Cara: Mengimplementasikan Partisi untuk Pemartisian Statik
Contoh berikut menunjukkan salah satu cara untuk mengimplementasikan partisi kustom sederhana untuk PLINQ yang melakukan partisi statik. Karena partisi tidak mendukung partisi dinamis, partisi tersebut tidak dapat dikonsumsi dari Parallel.ForEach. Partisi khusus ini mungkin memberikan percepatan pada partisi rentang default{i>
// A static range partitioner for sources that require
// a linear increase in processing time for each succeeding element.
// The range sizes are calculated based on the rate of increase
// with the first partition getting the most elements and the
// last partition getting the least.
class MyPartitioner : Partitioner<int>
int[] source;
double rateOfIncrease = 0;
public MyPartitioner(int[] source, double rate)
this.source = source;
rateOfIncrease = rate;
public override IEnumerable<int> GetDynamicPartitions()
throw new NotImplementedException();
// Not consumable from Parallel.ForEach.
public override bool SupportsDynamicPartitions
return false;
public override IList<IEnumerator<int>> GetPartitions(int partitionCount)
List<IEnumerator<int>> _list = new List<IEnumerator<int>>();
int end = 0;
int start = 0;
int[] nums = CalculatePartitions(partitionCount, source.Length);
for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i++)
start = nums[i];
if (i < nums.Length - 1)
end = nums[i + 1];
end = source.Length;
_list.Add(GetItemsForPartition(start, end));
// For demonstration.
Console.WriteLine("start = {0} b (end) = {1}", start, end);
return (IList<IEnumerator<int>>)_list;
* B
// Model increasing workloads as a right triangle / |
divided into equal areas along vertical lines. / | |
Each partition is taller and skinnier / | |
than the last. / | | |
/ | | |
/ | | |
/ | | | |
/ | | | |
A /______|____|___|__| C
private int[] CalculatePartitions(int partitionCount, int sourceLength)
// Corresponds to the opposite side of angle A, which corresponds
// to an index into the source array.
int[] partitionLimits = new int[partitionCount];
partitionLimits[0] = 0;
// Represent total work as rectangle of source length times "most expensive element"
// Note: RateOfIncrease can be factored out of equation.
double totalWork = sourceLength * (sourceLength * rateOfIncrease);
// Divide by two to get the triangle whose slope goes from zero on the left to "most"
// on the right. Then divide by number of partitions to get area of each partition.
totalWork /= 2;
double partitionArea = totalWork / partitionCount;
// Draw the next partitionLimit on the vertical coordinate that gives
// an area of partitionArea * currentPartition.
for (int i = 1; i < partitionLimits.Length; i++)
double area = partitionArea * i;
// Solve for base given the area and the slope of the hypotenuse.
partitionLimits[i] = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Sqrt((2 * area) / rateOfIncrease));
return partitionLimits;
IEnumerator<int> GetItemsForPartition(int start, int end)
// For demonstration purposes. Each thread receives its own enumerator.
Console.WriteLine("called on thread {0}", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
yield return source[i];
class Consumer
public static void Main2()
var source = Enumerable.Range(0, 10000).ToArray();
Stopwatch sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
MyPartitioner partitioner = new MyPartitioner(source, .5);
var query = from n in partitioner.AsParallel()
select ProcessData(n);
foreach (var v in query) { }
Console.WriteLine("Processing time with custom partitioner {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
var source2 = Enumerable.Range(0, 10000).ToArray();
sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var query2 = from n in source2.AsParallel()
select ProcessData(n);
foreach (var v in query2) { }
Console.WriteLine("Processing time with default partitioner {0}", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
// Consistent processing time for measurement purposes.
static int ProcessData(int i)
Thread.SpinWait(i * 1000);
return i;
Partisi dalam contoh ini didasarkan pada asumsi peningkatan linier dalam waktu pemrosesan untuk setiap elemen. Di dunia nyata, mungkin sulit untuk memprediksi waktu pemrosesan dengan cara ini. Jika menggunakan partisi statik dengan sumber data tertentu, Anda dapat mengoptimalkan rumus partisi untuk sumber, menambahkan logika penyeimbangan beban, atau menggunakan pendekatan partisi gugus seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam Cara: Mengimplementasikan Partisi Dinamis.