas menyediakan metode bagi klien UI Automation untuk mengakses model objek asli yang sesuai.

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