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Menggunakan foreach untuk menghapus item dalam BlockingCollection

Selain mengambil item dari BlockingCollection<T> menggunakan metode Take dan TryTake, Anda juga dapat menggunakan foreach (For Each di Visual Basic) dengan BlockingCollection<T>.GetConsumingEnumerable untuk menghapus item sampai penambahan selesai dan koleksi kosong. Ini disebut enumerasi bermutasi atau enumerasi konsumsi karena, tidak seperti perulangan foreach (For Each) pada umumnya, enumerator ini memodifikasi koleksi sumber dengan menghapus item.


Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara menghapus semua item dalam BlockingCollection<T> menggunakan perulangan foreach (For Each).

using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

class Example
    // Limit the collection size to 2000 items at any given time.
    // Set itemsToProduce to > 500 to hit the limit.
    const int UpperLimit = 1000;

    // Adjust this number to see how it impacts the producing-consuming pattern.
    const int ItemsToProduce = 100;

    static readonly BlockingCollection<long> Collection =
        new BlockingCollection<long>(UpperLimit);

    // Variables for diagnostic output only.
    static readonly Stopwatch Stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
    static int TotalAdditions = 0;

    static async Task Main()

        // Queue the consumer task.
        var consumerTask = Task.Run(() => RunConsumer());

        // Queue the producer tasks.
        var produceTaskOne = Task.Run(() => RunProducer("A", 0));
        var produceTaskTwo = Task.Run(() => RunProducer("B", ItemsToProduce));
        var producerTasks = new[] { produceTaskOne , produceTaskTwo };

        // Create a cleanup task that will call CompleteAdding after
        // all producers are done adding items.
        var cleanupTask = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(producerTasks, _ => Collection.CompleteAdding());

        // Wait for all tasks to complete
        await Task.WhenAll(consumerTask, produceTaskOne, produceTaskTwo, cleanupTask);

        // Keep the console window open while the
        // consumer thread completes its output.
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit");

    static void RunProducer(string id, int start)
        var additions = 0;
        for (var i = start; i < start + ItemsToProduce; i++)
            // The data that is added to the collection.
            var ticks = Stopwatch.ElapsedTicks;

            // Display additions and subtractions.
            Console.WriteLine($"{id} adding tick value {ticks}. item# {i}");

            if (!Collection.IsAddingCompleted)

            // Counter for demonstration purposes only.

            // Comment this line to speed up the producer threads.

        Interlocked.Add(ref TotalAdditions, additions);
        Console.WriteLine($"{id} is done adding: {additions} items");

    static void RunConsumer()
        // GetConsumingEnumerable returns the enumerator for the underlying collection.
        var subtractions = 0;
        foreach (var item in Collection.GetConsumingEnumerable())
                $"Consuming tick value {item:D18} : item# {subtractions++} : current count = {Collection.Count}");

            $"Total added: {TotalAdditions} Total consumed: {subtractions} Current count: {Collection.Count}");

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Collections.Concurrent

Module EnumerateBC

    Class Program
        ' Limit the collection size to 2000 items
        ' at any given time. Set itemsToProduce to >500
        ' to hit the limit.
        Const upperLimit As Integer = 1000

        ' Adjust this number to see how it impacts
        ' the producing-consuming pattern.
        Const itemsToProduce As Integer = 100

        Shared collection As BlockingCollection(Of Long) = New BlockingCollection(Of Long)(upperLimit)

        ' Variables for diagnostic output only.
        Shared sw As New Stopwatch()
        Shared totalAdditions As Integer = 0

        ' Counter for synchronizing producers.
        Shared producersStillRunning As Integer = 2

        Shared Sub Main()

            ' Start the stopwatch.
            ' Queue the Producer threads. 

            Dim task1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() RunProducer("A", 0))
            Dim task2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() RunProducer("B", itemsToProduce))

            ' Store in an array for use with ContinueWhenAll
            Dim producers() As Task = {task1, task2}

            ' Create a cleanup task that will call CompleteAdding after
            ' all producers are done adding items.
            Dim cleanup As Task = Task.Factory.ContinueWhenAll(producers, Sub(p) collection.CompleteAdding())

            ' Queue the Consumer thread. Put this call
            ' before Parallel.Invoke to begin consuming as soon as
            ' the producers add items.
            Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() RunConsumer())

            ' Keep the console window open while the
            ' consumer thread completes its output.

        End Sub

        Shared Sub RunProducer(ByVal ID As String, ByVal start As Integer)
            Dim additions As Integer = 0

            For i As Integer = start To start + itemsToProduce - 1

                ' The data that is added to the collection.
                Dim ticks As Long = sw.ElapsedTicks

                'Display additions and subtractions.
                Console.WriteLine("{0} adding tick value {1}. item# {2}", ID, ticks, i)

                ' Don't try to add item after CompleteAdding
                ' has been called.
                If collection.IsAddingCompleted = False Then
                End If

                ' Counter for demonstration purposes only.
                additions = additions + 1

                ' Uncomment this line to 
                ' slow down the producer threads without sleeping.

            Interlocked.Add(totalAdditions, additions)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} is done adding: {1} items", ID, additions)

        End Sub

        Shared Sub RunConsumer()
            ' GetConsumingEnumerable returns the enumerator for the 
            ' underlying collection.
            Dim subtractions As Integer = 0

            For Each item In collection.GetConsumingEnumerable

                subtractions = subtractions + 1
                Console.WriteLine("Consuming tick value {0} : item# {1} : current count = {2}",
                                  item.ToString("D18"), subtractions, collection.Count)

            Console.WriteLine("Total added: {0} Total consumed: {1} Current count: {2} ",
                                    totalAdditions, subtractions, collection.Count())

            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.")
        End Sub

    End Class
End Module

Contoh ini menggunakan perulangan foreach dengan metode BlockingCollection<T>.GetConsumingEnumerable dalam alur yang mengkonsumsi, yang menyebabkan setiap item dihapus dari koleksi disaat yang sama ia dienumerasi. System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection<T> membatasi jumlah maksimum item yang ada dalam koleksi kapan saja. Melakukan enumerasi koleksi dengan cara ini memblokir alur konsumen saat tidak ada item yang tersedia atau jika koleksi kosong. Dalam contoh ini pemblokiran tidak menjadi perhatian karena alur produsen menambahkan item lebih cepat daripada yang dapat dikonsumsi.

BlockingCollection<T>.GetConsumingEnumerable menampilkan IEnumerable<T>, sehingga urutan tidak dapat dijamin. Namun, secara internal System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue<T> digunakan sebagai jenis koleksi yang mendasarinya - yang akan menghapus objek dari antrean mengikuti pemesanan first-in-first-out (FIFO). Jika panggilan bersamaan ke BlockingCollection<T>.GetConsumingEnumerable dilakukan, mereka akan bersaing. Satu item yang dikonsumsi (dihapus dari antrean) dalam satu enumerasi tidak dapat diamati di tempat lain.

Untuk melakukan enumerasi koleksi tanpa memodifikasinya, cukup gunakan foreach (For Each) tanpa metode GetConsumingEnumerable. Namun, penting untuk dipahami bahwa enumerasi semacam ini merupakan snapshot dari koleksi pada titik waktu yang tepat. Jika alur lain menambahkan atau menghapus item secara bersamaan saat Anda menjalankan perulangan, maka perulangan mungkin tidak merepresentasikan keadaan sebenarnya dari koleksi.

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