
Invoked by XSAPI to request the client to perform a local storage read operation.


void XblLocalStorageReadHandler(  
         void* context,  
         XblClientOperationHandle operation,  
         XblUserHandle user,  
         const char* key  


context   _In_opt_
Type: void*

Optional pointer to data used by the event handler.

operation   _In_
Type: XblClientOperationHandle

The handle for this operation.

user   _In_
Type: XblUserHandle

The user for which XSAPI is requesting the read.

key   _In_z_
Type: char*

Identifies the data being read.

Return value

Type: void


When the operation is complete, XblLocalStorageReadComplete should be called. Apart from context, all parameters are owned by XSAPI and are guaranteed to be valid until the operation is complete. If the requested key is not found, the client should complete with XblClientOperationResult::Success and no data.


Header: platform_c.h

Library: Microsoft.Xbox.Services.141.GSDK.C.lib

See also
