Petty cash management for Commerce for Eastern Europe

This article contains information about Eastern European localization specific for the commerce industry.

In accordance with the Eastern Europe accounting requirements, you can set up operations for cash accounts to automate the processes for receipts, cash documents and cash reports. For more information, go to (EEUR) Set up parameters for cash management.

Retailers can accept various types of payment in exchange for the products and services that they sell. Although cash is the most common form of payment, retailers can also receive payment in the form of checks, cards, or vouchers. In Retail point of sale (POS), cash, credit card receipts, and other payments are processed through a cash office.

You can do the following by using Cash management in Commerce:

  • Create a cash account for the selected payment method for each store.
  • Use cash journals to post cash transactions and customer payments that are received at a retail POS.
  • Aggregate transactions in a statement line when you post a statement. You can aggregate safe drops, bank drops, voucher transactions, remove tender transactions, float entry transactions, income transactions, expense transactions, customer payments, sales transactions, and return transactions.

All transactions that take place in POS are posted using a ledger journal. You can use cash payment journals, customer payment journals, and general journals to create and post the statements. For more information, go to Create, calculate, and post statements for a retail store.

On the Posted statements page, on the Action Pane, you can do the following:

  • Go to Inquiries > Cash payment journal to access the cash payment journals that are related to the statement.
  • Go to Inquiries > General journal to access the ledger journals that are related to the statement, other than customer payments and cash payments.

Set up for cash management for POS

You must complete the following setup procedure before you use cash management:

  • Set up a payment method for each payment type that the retailer accepts on the Payment methods page. You can use different payment methods for posting transactions in POS. For more information about payment methods, see Payment methods.
  • Set up parameters for cash operations.
  • Set up a payment method for cash payments in a store.

Set up parameters for cash operations

You can set up parameters to create and post cash transactions in Commerce. You can use cash payment journals, customer payment journals, or general journals to post sales transactions and payment transactions in the POS. You can aggregate transactions that have the same properties when you post a statement.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Commerce parameters. In the left pane, click Posting.

  2. In the Posting area, on the Aggregation FastTab, set Tender remove/float to Yes to aggregate the remove tender transactions or float entry transactions that are associated with a statement line when you post the statement. A remove tender transaction is created when you withdraw cash from the POS cash drawer. A float entry transaction is created when you deposit cash in the POS cash drawer.

  3. Activate the individual parameters listed below to aggregate the transactions that are associated with a statement line when you post the statement:

    • Bank drop – Aggregate bank transactions.
    • Safe drop – Aggregate safe transactions.
    • Income/Expense transactions – Aggregate income transactions or expense transactions.
    • Voucher transactions – Aggregate voucher transactions.
    • Customer payments – Aggregate customer payments.
    • Sales and returns – Aggregate sales and returns transactions.
  4. On the Payments FastTab, select a default journal name for the following options:

    • Customer payment journal – This journal is used to post customer payments.
    • Cash payment journal – This journal is used to post cash payments.
    • General journal – This journal is used to post transactions other than cash payments and customer payments.

Set up a payment method for cash payments in a store

Use the following procedure to set up a payment method for cash payments in a store.

  1. Go to Retail and Commerce > Channels > Stores > All stores.

  2. On the All stores list page, select the store to set up a payment method for.

  3. On the Action Pane, on the Set up tab, in the Set up group, click Payment methods.

  4. On the Payment method page, create or select a payment method.

  5. On the Posting FastTab, in the Account field group, in the Account type field, select Cash account.


    You can select Cash account in the Account type field only if you select Normal or Tender remove/float in the Function field.

  6. In the Account number field, select a cash account number for the payment method.

  7. In the Tender remove/float field group, in the Offset account field, select the offset account to post remove tender or float entry transactions for the payment method.


You must set up offset accounts for both the cash tender payment method and the remove tender or float entry payment method for a store. This creates balanced general ledger entries for remove tender or float entry transactions.