

Enumeration Description
XblPresenceFilter The filter level of information. Title will only show users associated with a particular title.
XblRelationshipFilter Possible relationship types to filter by.
XblSocialManagerEventType The types of possible social manager events.
XblSocialManagerExtraDetailLevel Controls how much information is exposed in each xbox_live_social_graph_user. Detail level can only be set on construction of social_manager.
XblSocialUserGroupType Identifies type of social user group created.


Function Description
XblSocialManagerAddLocalUser Create a social graph for the specified local user.
XblSocialManagerCreateSocialUserGroupFromFilters Constructs a XblSocialManagerUserGroup, which is a collection of users with social information.
XblSocialManagerCreateSocialUserGroupFromList Constructs a social XblSocialManagerUserGroup, which is a collection of users with social information.
XblSocialManagerDestroySocialUserGroup Destroys a created Social User Group.
XblSocialManagerDoWork Called whenever the title wants to update the social graph and get list of change events.
XblSocialManagerGetLocalUserCount Get the number of local users currently tracked by SocialManager.
XblSocialManagerGetLocalUsers Returns user handles for all users tracked by SocialManager.
XblSocialManagerPresenceRecordIsUserPlayingTitle Query whether the user associated with the provided presence record is playing a given title id.
XblSocialManagerRemoveLocalUser Immediately removes a social graph for the specified local user.
XblSocialManagerSetRichPresencePollingStatus Sets whether to enable social manager to poll every 30 seconds from the presence service.
XblSocialManagerUpdateSocialUserGroup Updates specified social user group to new group of users.
XblSocialManagerUserGroupGetFilters Gets the filters for a filter group.
XblSocialManagerUserGroupGetLocalUser Gets local user the group is associated with.
XblSocialManagerUserGroupGetType Gets the type of a Social Manager user group.
XblSocialManagerUserGroupGetUsers Gets an XblSocialManagerUserPtrArray of the users tracked by the user group.
XblSocialManagerUserGroupGetUsersTrackedByGroup Gets a pointer to an XSAPI owned array of xuids tracked by the group.


Handle Description
XblSocialManagerUserGroupHandle A handle to a social manager user group.


Structure Description
XblPreferredColor Preferred color for the user. Set via the shell.
XblSocialManagerEvent An event that something in the social graph has changed.
XblSocialManagerPresenceRecord Social manager presence record. Shows information on users current presence status and stores title records.
XblSocialManagerPresenceTitleRecord Social manager version of the presence title record. Gives information about different titles presence information.
XblSocialManagerUser Xbox Social User that contains profile, presence, preferred color, and title history data.
XblTitleHistory Data about whether the user has played the title.