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Mengganti Objek Prinsipal

Aplikasi yang menyediakan layanan autentikasi harus dapat mengganti objek Prinsipal (IPrincipal) untuk utas tertentu. Selain itu, sistem keamanan harus membantu melindungi kemampuan untuk mengganti objek Prinsipal karena Prinsipal yang dilampirkan dengan jahat dan salah membahayakan keamanan aplikasi Anda dengan mengklaim identitas atau peran yang tidak benar. Oleh karena itu, aplikasi yang memerlukan kemampuan untuk mengganti objek Prinsipal harus diberikan objek System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission untuk kontrol prinsipal. (Perhatikan bahwa izin ini tidak diperlukan untuk melakukan pemeriksaan keamanan berbasis peran atau untuk membuat objek Prinsipal.)

Objek Prinsipal saat ini dapat diganti dengan melakukan tugas berikut:

  1. Buat objek Prinsipal pengganti dan objek Identitas terkait.

  2. Lampirkan objek Prinsipal baru ke konteks panggilan.


Contoh berikut menunjukkan cara membuat objek prinsipal generik dan menggunakannya untuk mengatur prinsipal utas.

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Security.Permissions;
using System.Security.Principal;

class SecurityPrincipalDemo
    public static void Main()
        // Retrieve a GenericPrincipal that is based on the current user's
        // WindowsIdentity.
        GenericPrincipal genericPrincipal = GetGenericPrincipal();

        // Retrieve the generic identity of the GenericPrincipal object.
        GenericIdentity principalIdentity =

        // Display the identity name and authentication type.
        if (principalIdentity.IsAuthenticated)
            Console.WriteLine("Type:" + principalIdentity.AuthenticationType);

        // Verify that the generic principal has been assigned the
        // NetworkUser role.
        if (genericPrincipal.IsInRole("NetworkUser"))
            Console.WriteLine("User belongs to the NetworkUser role.");

        Thread.CurrentPrincipal = genericPrincipal;

    // Create a generic principal based on values from the current
    // WindowsIdentity.
    private static GenericPrincipal GetGenericPrincipal()
        // Use values from the current WindowsIdentity to construct
        // a set of GenericPrincipal roles.
        WindowsIdentity windowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent();
        string[] roles = new string[10];
        if (windowsIdentity.IsAuthenticated)
            // Add custom NetworkUser role.
            roles[0] = "NetworkUser";

        if (windowsIdentity.IsGuest)
            // Add custom GuestUser role.
            roles[1] = "GuestUser";

        if (windowsIdentity.IsSystem)
            // Add custom SystemUser role.
            roles[2] = "SystemUser";

        // Construct a GenericIdentity object based on the current Windows
        // identity name and authentication type.
        string authenticationType = windowsIdentity.AuthenticationType!;
        string userName = windowsIdentity.Name;
        GenericIdentity genericIdentity =
            new GenericIdentity(userName, authenticationType);

        // Construct a GenericPrincipal object based on the generic identity
        // and custom roles for the user.
        GenericPrincipal genericPrincipal =
            new GenericPrincipal(genericIdentity, roles);

        return genericPrincipal;
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Security.Permissions
Imports System.Security.Principal

Class SecurityPrincipalDemo

    ' Create a generic principal based on values from the current
    ' WindowsIdentity.
    Private Shared Function GetGenericPrincipal() As GenericPrincipal
        ' Use values from the current WindowsIdentity to construct
        ' a set of GenericPrincipal roles.
        Dim windowsIdentity As WindowsIdentity = windowsIdentity.GetCurrent()
        Dim roles(9) As String
        If windowsIdentity.IsAuthenticated Then
            ' Add custom NetworkUser role.
            roles(0) = "NetworkUser"
        End If

        If windowsIdentity.IsGuest Then
            ' Add custom GuestUser role.
            roles(1) = "GuestUser"
        End If

        If windowsIdentity.IsSystem Then
            ' Add custom SystemUser role.
            roles(2) = "SystemUser"
        End If

        ' Construct a GenericIdentity object based on the current Windows
        ' identity name and authentication type.
        Dim authenticationType As String = windowsIdentity.AuthenticationType
        Dim userName As String = windowsIdentity.Name
        Dim genericIdentity As New GenericIdentity(userName, authenticationType)

        ' Construct a GenericPrincipal object based on the generic identity
        ' and custom roles for the user.
        Dim genericPrincipal As New GenericPrincipal(genericIdentity, roles)

        Return genericPrincipal

    End Function 'GetGenericPrincipal

    Public Shared Sub Main()
        ' Retrieve a GenericPrincipal that is based on the current user's
        ' WindowsIdentity.
        Dim genericPrincipal As GenericPrincipal = GetGenericPrincipal()

        ' Retrieve the generic identity of the GenericPrincipal object.
        Dim principalIdentity As GenericIdentity = CType(genericPrincipal.Identity, GenericIdentity)

        ' Display the identity name and authentication type.
        If principalIdentity.IsAuthenticated Then
            Console.WriteLine("Type:" + principalIdentity.AuthenticationType)
        End If

        ' Verify that the generic principal has been assigned the
        ' NetworkUser role.
        If genericPrincipal.IsInRole("NetworkUser") Then
            Console.WriteLine("User belongs to the NetworkUser role.")
        End If

        Thread.CurrentPrincipal = genericPrincipal

    End Sub

End Class

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