GameChat2 members
Classe | Description |
chat_manager | Provides management functionality for interacting with Game Chat 2. |
chat_user | Represents an individual local or remote user that has been added to the local chat_manager instance. |
chat_user_local | A subclass encapsulating the operations possible on local users only. |
post_decode_audio_sink_stream | Represents the outbound-data side of the remote audio manipulation pipeline. |
post_decode_audio_source_stream | Represents the inbound-data side of the remote audio manipulation pipeline. |
pre_encode_audio_stream | Represents the local audio manipulation pipeline. |
Function | Description |
game_chat_allocate_memory_callback | A callback invoked every time a new memory buffer must be dynamically allocated by the Game Chat library. |
game_chat_free_memory_callback | Represents a callback invoked every time a previously-allocated memory buffer is no longer needed by the Game Chat 2 library and can be freed. |
Structure | Description |
game_chat_audio_format | Describes the format information needed to interpret Game Chat 2 audio data. |
game_chat_communication_relationship_adjuster_changed_state_change | Represents information specific to the game_chat_state_change_type::communication_relationship_adjuster_changed state change. |
game_chat_data_frame | Represents information about outgoing Game Chat 2 data that must be delivered to remote Game Chat 2 endpoints. |
game_chat_state_change | Represents a generic, base structure for an event, change in state, or outgoing data. |
game_chat_stream_state_change | A generic, base structure representation of an event for audio manipulation streams. |
game_chat_text_chat_received_state_change | Represents information specific to the game_chat_state_change_type::text_chat_received state change. |
game_chat_text_conversion_preference_changed_state_change | Represents information specific to the game_chat_state_change_type::text_conversion_preference_changed state change. |
game_chat_transcribed_chat_received_state_change | Represents information specific to the game_chat_state_change_type::transcribed_chat_received state change. |
Enumeration | Description |
game_chat_audio_encoding_bitrate | Defines the audio encoding bit rate that Game Chat 2 uses for generating outgoing audio packets. |
game_chat_audio_manipulation_mode_flags | Represents the requested audio manipulation feature status. |
game_chat_communication_relationship_adjuster | Defines the extra adjustment steps applied by Game Chat 2 to a communication relationship that was previously set by calling chat_user_local::set_communication_relationship. |
game_chat_communication_relationship_flags | Defines the communication relationship between two users. |
game_chat_data_transport_requirement | Defines the data transport requirements for outgoing data. |
game_chat_sample_type | Describes the data type that represents a single Game Chat 2 audio sample. |
game_chat_shared_device_communication_relationship_resolution_mode | Defines how Game Chat 2 should resolve communication relationship conflicts for users that are on a shared device, such as Kinect. |
game_chat_speech_to_text_conversion_mode | Defines the speech-to-text conversion modes available to Game Chat 2. |
game_chat_state_change_type | Defines the types of game_chat_state_change objects that can be reported by chat_manager::start_processing_state_changes. |
game_chat_stream_state_change_type | Defines the types of game_chat_stream_state_change objects that can be reported by chat_manager::start_processing_stream_state_changes. |
game_chat_thread_id | Defines the types of threads that Game Chat 2 uses for internal purposes. |
game_chat_user_chat_indicator | Defines the current chat status of a user in relationship to the local users. |